Chapter 35

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-----No Ons's Pov----

That smile, that beautiful smile on his lips, didn't show anymore. Akashi didn't move to his position of where is he standing. He felt it, he felt something heavy that the bluenette does all along. But still, it was just one day.

Akashi didn't escape any words came out from his lips, he just let the figure walk away. He began to speak to Imayoshi. "Shoichi, take this book back at the library." He command. Moimoi and Imayoshi look at eachother, Imayoshi adjust his glasses and nodded. "Yes, Akashi Sama" he take the book and walk away.

Moimoi look down a little, she was curious. 'Maybe Dai Chan know...' she thought to herself. She look at the Emperor who was walking away. 'I hope.. they go back together' Moimoi walk away.


Akashi was walking at the hallways and he stop. When he saw the vase. 'Their should be a flower..' he remembers that the flower that the bluenette tries to give him. Then he just saw one flower at the floor, the flower that the bluenette tried to give it to him.

He walk straight to the bluenette's room. The Emperor started knocking.. but their's no answer. The Emperor opened the door slowly. He saw the bluenette sitting on the bed, Kuroko's sleeve was slide on his shoulder. While he was sitting, he was just looking down, reading a book.

Akashi was gonna say 'Good Evening' but he stop when Kuroko closed the book and put it to the table, he cover himself with blanket. The bluenette suddenly fell asleep. Akashi just close the door softly.

He can't put it on words. He just walk straight to his room and close the door. The bluenette didn't show to him in one day, the bluenette didn't try to talk to him. He knew that... he overdid it.


Until it was Morning. Akashi woke up early. He take a shower and get some clothes to put it on. He hummed a little.. 'I'll wait for him then' Akashi sat on his bed and look at the time, he waited for a moment, someone knock. "Come In" he spoke, it was Mitobe. "Akashi Sama, breakfast is ready" Mitobe bowed and walk away.

Akashi fastly goes down using an elevator to go to the dining room. When he saw was no one. No one was their at the dining. He look at the time. Maybe he will just wait for the bluenette, the Emperor sat on the chair and wait for the bluenette to come. Although the bluenette didn't show up.

"Where's Tetsuya?" He asked one of the butlers, Hyuuga adjust his glasses that he reply the Emperor. "Akashi Sama, Kuroko is already finish eating early at the Morning.. since you always left so early, Kuroko tried to wait for you, but you always left. That's why Kuroko eat very early today" Hyuuga explained.

"I.. I see" Akashi look at his coffee, he drank his coffee.

He walk out to the dining room, it change the fact that the bluenette was avoiding him. Akashi walk into the library, he cancel the meeting for now. When he walk to the library, it was quiet.

Then he heard a voice of Moimoi reading a book. The Emperor walk of where is she reading, he took a peek a little, he was stunned it was the bluenette, hugging his knees, while Moimoi is reading a book for him. 

He heard the bluenette's voice.. "Moimoi San will you read a next book for me.. I want to listen to you while reading.. Will you.. read it for me?" Kuroko pleaded to Moimoi to read for him, clinging to her dress, his soft tail was swinging softly.

Akashi was stunned, he pleaded for her to read, he remembers when Kuroko pleaded for him and yet he ignored it and walk off. "Of course, Tetsu Kun!" She smiled happily that she read another book again.

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