Chapter 40

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-----No One's Pov----

Kuroko bowed at her respectfully, he was gonna leave when Asumi suddenly unleash one thread to the bluenette to get connected. So she can see what he is doing. She smile when the bluenette leaves at the room.

When the bluenette leaves, she make an eye by her thread, so she can see what is the bluenette is doing mostly the Emperor. She was thinking about how to kill the Emperor and yet thinking the bluenette smile. She had a difficult choice to make.

Asumi saw Kuroko going to his room that Kuroko open's a book and read. He was peacefully reading, she smile of how peacefully is the bluenette reading. She saw a collar on his neck that Kuroko softly take it off and put it on the table.

She saw that the Emperor goes jn and pat's the bluenette, saying something that she couldn't hear. Her eye's widened when the Emperor look af her. He wave that the thread suddenly fall's down.

She was quite surprise when the Emperor saw it.


"Tetsuya, you need to sleep" Akashi sat at the bed, he saw a very thin thread, he cut it off. "What is that Master???" The bluenette asked him kindly. "It's nothing" Akashi patted his head and touched his cat ear but Kuroko suddenly dodge.

"M-Master please don't!" Kuroko has a soft blush on his cheeks. Akashi chuckle. "Sleep now, Tetsuya, don't sleep late. We still have guest" Akashi stand up. Kuroko nodded and layed the bed. Akashi covers him some blanket. "Good Night" the Emperor smile.

He turns off the light. "Good Night, Master" Kuroko softly whispers that he fall asleep. The Emperor goes out inside the bluenette's room, quietly.

Kuroko was quite sleeping peacefully that his mark roses, bloomed softly. It hurts the bluenette a little,  the rose suddenly get warm and making the bluenette feel comfortable. Kuroko fall asleep, he did not know that he has a mark.

But the thread was still following the Emperor even it's not cut off.. the Emperor just ignored it, it was gonna strike the Emperor, but it stop since..

Asumi was thinking of someone at the same time.

Her thread disappear, Akashi stop walking taht he smirk softly 'It seems her game is not that easy for her to handle..'


It was a next day, Morning, 6:00 Am at the morning. Every butler's and maid's get up to cook some breakfast for the guest, for the Emperor and for the bluenette.

Hayama and Mitobe start's cutting the meat, slicing it delicately. While Reo, Nijimura and Izuki, not letting Moimoi and Riko goes to the cooking station. Moimoi pout, Imayoshi and Nebuya are carrying some of the ingredients.

Akashi woke up early at the morning, he already take a shower, that he put some casual formal outfit. The Emperor goes out to his room and gonna check his pet, early at the morning.

While Asumi woke up and have a good sleep. It was the first time she sleep like this. Whenever she sleep with them, she always hear many noisy things, she got torture many times, but she handle's it all.

Asumi wear's her casual outfit, she goes out in the room. She can see that the rain didn't stop.  She can see many thread's was cut off. 'It seems this mansion isn't just a Mansion' she stand up and goes out in her room.

She arrives at the dining room fastly that she uses the elevator. Other butler's are now serving, she saw the bluenette greeted the Emperor. "Good Morning Master" He smile, she wonders something from him.

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