Chapter 11

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---No One's Pov---

It was now Morning.

Akashi mumble a little that his eye's open softly. His eye's widened, he fall asleep in the bluenette's room. 'I.. fall asleep..?' He thought himself, as he fastly sat up. His shirt was quite unbottoned until his chest. He move his fingers through his hair. He sigh. Then he saw someone was cover in blanket. He was confused why is it have a pillow at the middle of the bed, he even saw an arm.

The Emperor softly remove the blanket. It was the bluenette. He was sleeping so peacefully. The Emperor hummed. 'I slept with him..' he chuckle to himself. It was the first time he slept with someone like the bluenette. He slowly and softly caresses his cheek's. Kuroko mumble.. softly. Akashi felt of how soft is his skin. "Tetsuya..." the bluenette's name rolled in his tounge.

'Such a soft skin.. so warm to touch' the more he caresses his pet's cheek, the more he don't want to go out to the room yet. He couldn't look away at the bluenette, soft rosy lips, pale white doing as a snow, sky blue silky soft hair. The Emperor didn't hesitate to take his hand back. He softly slide his finger's down to the bluenette's neck. Kuroko mumble in his breath as he turned around a bit. Akashi softly leaned closer to the bluenette's nape, he gave it a soft kiss on the bluenette's nape.

Kuroko felt something on his nape that he suddenly move away. Akashi chuckle and move closer to hold the bluenette, he softly scent his side of his neck. He softly kissed it again, he can't stop himself. Kuroko felt it again that he move away and away.

Akashi chuckle but when he move.. the bluenette roll a bit that he fall from the bed. Akashi sweatdrop. 'He is.. clumsy  than I thought' the Emperor thought himself, he chuckle softly at the bluenette's action's.

Kuroko fastly woke up. His bed hair was messy, Akashi goes out from his bed. "Good Morning, Tetsuya" he was buttoning his shirt. "G-Good Morning Master!" He fastly stand up. Then his clock rang loudly, Akashi turned it off. "S-Sorry Master, you fell asleep last night" Kuroko said and his sad cat ear's was down. "It's okay, Tetsuya" Kuroko's cat ear's lit up and his tail wiggle fastly. "How.. how was your sleep here Master???" Kuroko asked that he start cleaning his bed room.

"It's quite good to sleep here" Akashi smiled. "I-I'm sorry Master if I slept too clumsy. " he scratches his head.

"No.. your not, you slept very very well, I felt quite warm  and comfortable when you slept with me today"

Akashi smiled that make Kuroko stunned.. "W-What.. ?" He shutter. "Oh nothing"  Akashi chuckle with a smirk on his lips.

He was gonna opened the door but Hayama opened it.. "Hey Kuroko breakfast is---" he was cut off. "A-Akashi Sama! G-Good Morning!" He shutter and panick that he suddenly bow. 'W-Wait.. did.. Akashi sama... SLEPT WITH HIM!' He fastly look at the bluenette. Akashi just walk pass him. "A visitor will arrive soon, tell the other butler's and maid's to ready it in lunch time" Akashi walk. "Yes, Akashi Sama" Hayama bowed.

Hayama fastly looked at the bluenette. "Kuroko..uhm.. did Akashi Sama sleep with you?" Kuroko was still on gaze of what the Emperor said, then he goes back to reality.

"W-what? Sleep with me? Yes.. Master did.." he rub his nape a little. It was silence, Hayama broke the silence "The breakfast is ready by the way, we are waiting for you to the dining room" Hayama smiled and goes outside. He smirk and jump everywhere.

Kuroko goes to the bathroom and take a shower. He was still thinking about it.. 'What was that earlier...' he still remember those word's of the Emperor and secondly, earlier he felt someone is touching his nape with a soft warm lips. He felt it.  He has a soft blush in his cheeks but now he hide it, his face was blank again. He softly put his formal clothes and put his collar  it has bell on his collar in the neck. He was a pet.

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