Chapter 3

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----No One's Pov----

Kuroko wake up in a blurred.. two maid's and two butlers. The two butler's have black hair and has glasses, while the other has black hair and eye's that has eagle eye's. He woke up fastly and sat up. "I-It's not.. a Human.. Riko Chan!" The pink haired girl said in a shock.

"I know!" The girl with brown hair fastly nodded, while the other adjust his glasses "It seem's Akashi Sama, adopted-------" he was cut off when Kuroko fastly tried to escape.

"EH! WAIT! Izuki! Use your eagle eye of where is he going!!" Izuki nodded. He uses his eagle eye, and saw the whole hallway, then he saw it.

He was running away. "SOMEONE STOP THAT CAT!" While with the glasses, shouted. The three of them nodded.

They run and split up.. "Aha!" Kuroko sweatdrop.. he has no choice, he fastly run into the the middle of the pink girl's legs, he ran like a cat. He start's to run more faster and faster until he bumped into someone, he has white hair and a silver eye's. "I'm sorry.." Kuroko spoke.. "MAYUZUMI KUN!! DON'T LET HIM ESCAPE!" The brown short female shouted.

The white haired man nodded that he almost grab his tail but escape again from the middle of his legs. He ran like a cat, his cat eye's is sharper than them.. 'Where Am I!! Where should I escape!!' He thought himself, bumping into someone that is carrying food.

The white haired and the eagle eye man shouted  "Watch Out!!-" the tray of food fall down. "What the! A human Cat!?!" He is very tall, has black hair and glasses. Many tried to stop him in every hallway.

Until they locked him up together.. "I.. GOT YOU!" Kuroko dodge and hiss, he stand up now like a person, that he is finding where he could find to climb. He saw a kitchen and fastly run fastly, he used his claws to climb at the big fridge.

All of them are stunned by this cat. "W-Where Am I?!.." he shouted in fear, he has fear of people that force him. The white haired man, brown haired man and eagle eye man who is surrounding him, while the pink haired female fastly catch up and goes to the kitchen, even the brown short haired female. They are all breathing heavily, the tall guy tried to reach but Kuroko was just backing in fear.

"Wait! Don't force him!" The pink haired shouted.. "But Moimoi!" The man with the glasses shouted, and Moimoi just explained.. "He will not come if your gonna force him to come, you need to be soft to him.. His Just a Child!" She said with an irritated pout to them.

"Let me handle this" they all nodded and step back. "Come down now, No need to be afraid.. " she smiled at him. Kuroko still don't know if he could trust this woman infront of him. He open her arms a little.. and smile.

"No need to be afraid now, their just forcing you because you don't come with them" she smiled, Kuroko fastly jumped to her softly. She carry the child. "See".

They all sweatdrop.

"Y-You.. will not hurt m-me?" Kuroko whisper to her, she smile and reply.. "Of course not."

"I am Moimoi Satsuki, Introduce yourselves" she smiled.. "I am Izuki Shun" another one who introduce.. "and I am Mayuzumi Chichiro, Pleasure to meet you" he smiled.

"I am Imayoshi Shoichi, sorry for scaring you kid" he smiled and scratches his head, the brown short haired girl introduce.."I am Riko Aida!! This is Hyuuga Junpei" Riko point at Hyuuga who has glasses."I am.. Kuroko.. Tetsuya" he said while wrapping his arms around Moimoi.

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