Chapter 23

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----No One's Pov---

Kuroko falls down, the men smirk and gonna run away but before he ran. Akashi shoot's him five times. He shoots hin at the head. "Let's move out.. let the creature's ate them. They all disgust me." He command and carry the blunette in bridal. Kuroko's eye's opened a little, it was a blurry vision.. until he fully goes unconcious.

Akashi hummed and looked at the bluenette. He smiled softly. He found his pet. He vanish and appear's at a room. He lay the bluenette. The Emperor looked at his wound, softly grab the small bullet on his shoulder. Kuroko felt pain when Akashi grab the bullet. The Emperor grab some bandage to bandage the little bluenette.

Someone knock, "Come in" he command, it was Moimoi, she was carrying some bucket that has hot water and some wet towel. "Akashi Sama" she whisper softly. Akashi stand up. "Take care of Tetsuya, I'll talk to Kotaro and Rinnosuke." He spoke coldly and goes out to the room. Her eye's widened. She was worried for the two of them.

She softly dried the bluenette's blood in the forehead. She was worried at the bluenette. Mostly she was worried at Hayama and Mitobe. Moimoi knows how scary is the Emperor. But she just know that the Emperor just worried about his pet. She sigh. 'I hope their alright..' she thought to herself.

It was now exact midnight.

Kuroko woke's up, he saw his wound has bandages, even his head. Then his cat ear's twitch when he heard something. He goes outside from his room.. he didn't change his clothes. He softly hears something, he goes to the stairs, his eye's widened. It was Akashi talking to Mitobe and Hayama who is kneeling infront of him in one knee while bowing their heads.

"I'm sorry Akashi Sama! It won't happen again!" Hayama spoke. "Yes, Akashi Sama!" Mitobe spoke as well. Akashi's eye's is glowing in crimson and gold. He was disappointed. He cross his arms. Akashi spoke coldly that even Kuroko shiver's in fear.

He saw them sweating in bullets. "Are you sure this would never happen again, Kotaro Hayama and Rinnosuke Mitobe? I am disappointed." he spoke coldly. They both nodded.

Moimoi, Riko, Mayuzumi, Nebuya, Hyuuga, Izuki and Imayoshi was so worried but their eye's widened when they saw Kuroko, even Hayama and Mitobe. "K-Kuroko!" Mitobe shouted that make Kuroko stunned. Akashi looked at him, his eye's widened softly. His pet was watching him.

Will Kuroko be afraid? Will he run away?

Moimoi softly spoke "U-Uhm.. Tetsu Kun please get back at your room.. A-Akashi sama is quite b-busy for.. today" Moimoi softly goes to the stairs and try to move him.

"U-uh.. I-it was my fault not them!" Moimoi's eye's widened he was protecting Hayama and Mitobe. Hayama suddenly spoke "N-No it's fine!--" he was cut off. "I was the one who drag them, since the beginning I've come with.. them.. I.. I got lost on my own.." Kuroko spoke, trying to get out from his fear.

Akashi hummed, Mitobe and Hayama's eye's widened. Kuroko was a very honest person. Every butler's eye's widened even Riko. Akashi walk to him. Moimoi's eye's widened when Akashi raised his hand. "W-Wait A-Akashi Sama please don't!!" Mitobe shouted.

All of them thought he was gonna slap the bluenette, Kuroko fastly closed his eye's tightly. Riko shouted "Akashi Sama stop!--" she was cut off when Akashi wrapped his one arm to the bluenette's shoulder and pull him into a hug. Kuroko's eye's widened. Mostly Moimoi who is beside him.

Akashi never hurt his pet, even once.

Akashi smiled softly.. "Y-Y-Your.. not..d-disappointed..?" Kuroko suddenly asked clinging to him softly, begging for him not to get mad at Hayama and Mitobe. Akashi smiled "Why would I be disappointed at my Pet?"  Akashi rubbed his soft thumb at the bluenette's cheek. "Fine, then, I will let this slide. Kotaro and Rinnosuke" Akashi spoke coldly to them.

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