Chapter 27

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-----No One's Pov----

It was one night the bluenette can't asleep. He sigh and take off his blanket because it was too hot for him, he sigh. 'What is wrong with me today..?' He sat a little bit irritated, he unbottons his shirt softly until his chest and turned teh air conditioner to the max. But the heat on his body can't fade away.

He sigh heavily, he don't know what to do, he softly opens the window and look at the sky. He looked at the stars. He hummed, he couldn't fall asleep and since they are all asleep, he jump to the window.. 'I just need some fresh air.. I hope Master don't know about this' he sat at the tree branch and sigh.

He couldn't fall asleep, it was quite hard for him. The bluenette was breathing heavily.  So softly rubbed his nape to make him calm and play with his cat tail for a while, until 3 hours later, he go back inside.

It was gonna be morning soon enough, the bluenette goes out in his room quietly and straight to the kitchen.

He drank some water then he heard someone is coming. "Moimoi San??" Kuroko looked at her, Moimoi was yawning. "Eh?? Tetsu Kun???? Why are you awake in this late??" She asked worriedly. "Ah.. well I couldn't sleep, it was quite too hot at the room." Kuroko softly hummed, now that Moimoi think about it, she saw how sweating is the bluenette is.

"Are you sure your Okay?.. you seemed having a fever..?" Moimoi said worriedly but Kuroko gaved her a reassuring smile. "I am fine, Moimoi San, thank you for worrying" he walk out to the kitchen and straight to his room. "What's going on??" Who Imayoshi yanwed, scratching his head.

"Tetsu Kun is sweating so much.. he couldn't sleep, most of all, he was sweating so much and he was quite having hard breath" Moimoi said worriedly but Imayoshi smiled. "He will be okay, it is hard to tell this to you..

But Kuroko is in heat in 3 days, it just starts yesterday"

Moimoi's eye's widened.. "But.. he hasn't found a mate.. y-yet, how can he be in heat inn 3 days?" She asked. "Well, I don't know what to answer in your question but.. it seemed he really need to mate someone, even its a male or a female" Imayoshi explained. "But what if Tetsu Kun's heat get stronger?" She asked again.

"Thats the problem of heat.. if he couldn't find anyone who can mate him or he can mate, then he need to hold it in, in exact 3 days if he can do that" Imayoshi explained again. "Let's sleep now" Imayoshi patted Moimoi nodded worriedly. Both Moimoi and Imayoshi goes out of the kitchen. Moimoi thought to herself..

'I hope Tetsu Kun will be alright tomorrow.'


Until it was Morning, Akashi softly yawn. Someone knock the door.."Come in" he command coldly that Nebuya bowed and roll the tray inside the room. "The breakfast is gonna be ready, Akashi Sama, this is a letter you need to attend into a meeting later" He gave the elegant letter to the Emperor.

Akashi takes it and read the letter.  He gave it back to Nebuya, "I'll arrive at the dining room shortly" he spoke coldly that Nebuya nodded, he bowed and goes out on his room.

Akashi stand up, that he goes inside the bathroom to take a bath himself. He sense something near, it was quite a sweet scent. 'What is this scent..?' He thought to himself while taking a bath. He stand up and grab a towel. He look at his phone, he saw how many rich women tried to approach him in social media.

However he just ignored it like nothing. He put his phone down and dried his hair the strong scent can't fade away. He was curious about the scent.

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