Chapter 10

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----No One's Pov---

After the bluenette's bath, he put some formal clothes and goes to see Akashi at the dining room. "Good Evening Tetsuya" Akashi smiled. "Good evening Master" Kuroko smiled back that he sat beside the Emperor. He grab some meat to ate and it was a steak a little with a hot sauce that has a design on it. Kuroko cut it and ate.

"Tetsuya, did you enjoy with Mibuchi?" Akashi asked with a smile. "Yes Master, I actually enjoyed a lot, mostly planting." Kuroko smiled, while the butlers smile of how Kuroko and Akashi are very very close. Kuroko's tail wiggle a little. His cat ear's are down a little.

"Tetsuya, someone want to meet you tomorrow" Akashi smiled while he ate his food. "Someone?? Who is that Master?" The bluenette asked curiously at his Master. "One of the Miracle's Tetsuya, You already met Daiki since your a child." Akashi smiled. Kuroko was still confused.



Akashi was signing every paper's and very busy. Then someone came in.. as Akashi spoke with a smirk. He put the pen down and looked at him. "I am surprise your here.

Midorima Shintarou"

Midorima has a green hair with a glasses, he was carrying a froggy puppet, for his lucky item. "Yes, Indeed Akashi Seijuro" Akashi smiled at his friend. "Akashi, You still have it.. Don't you think?" Midorima looked at the right that he saw a Shoji board. "Still old days?" Midorima step forward that Akashi chuckle. "It is" Midorima was not surprise of how calm he is. He only knew he was hiding something.

"Akashi, your not just a Human don't you think? Walking on the Human's land." Midorima spoke in a cold tone. "And is it bad to stay here at the Human's land? Human's race?? What about you, What are you doing here in this kind of world? We live" Akashi replied the green headed man.

"Your still the same, Always winning on its own. " Midorima looked at him. "Yes, winning is everything, Shintarou" Akashi looked at him with a smirk and cross his arms. Midorima sigh.. "It seems you have an assistant" Akashi saw someone at Midorima's back. "Yo! I am Shin-Chan's friend!" Midorima who had an irk mark "We are not friends" Midorina sigh. "My name is Takao Kazunari and your Akashi Seijuro??? The famous Akashi Seijuro?" Takao spoke.

"Yes, I am, it seemed you have a good friend."Akashi smiled and Midorima had an irk mark "I already told you we are not friends!"
While Takao and Akashi thought themselves..


"I have a pet by the way" Akashi now mentioned it, infront if the two of them. "Really? I am surprise you are interested in pet's" Midorima siggested. "What does he look like! A dog or a cat??" Takao asked excitedly. "Well, you can see him tomorrow and Shintarou, his not a ordinary pet you can tell" Midorima was silence a little.

"Kazunari, I am quite surprise that your his assistant plus a friend" Akashi chuckle and Takao nodded. "Fine then, we will see that pet of yours tomorrow, I am quite busy for a mission. You already know how to hold yourself correct? Your not a ordinary human and you know that nanodayo" Midorima adjusted his glasses. While Takao was silence, Takao knew what are they talking about.

Since his the close friend of Midorima, one of Miracles.

"I already know that, I don't need your advice" Akashi smiled. "Your hand of yours getting better at shooting, don't you think?"  Akashi smirk and Midorima just nodded in reply. "Yes, Akashi"

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