Chapter 9

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---No One's Pov--

Kuroko sigh and he still curious to know what happened to the visitor, Fujio Fumiaki. He sigh. He saw his Master going somewhere. "Moimoi San, where is Master going??" He tilt his head.

"At work, Tetsu Kun, He will be back at night time. Since his always busy." Moimoi explained. Kuroko just reply an 'oh..' the pink haired female beside him.

He knew his job, CEO. When Kuroko was a child and first meet the Emperor, it scares him because of his aura. But now he was not afraid anymore at the Emperor.

Since the Emperor was the one who raised him, the one who take care of him. "Tetsuya" his cat ear twitch and fastly looked at his Master. "Yes, Master?" He tilt his head, "Butler's and Maid's will serve for you" he smiled.

"No, It's okay Master. It's okay if they don't serve me, I.. want to help them out" Kuroko looked up to his master. Moimoi and Riko was stunned. And yet smiled heavenly.. 'Such a Kind Angel..'
"Are you sure?" Akashi asked worriedly a little.

Kuroko nodded, the Emperor chuckle.. "Fine then" He patted his pet's head. Kuroko's tail swing left and right and wave at his Master.

Hayama opens the door for Akashi, while Hyuuga and Imayoshi fastly opened the Gate for them. The driver was Izuki Shun, since his eye's is sharper. Kuroko waved at the door. Akashi smiled at Kuroko. The limousine car drove away.

'Master is very rich than I thought..' Kuroko wonders it. "Riko San, can I asked??" Riko nodded at Kuroko, "How does Master become this rich???" He tilt his head.

"Let see, he was a very hard working and always correct himself without fail to himself, that's always him. He always win" Riko smiled and goes somewhere.

Kuroko followed. Riko was carrying some plants and going to the big garden. "Can I help, Riko San??" Riko nodded and smile, Mitobe was on the other side, gardening the fruit's while Hyuuga and Nijimura even Moimoi washing so many clothes.

As for Hayama who was helping them hanger the clothes and the blanket's. Nebuya and Mayuzumi was inside the Mansion, cleaning the dishes and as for Reo who is on the other side of the garden. Digging the beautiful flowers and fixing the water.

Kuroko can tell that they are all busy. He wanted to help, Kuroko fastly goes to Hayama.. "Hayama Kun" Hayama who jump highly in fear. "K-Kuroko! Will you show n-normaly!?" He shouted and facepalm "Sorry" Kuroko  muttered..Hayama smiled. "Nah! It's okay!" Kuroko wanted to do something as well.

"Can I help..?" He tilted his head, Hayama nodded, but one of Kuroko's claws accidentaly ripped the blanket, Hayama panick. "W-Wait! Kuroko, since you have claws, I can handle this, maybe you can help Reo?" Hayama suggested and Kuroko nodded.

Kuroko opens the glass of door to the big garden. His eye's sparkles. "Kuroko?" Reo called, Kuroko admit that his really tall. "Are you alone? Can I help?? Since I am bored inside the Mansion.. Master said I can do anything" Kuroko's tail fastly shake to left and right.

"Yes, You can, but Akashi Sama said, don't make yourself tired" Reo chuckle. Kuroko nodded.

Reo gaved him the seeds to plan the new flowers. "It's very pretty...." he mumbled and starts planting the seeds. "Wait wait, not yet" Reo put him some gloves. 'He really likes a child.. but now he grew up, it seems he wanted to experience human's life, he always read and read books, nothing more.. Those human's really did too much'.. Reo thought himself. And click his tounge.. "Tch.."

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