Chapter 14

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----No One's Pov---

"A-Akashicchi I-I'm really sorry for disturbing y-you two!" He bowed .. "Your finally here, Kise Ryouta. And yet you destroyed my moment" Akashi looked at him. While Kuroko looked at him as well. Kise looked at the bluenette. "Who.. is he?? Is he your lover??" Kise asked.. that make Kuroko stunned, he tilt his head. "He is Kuroko Tetsuya, My Pet" Kise was stunned.

"Wait.. I am confused.. Him? A Pet??? Are you sure??" Kise asked again, he was confused. Kuroko stand up and remove his cap that he show him his tail. He has a blank face. Kise's eye's widened.. 'A.. human creature?' Kuroko was looking at him. "My name is Kise Ryouta-ssu!! And you are!?" Kise introduce himself to the bluenette. "Kuroko Tetsuya.." Kuroko bowed respectfully.

Kuroko was still surprise earlier, Akashi's sudden actions was different than before. 'Why... does Master act like that before...?' He was curious why. "Then if your the pet of Akashicchi why is Akashicchi tries to kiss you---" Kise was cut off with a some pair of scissors suddenly flew that he has a little scratch on his cheek. The scissors got stabbed on the wall. Kise sweatdrop.

Kuroko was stunned by the Emperor's scissors got threw by the Emperor. He saw Kise sweating in bullets. "I prefer you shut your mouth up, Ryouta. Tonight we are having a dinner, if you want to join in. We can eat at the restaurant"  Akashi smile, as for Kise... he was look like Akashi was gonna kill him.

Akashi knew about this person, he is a copycat. Copying every abilities. If they are all together again.. Akashi might let Kuroko saw it.

"Tetsuya, tonight we are going to the restaurant with Ryouta" Akashi chuckle. Kuroko nodded. "Kurokocchi is like a soldier or something like a white doll.. " Kise spoke. "Yes, he is like one" Akashi softly smiled. Akashi looked at the bluenette.

He is like porcelain doll for him. Perfect with his warm arm's. But this child grew beautiful, he never thought this way because since this boy is a child.. he saw how bright he is.

"I'll wait t-tonight, Akashicchi" Kise sigh.. 'If Kurokochhi was just a pet... why did Akashicchi act like that toward's Kurokocchi???... does that mean... Akashicchi.. found his mate?... a human creature?..' Kise thought himself deeply.

The bluenette looked at Kise. Who was thinking deeply.. then he saw Akashi who has a smirk on his lips.. 'Why is Master happy today..?' Kuroko thought himself. Kuroko just looked at his Master. Akashi looked back at him that their eye's met. Crystal sky blue orb's met heterochromatic crimson and golden eye's as the sunsent. While Kise looked at them secretly staring eachother.

'This.. is awkward.. am I gonna be the third wheel here..?' Kise thought himself.

Akashi just smile at the bluenette. It was kind of warm smile that he gave.. Kuroko was not stunned since he already saw his Master's smile.  Kise cough and interrupt their staring contest. "Kise Kun?" Kuroko fastly look away to the Emperor, and looked at Kise.

The Emperor's smile fade when Kise interrupt their starring contest together.. he hold another scissor, but he didn't threw it away since Kise was on the door in a second when he run to the door.... "O-Oh! I-I'm going now A-Akashicchi! Let's have dinner t-together!" Kise fastly goes away  and run away outside the door.

Kuroko sweatdrop how he run to the hallway so fast. "Master it seemed you scared him.. too much" Kuroko spoke which make the Emperor chuckle.

The Emperor was still looking at the bluenette.. He hummed and remember's soft blush on his cheek's when he got closed earlier. He chuckle to himself...

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