Chapter 38

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-----No One's Pov----

It was now morning,  a next day and another day. The bluenette was laying beside the Emperor. He was tired because of last night. Kuroko softly woke up that he opens his eye's a little, while the Emperor was wrapping his arms at his pet and still sleeping.

Kuroko sat up slowly, he felt his legs was sore and tired. He tried to move it, but it fail. He was being covered in blanket. When the blanket slowly fall down at his shoulder's, a big mark on his back, it was like a tattoo but it is a demon's mark.

He was gonna go out of bed, when suddenly someone grab him and sat him to the bed. It was Akashi who was already awake and hugging the bluenette, not letting go of him.

"Good.. Morning Master" Kuroko was not a bit surprise at his sudden actions. "Good Morning, Tetsuya" while Akashi softly smirk and finally have the bluenette, he kiss the bluenette's neck. "How was your sleep?" Akashi asked him. "It was good.. but I am tired.." Kuroko answered in a honest tone.

"I see" Akashi smiled, he softly slide his fingers at the bluenette's back. Kuroko felt his fingers sliding down at his back. "Tetsuya, aren't you giving me a morning kiss just for once in a while?" Akashi chuckle and start's playing with his tail.

Kuroko sweatdrop. "A morning.. kiss???" He was confused, that he tilted his head on the side. "Yes, a kiss" Akashi kissed him at his nape. "Just give me a kiss for once, Tetsuya, just for your Master.." as Akashi's voice get's cold when he whusper into the bluenette's ear.

"Don't you want your Master proud of you?"

"You want your Master.. to be proud of you, just obey me, Tetsuya my Dear" Akashi softly whisper to the bluenette, holding the bluenette's chin even though his hugging him at the back.

Akashi's fingers slide down softly that he intertwine's it with the bluenette's hand. He softly lift it and kiss the back of his hand.

"Always obey what I command Tetsuya, you always wanted me to be proud of you" he whisper that he kiss the bluenette's ear.

"I promise.. I won't hurt you again Tetsuya" Akashi softly whisper again, that he kiss the bluenette's nape. "Y-You promise..? Y-you will be proud of me.. if I obey you.. Master?" Kuroko asked him, making the Emperor smirk that he whisper to the bluenette's nape and Kuroko feel his breath..

"Yes, I promise, just obey me as always.. And I will be always proud of you"

Akashi's eye's flickered in crimson and gold, his soft smirk can't seemed to fade his smirk away.

"Now give me a lovely kiss, it is your Master's command to make me proud of you" Akashi pull the bluenette close to him.

Kuroko has no choice but to obey his Master, since it was his Master's command. Kuroko turned around to look at his Master. Akashi smirk when Kuroko look at him. 'I never kiss someone.. like this before..' Kuroko thought to himself.

The bluenette softly caresses his cheek, Akashi felt his soft warm delicate hand on his cheek. 'Just give me.. a lovely morning kiss' Akashi thought to himself.

When Kuroko leaned to give him a kiss. Akashi softly smirk that he wrap his arms around the bluenette. Akashi kissed him back.

But Kuroko sudden stop that he look away. "This is all I could do Master, I'm not that good.." Akashi pull him close. "It's quite delicious, don't worry about it" Akashi kissed his cheek, but someone was coming in, Akashi fastly covered the bluenette and himself with a blanket.

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