Chapter 21

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-----No One's Pov----

Kuroko and Akashi are in now at the dining room, it was silence between them. Nebuya cough and put some dessert at the table of what Kuroko liked. "Thank you Nebuya Kun" Kuroki bowed his head respectfully, Nabuya just smile and thumbs up. He ate.

"Tetsuya" the Emperor called breaking their silence. "Yes? Master?" Kuroko looked at him secretly while eating his dessert. "About earlier what if it wasn't a Mistake?" Kuroko's eye's widened. He don't know what to answer. "I am.. your pet Master, nothing more" Kuroko smiled at him softly.

"I see, I understand, I am sorry again for my considerate actions." Akashi apologize to the bluenette. The Maid's and the Butler's are stunned. He never apologize someone before. He never will. But this was different than apologizing. Kuroko looked at him. "It's okay Master" Kuroko smiled softly to him again.

Akashi smiled back at the bluenette infront of him. Akashi softly caresses his cheek. "I am glad that you sleep well with me last night" Akashi smiled, the butler's and maid's stunned more. 'They sleep!! Together!?!? At One room in One Bed!!!' They all thought. The two maid's nosebleed and fainted.

Akashi stand up "Well, it seem's I better go now, Shun is quite waiting for me outside." Akashi patted the bluenette that the bluenette's tail swing softly and his cat ear's was quite happy. He nodded. Akashi put his long sleeve crimson blazer on his shoulder. "Well, I better go now" Akashi spoke, Kuroko waved. "Take care.. Master" he bowed. "Yes, No one will hurt me Tetsuya, don't worry about your Master" Akashi goes inside the car that Izuki closed the door.

The bluenette waved with a smile. Mayuzumi closed the door and sigh tiredly. "Mayuzumi Kun can I asked?" Kuroko asked to the silver haired man. "Yes, You can asked" Mayuzumi smiled.

"Does Master.. act romantic before?.. does he.. Kissed someone before?"

That question make him stunned. It was silence at the same time for the bluenette. Mayuzumi replied him softly..

"No, He doesn't. He never act's romantic to anyone, he never kissed someone before. Mostly he is not interested in those things. We all know how high standards he is. That's why every girls chased him just to get him, every girls even want's to Marry him. Since he so rich and powerful, no one can beat him. Even men's, they tried to surpass his him, they tried to be high standards liked him. Even they are really rich or not, they still tried but they.. always Lose on their sleeves. Since Akashi Sama is so rich and powerful, he never loses once in his sleeves, he never kneel, or bow. Other's found it scary but girl's never gaved up until they grab him. But Akashi sama just reject them, because he has no interested in them. He is..

The Emperor after all"

Kuroko was stunned at Mayuzumi's explanation about the Emperor. Why is the Emperor so strong?.. Kuroko could not put the word's on his lips. Mayuzumi thought to himself..

'But your the lucky one.. because your the only one..

That adores by Akashi Sama so much, thanks to you.. he always smile again..'

Mayuzumi smiled secretly, Kuroko touches his own lips. Hayama saw it, Hayama chuckle. 'Your correct on that.. Mayuzumi' Hayama thought to himself with a smirk on his lips. While Imayoshi and Hyuuga adjust their glasses. Imayoshi smirk 'Your lucky one as always' Imayoshi smiled and walked.

Hayama and Mitobe start grabbing some wooden baskets to grab some glowing flower's to the forest. "I'm excited! Let's go!!"Hayama cheered and Mitobe nodded. "Hey Izuki and Nebuya we are just gonna go into the forest to grab some flower's for the Mansion" Mitobe spoke. Izuki and Nebuya nodded.

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