Chapter 36

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-----No One's Pov---

The Emperor apologizes, Kuroko was almost to hold the doorknob. It was silence at the room. Their's no words came out. Just silence came out from them.

Kuroko can't make a word that nothing coming out from his lips. Akashi don't want to let him go. The Emperor is not letting him go, Akashi softly lean to his neck, he felt the bluenette's skin. He misses it. While Kuroko felt his breath.

"I'm.. sorry Tetsuya.." he whisper, making the bluenette just froze, that Kuroko look at his arm's wrapping on him tightly on his shoulder's. Kuroko could not look away at his arms.. 'Master is... apologizing..? Should I..forgive him?...' Kuroko thought to himself.

Akashi softly spoke.. "I.. will not use those word's again.. Tetsuya... I'm sorry.. Tetsuya"  Kuroko's eye's widened softly that he softly put his hand down.

'Tetsuya.. I will not let you go.. Anymore....'

Akashi will not let go of the bluenette anymore. Hugging the bluenette at the back, Kuroko felt warm, he misses his Master's touch, he wanted to tears of why did the Emperor avoid him. But Akashi could not let go of him. The Emperor is not letting go, his hug got tighter than before, the grip of the bluenette's shoulder's.

"I.. I'll forgive.. you"

Kuroko replied him, it was a silence again in the room. Akashi suddenly look at him. Kuroko was gonna walk, but Akashi could not let him be. "You.. can--" Kuroko was cut off. "No.. I am not letting go until you forgive me fully" Akashi spoke making the bluenette stunned at his words.

The bluenette can't put it, Kuroko sliggtly look at him that the Emperor was burrying himself at his neck. Kuroko can feel his breath that he even feel the guilty that the Emperor has.

'Tetsuya.. I don't.. want you to walk away from me again..' Akashi thought himself, he felt warm when he touch the bluenette. He was greedy at the bluenette that he didn't accept the fact that the bluenette is with someone else.

Kuroko softly touches his arm, that make the Emperor stunned a little. "I promise Tetsuya.. I won't hurt you again.." Akashi hugged him tightly, the Emperor thought that the bluenette is gonna remove it, but Kuroko softly touches his hand.

"I already forgive you.." Kuroko spoke in a honest tone, Akashi felt his warm hand, touching it, so warmly and so soft. Akashi still don't want to let go.

"Then.. Can you stay.. here?" Akashi was hugging him, he don't want the bluenette to go out to his room. Kuroko look at him for a moment that their eye's met. Akashi look at him that his eye's widened softly, Kuroko's eye's was not blank anymore than before.. it change.

It was filled of emotions, no emptyness. Akashi smiled in a relief a little. He was waiting at the bluenette's answer. "I.. might stay for a little while..." Kuroko whisper. It was his chance to know what is the reason that Akashi is been hiding from him, of why did the Emperor got upset.

Akashi softly stop wrapping his arms slowly. Kuroko look at his arms, unwrapping him. He look at the Emperor a little. The Emperor look at him that their eye's met.

"Call me "Master" again.. Tetsuya.." Akashi softly whispers to the bluenette. Kuroko called him softly... "Master.."  the Emperor smiled that he hugged the bluenette at the back.

Kuroko didn't try to remove his arms or he didn't try to push the Emperor away. Since he like the Emperor's touch.

He just want the Emperor.. to be proud at him.

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