Chapter 44

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----No One's Pov---

It was Morning..

"Hey Bakagami let's visit Akashi! Go into his building!!" Aomine shouted far away while his eating burger's. "What the fuck did you just call me Ahomine!!" Kagami shouted back, while Midorima was buying his lucky item, his frog wallet.

While Murasakibara buyed some food in every restaurant. "Kise-chin.. Want some?.." Murasakibara asked. Kise shake his head. "Let's  go to the mall-ssu!! Some shopping!!!" Kise said cheerly. "But Mine-chin and Kaga-chin said they will go too.. what about Mido-chin..??" The lazy giant yawned.

"I don't know.. maybe we can ask him!!" Kise shouted. "Midorimacchi is always laying around and buying his lucky items anyway" Kise sigh, even Murasakibara.

Then they saw the two of them, Aomine and Kagami are fighting again. Kise facepalm to himself. "Is this always happen-ssu!!!" Kise whined. While Murasakibara didn't care and just ate his food.

Midorima whisper to himself that he adjust his glasses.. "Idiot's.." he look at Murasakibara who was still eating. Kise who was trying to stop him.

Midorima goes to his car.. 'It seemed I will be the first to arrive at Akashi's mansion nanodayo..' Midorima thought to himself as he drove off.

"Midorimacchii!!! Waittt!!" Kise shouted, but he already left. Murasakibara munch his food as he talk to Kise.. "It seemed Mido-chin will go to Aka-chin's mansion.." Murasakibara look at Kise.

Kagami clicked his tounge and goes into his car. "I'll be the first one!" He started the engine while Aomine smirk and goes to his car.

"I will be the one!" Kagami and Aomine started drove off fastly. Kise sigh tiredly. Kise goes to his car.. "Kise-chin.. can I have a ride?.. I forgot that I have a car.. but I take the bus earlier.. can I ride?" He yawned. Kise facepalm. "Yes-ssu!" He knew this lazy giant is very very lazy to himself.

When Midorima take the other side, he uses the shortcut but he knew something was wrong when his driving. Everything turns dark that it surrounded Midorima. Someone was gonna attack at the top of the car, he fastly goes out.

His eye's widened, when their's a child, has a lovely puppet, has a curly pigtails. She smirk. "You must be Midorima Shintarou. One of the Miracle's" she hugged his teddy bear.

"Play with me.."

'Damn it.. this will be longer than I thought.. but I can see that it seemed they planned something' he was gonna call Aomine, but the fastly attack. Her attack was not like other's. She control's every puppet she have.

"Let's play!!!" she smirk that her teddy bear suddenly growing little that the skin of the bear is changing. It was huge. While the child hold the string. The other doll's suddenly turning themselves into a spear with many color's.

Every doll smirk. "Yes.. Let's play, we want to play" the doll's change themselves that spine's at their body slowly appearing their true self.


While the room.. Kuroko woke up, he felt an arm's around him. Akashi open his eye's softly, he saw the bluenette was already woke up. "Good Morning" Akashi smiled, he was shirtless even the bluenette.

"Good Morning Master.." he softly whisper, rubbing his eye's softly. Akashi smiled, that  he look at the bluenette, he gave him a Morning Kiss. Akashi chuckle that he like Kuroko's soft blush. He tiuch his cat ear again that Kuroko fastly move away. "Please d-don't!!" Akashi chuckle again.

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