Chapter 2

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--No One's Pov--

The car drove off.. it was silence, the bluenette hugging the bread so tightly, he was.. afraid of this man's scent. He want's to go back, the man beside him, looked at him. His face was pure blank, like nothing happened. 'This boy seems quite interesting' the man cross his legs that he has a smirk on his lips. He broke the silence.

"What's your name?"

The child was quite stunned and hugged his bread, "K-Kuroko... T-Tetsuya.." he whisper that the man is enough to hear it. "Such a delicate name.. who gave you that name?" Kuroko gulped and spoke in a whisper once again.. "M-M-Mother.." he reply the crimson man "Oh? Where is she now?" He asked once more, quite curious to this bluenette.

He hugged the bread tightly that it crushed together, the man know his answer.. "I see" the crimson man chuckle a little. This bluenette beside him is quite really quiet. The driver stop driving, they are now infront of the big restaurant. The bluenette looked at it that their was so many people, more fear shiver down him  on the spine. The crimson haired man looked at him.

"Akashi Sama, We arrived" the driver opened the door. 'Is that his name?' The bluenette thought himself, the crimson haired man goes outside of the car. "Let's go now" the man looked at the child, but the child shake his head fastly and hugged his cat tail. The bread his hugging is already crushed. "Are you scared?" He asked the child. The driver was quite a little bit surprise that his being kind to a child.

Kuroko nodded, he admit that his afraid, he don't want to get out of the car. He wanted to go back. He was just child and the man infront of him was kind to him, he don't know why. "Tetsuya, I'm here" he was stunned calling him by his first name. He didn't forget the child's name. But still, he was afraid of the people, mostly they are human's after all, not creatures.

The man take off his long black suit, he has a long white sleeve, he didn't take it off, he wrap his suit on the child. Kuroko's eye's widened a little. "Come Now.." the man smiled reasuringly. The boy gulped and crawl to him, it was showing his tail and cat ears. The crimson haired man, carried him in one arm.

Many people are starring, many whispering.. "It's Akashi Sama.."

"His here.."

"It's Akashi Sama.. his really here.."

"His so handsome.."

More and More whisper.. the child looked at him and thought himself.. 'Is he an artist?' The child fastly cover himself inside his suit.  They sat at the empty peace table. Where no people around for now. He sat the boy infront, the food was ready to be serve.

"Eat" the man smiled and looked at the boy. The child don't know if their are poison or not. "That has no poison" make him stunned again. He took one bite of a food, he admit, it was really good. It was a vanilla dessert taste.

He ate and ate, the man chuckle. "I still never told you my name yet, how rude of me." The crimson man chuckle, to make the child tilted his head.

"I am Akashi Seijuro"

The crimson haired man, introduce himself into the child. That name is familliar to the child, now that he remembers, he always saw him on a newspaper. The child almost choke his food when he remember's this man. Good thing, he act like nothing. Akashi chuckle of how this boy act.

"I-I'm full.. s-sir.. I'm going back now.." he hugged the bread. "Where are you going back then? Living at the street?" He was stunned, at the Emperor's words.  "I.. I don't know.. Sir" the child look into another gaze. Not looking at Akashi's gaze. Akashi saw it was gonna be dawn soon. He hummed, he looked at the poor boy, who is dirty with  many wounds and many bruises.

Akashi smiled and spoke.. "Why don't you come with me? It will be dawn soon enough, it will be dangerous for you go sleep on the streets"  the Emperor suggested to the child. The child just shake his head, the Emperor was a little surprise, that he defy's the Emperor. He hummed at this child, quite interesting child he got for now.

"Tetsuya, I know it's hard to sleep on the street's, but I prefer you to come with me." Akashi crossed his arms. Kuroko stunned, he was just a child and yet being force to come with this mighty Emperor.

"B-But sir..--" he was cut off. "No declining, your just a child and yet your suffering so young. " Akashi stand up and carry the child, in his arms. "Don't worry, I won't hurt like those other nuissance" He smiled reasuringly.

The child was still afraid of this rich man carrying him. He goes out to the big door.. he was covering by Akashi's suit, many people looking at the Emperor. They saw a tail and cat ear's. His eye's was a crystal sky blue orb's of a cat.

The people's eye's widened and start's whispering, Akashi stop walking as he looked at them in a poisonous gaze. They fastly stop whispering about the cat creature his carrying. He started to walk out to the restaurant. The driver open the door, that Akashi goes inside. He closed the door and goes infront, that he starts to drive.

The child, was still confused why is this man helping him. He was not important after all.. or is it? He yawned, Akashi smiled, he was still on the Emperor's arm's.

"Sleep now, Tetsuya"

He used his dark little power's to make the child fall asleep in his arms. It was still snowing as the car still driving. The driver smiled, he saw it to the mirror. 'It seem's Akashi Sama found an Ineresting child' he thought, he goes to the path  that is dark, the gate big gate opened, he drive their as the gate closed again.

He drove to a path, and it was a mansion. Akashi's luxirious mansion. The Emperor carried the child, as the two maids opened it.

"Good Evening, Akashi Sama" the two maid's greeting with a bow. She has a pink hair and eye's, while the other one has a short brown hair and eye's. They both are maid's. Serving the Emperor. While the other's are butlers.

Akashi goes to a room, an empty room, but it's big enough to this child. He lay the child on the big bed. The Emperor, cover's him with blanket, then he grab slowly the bread's in the bluenette's arms. Akashi smiled at this child. Quite worried about this child infront of him. He stand up and go outside the room.

As the door start's closing on its own..

"Sleep Tight, Tetsuya"

The door closed, that Kuroko was sleeping he felt uncomfortable and warm.. that he sleep well. 

Into the Emperor's mansion

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