Chapter 15

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-----No One's Pov---

When they continue eating, it was silenece. Kise found it quite awkward. Then Kise saw someone familliar. "Yo! I never knew I meet you here!"  It was Aomine, he was with his cousin named Moimoi Satsuki. "Moimoi San??"  Kuroko asked. "T-Tetsu Kun!? A-Akashi Sama!??" She bowed fastly to Akashi. "No need to bowed respectfully Satsuki. We are on a dinner, you and Daiki can join in" Akashi suggested.

Moimoi thank Akashi but Aomine just sat like he didn't thank. "Woah.. it's been a long time Tetsu! You really grow beautifully than I thought!" Aomine spoke. Kuroko was stunned a little.. Kise and Moimoi turned into a stone when he spoke that.

"Thank.. you.. Aomine Kun.. should I take that as a compliment?" Kuroko tilted his head. Akashi chuckle.. "Tetsuya, it is your choice if it's a compliment or not" Akashi patted the bluenette. Aomine and Moimoi was not surprise that he always patted the bluenette. Kise thinking something.. he softly whisper to Moimoi "Moimoicchi.. they don't have relationship right?" He asked in a whisper.

Making Moimoi startled. "Satsuki what's wrong?" Aomine asked. "N-Nothing.." She sat back again, she whisper back.. "Well.. they don't have.. Tetsu Kun and Akashi kun are just like friend's, why do you asked..?" She asked back.

"Well.. I caught them earlier.. they almost.. Kiss" making Moimoi startled again, many people turned to looked at them. "Satsuki, what's wrong with you today?" It was Akashi who asked her, very coldly. "N-N-Nothing.. Akashi Sama" Moimoi replied to the Emperor. Aomine who was curious of what is Kise telling about.

Moimoi who whisper to Aomine. Aomine get startled. "Daiki, Satsuki, what's wrong with you two, acting strange at our dinner" Akashi spoke in deadly tone.

"Nothing Akashi.. It's just.." Aomine spoke and looked at the bluenette who was eating peacefully. "It seems I need to excuse myself. " Akashi stand up, but before he excuse. He patted the bluenette and smile. Kuroko looked at him. Then Akashi goes to the restroom.

While the four was quite quiet.  "Tetsu Kun.. you don't have a relationship to someone r-right?" Moimoi asked, making Kuroko stunned. "Yes Moimoi San, why do you asked?" Kuroko asked back, Moimoi replied.. "'s about Akashi Sama" she mentioned.

"What's the problem with Master?" Kuroko asked again.. Aomine who spoke "What she meant, about earlier.. when Kise arrives" They start  to talk eachother. About their relationship, but sure Kuroko is an honest one to answer.

When Akashi was gonna arrive he stop when the three of them leaned the bluenette. "What about Earlier-ssu! Akashicchi is gonna kiss you right!?" That question make Akashi listen to their conversation.

"Your wrong, Master never Kiss me yet, he just asked some questions, he will never kissed me, I'm not his lover, I am just a pet" Kuroko spoke in an honest tone, Kuroko sweatdrop at them.

"A-Are you sure Tetsu Kun! The kiss that his leaning into you? The Kiss that he wants you like that!?" Moimoi suddenly shouted softly. "No, Master never think of me that way even I am. You guy's must be misunderstanding" Kuroko sweatdrop. "I still can't believe it" Aomine sigh irritatedly.

"What you can't believe, Daiki?" Akashi spoke coldly as every, he pretend he didn't hear any of that. "N-Nothing Akashi let's just eat" Aomine chuckle awkwardly. Akashi sat again, he hummed about what they talk earlier. About the kiss.. Akashi hummed.

"Hey Akashicchi.. you will well.. You will just kiss someone that you want to desire and to love.. right?" Kise asked.. making Moimoi and Aomine stunned at that Question. Akashi think for a moment, he closed his eye's. he put his hand on his chin, he hummed. "Hmm.." the three of them are actually serious about this. Mostly they are waiting for his answer.

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