Chapter 20

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----No One's Pov---

It was morning that Kuroko mumble his breath..  he fastly woke up. He facepalm and sigh. He knew he sleep with the Emperor. The bluenette was gonna walk out of the bed. "Good morning again" He stunned by that voice. "Good M-Morning" he suddenly bowed. Akashi sat up. "How was your sleep??" Akashi smiled.

Kuroko doesn't know how to answer "It was quie good.. Master" he replied awkwardly. Kuroko's cat tail swing softly and sat properly. "Thank you Master for making me sleep here and I am sorry that I fall asleep.. " Kuroko apologize, he don't know if his Master will be mad at him or not. His cat ear's are quite down.

"It's okay, I already told you, it's  okay sleeping here" Akashi smiled. "I know maybe I can clean your room Master so I can repay you back" Akashi looked at the bluenette, the Emperor knows how kind he is. He is really not giving up.

"Tetsuya, you don't need to--" He was cut off again. "Please Master" Kuroko know's that he need to repay his Master. The bluenette knows how disrespectful it was.

Akashi patted his head softly "Alright then" Akashi smiled that make Kuroko smiled back, it was warm to see for the Emperor, the Emperor don't want that beautiful smile fade away from his lips. His warm smile making him feel warm. He didn't hesitate but to caresses the bluenette's cheek.

He didn't hesitate to kissed him..

Kuroko softly opened his eye's, that he knew something was on his lips, his eye's widened of how the Emperor kissed him. He felt the Emperor's lips. Akashi knew this happened two time's but this was different.

Kuroko couldn't move of being kissed by Akashi. His body froze when Akashi caresses his cheek with a soft kiss on the lips. The Emperor found out that it was quite soft, delicate lips touching his. He felt it, he felt Kuroko's lips was quite delicate, delicious for him, it was warm. He opened his eye's and saw the bluenette's eye's crystal sky blue orb's reflecting him.

He saw how shock or surprise the bluenette is, that the bluenette couldn't move. He stop that he breath soft infront of the bluenette's lips. Akashi saw that the bluenette couldn't move. Kuroko knew it was a second time. Kuroko couldn't speak he was quite speechless at the same time.

Then someone opened the door "Akashi Sama the breakfast is---" It was Nebuya and Mayuzumi. Their eye's widened of what they saw, that Akashi was holding his cheek. While Kuroko fastly looked at them.

"I uh.. well excused.. me, Master, I think the breakfast is ready.. I-I'll clean this room in a second but I will excuse myself to the bathroom first.." Kuroko fastly and softly put the Emperor's hand away.

He goes out to the door, he walk fastly that he walk passes Nebuya and Mayuzumi. It was kind awkward. Mayuzumi cough while Nebuya fake cough and fixed himself.  "Akashi Sama.. did we distrub.. ?" Mayuzumi fastly scratches his head.

Akashi stand up. "No, you didn't, I'll go down in a second" they both slowly nodded. "Should.. well.. should we call Kuroko?" Nebuya whispers to Mayuzumi. "I think we disturb them" Mayuzumi whisper back.

Akashi sat up and touched his lips softly, Mayuzumi and Nebuya saw it. They both cough and bowed "Breakfast will be serve at the dining room, Akashi Sama" they both closed the door.

Akashi laugh softly and lay at the bed. 'It seems I did too much for that delicate kiss..' he touches his lips once more. He smiled softly.

'It seems it's gonna be a long day today..'


At the bathroom.

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