Chapter 12

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----No One's Pov---

Takao who is bring some bag's, since they will just stay in 3 or just 2 day's in Akashi's mansion. Takao who is looking for something. The door behind close by Imayoshi and Nebuya. "Where's the pet?? Akashi Sama I thought you have a pet?" Takao asked, making the butler's stunned.

"My Pet might be busy playing" Akashi chuckle. Midorima adjust his glasses. "Then bring us where he actually play" Midorima said, while Takao nodded his head. Mitobe and Hyuuga carry their bags. Akashi walked that they followed. 'Such a big mansion that Shin-Chan's friend have... more bigger than Shin-Chan's mansion than I expected..' Takao thought himself. Looking around, he wave at the butler's and wave at the two maids.

Akashi opened a door.. then their eye's widened of what they saw. Kuroko was being patted by Mayuzumi, they can see that the bluenette liking it.  Mayuzumi panick "W-Wait!! Kuroko your M-Master is here!" Mayuzumi panick. Kuroko looked at his Master and wave. He looked at behind him. Akashi saw how close Kuroko to someone else. He didn't like what he saw the bluenette being touch.. by someone else, being pat that Kuroko is liking it.

"Akashi?" Midorima called, Akashi walk to the bluenette. "Master?" He grab the bluenette's one arm and force him to stand up, he gave a little cold gaze on Mayuzumi. Mayuzumi gulped, he stand up and bowed at the Emperor. "S-Sorry Akashi Sama, I-It won't happen again" Mayuzumi just pat him earlier because Kuroko want's to be pat.

Midorima was stunned of how Akashi pull the bluenette closer to him. The butler bowed all of them and walk out to the big room. "Tetsuya, this is Midorima Shintarou and this is his friend, Takao Kazunari" the Emperor introduce them. Their's no mistaken that Takao saw how fear the butler earlier. 'This Akashi Seijuro.. is in very different level than I thought.. different level that far away from Shin-Chan..' Takao thought himself.

"And you are!?" Takao said excitedly. "Kuroko Tetsuya" Kuroko replied blankly, his tail was wiggling slowly. He replied blankly as ever when it come's to guest. "Your the... Pet??" Midorima asked him, Kuroko nodded in reply. Midorima looked at Kuroko's neck, has a cat's collar with a bell on it.

"I thought it was a dog or a cat animal nanodayo, but it seems a human creature" Midorima suggested. "Shintarou he is a creature bit he is also a human" Akashi who talk back to Midorima with a smile, patting the bluenette's head softly.

"What should I call him Master?" Kuroko looked at his Master. "Midorima is fine with me Nanodayo, don't ask always at your  Master. You can make a decision on your own" Midorima explained.

'Decision.. On My own?' Kuroko tilt his head. "Then Midorima Kun" he spoke."Shintarou your well spoken, he just obeyed what I command and what I want, Shintarou" Akashi pull the bluenette closed to him.

"He is My Pet after all"

Takao looked at the both of them. Kuroko looked at his Master with his cat eye's. He can see Akashi's smirk on his face while looking at the green headed man, infront of them. 'Are they fighting?' Kuroko thought himself. "Akashi Sama, Midorima Sama and Takao Sama, lunch is ready" Nebuya and Hayama spoke. Hayama wave at Kuroko, while Kuroko wave back. "Master, lunch is ready" Kuroko looked up a little to look at his Master.

"Yes, indeed it is, Shintarou and Kazunari, let's talk at the dining room, shall we?" Akashi said with a smile, Midorima spoke "Wait, Here is Kuroko's lucky Item nanodayo" he open a small bag that Takao was carrying, "Since he is an Aquarious, this is his Lucky Item, A dolphin keychaine, I hope you like it" the bluenette raised his two hand's, showing his palm open that Midorima put it in his palm. Kuroko looked at it. "It's pretty..." his eye's sparkles that his tail fastly lit up and his cat ear's. His cat tail, swiftly swing to left and right fastly a little.

Akashi chuckle at his cute reaction. 'KAWAIII' Takao thought himself and gonna pat Kuroko, but he suddenly felt Akashi's gaze on him. He just pat the bluenette slowly. "Let's go eat! Shin-Chan!" Takao who left at the room. "Yes Yes, just wait for me there Takao Nanodayo" He adjust his glasses and left the two alone. "Master, it's lunch, don't you want to eat Master??" He looked up to him.

Akashi smiled, "I want to eat, of course. " Akashi smiled. Kuroko smiled, he was gonna walk when Akashi pulled him so close by holding his hand. "Master..?" Kuroko was confused why he act like this. "Your nail's grew Tetsuya" he chuckle, he caresses his pet's cheek. The Emperor let go of his hand and stop caressing it. He then goes out to the room. Kuroko was confused. The bluenette looked at his hand that Akashi hold earlier. He walk out to the big room and close the door.


Midorima looked at Akashi who is arriving. Takao was already eating. "Good Afternoon Akashi Sama" Reo and Mitobe bowed when he pass them. 'They sure very respectful to him.. ' Takao thought himself while eating his food. Midorima adjust his glasses. "Where's Kuroko?" He asked. Then he saw the bluenette just behind the Emperor.

"I'm here Midorima Kun" Kuroko spoke and bowed respectfully. He then sat at the other side of the chair. They all start eating, Akashi sat at the chair and start's eating. "Shintarou, I heard you told me that his arriving soon" Akashi spoke with a smirk. Kuroko was confused again. 'Arriving?? Who?? Another Miracle?' He thought himself.

Takao know's what they mean. "He seems so annoying that he called me Every night just to say "Hello", good thing I didn't answer it. Since his annoying as hell nanodayo" Midorima facepalm, making the Emperor chuckle. "He seems excited to see you" The Emperor spoke.

"Master.. who is Midorima Kun's telling???" He looked at his Master. "His coming soon, Tesuya" Akashi spoke in a warm tone to his beloved pet. Kuroko was wondering who are they talking about. He looked at Takao, Takao just eating and pretend he don't know.

He wonder's.. 'Who was he..?' He thought and looked at Midorima who was eating. "Will you tell me Midorima Kun?" Kuroko tilt his head and asked a question. "If your Master is alright with it? Am I correct... Akashi?" Midorima asked a permission. "Yes, you can tell" Akashi smirk.

"He is one of the Miracle's.. quite stubborn and annoying but he has a strong power as well, he is a copy user" Midorima explained to the bluenette. "Copy User?" He tilt his head. "Yes"
"Will you tell me his name??" He asked again, curiously at this person.

"His Name Is....

Kise Ryouta"


At the Airport..

"Yes-ssu!!!!" He cheered happily. He is a model, he has a yellow hair with yellow eye's. He has a one silver earring in his other ear. "I am back in Japan!!" He smirk, that he get off on the plane. He has a body guard who had an Irk mark, he kicked him "Stop Being Noisy You Idiot!!!" Kicking him. "So Mean-ssu!!!" He whined like a child.

"Kasamatsu Senpai.. I am quite happy to meet them again" Kise smirk. "I wonder how is he... and the other's Midorimacchi, Aominecchi..Kagamicchi and even..Murasakabaracchi"

And Kiss added.. "Most of all, Our Leader... Akashicchi.. I wonder if he change or not..

He is not  a normal human after all.."

"C'mon Kise!"

Kasamatsu Yukio was his butler, one of his butler. Kasamatsu facepalm. "Used the Limousin, I will used my car! For tomorrow.. I will surprise Akashicchi in his building! Tomorrow early at the morning!" He jump high, that he land down perfectly.

He goes inside his own luxurious yellow car. He drove off fastly. 'That Idiot!!' Kasamatsu thought himself with an Irk mark.

While him...

Kise Ryouta...thought himself..

'I wonder how they change.. since back then.. I am so happy to see them'

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