Chapter 39

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----No One's Pov---

Akashi goes out, wearing his formal casual outfit. Akashi put carry his blazer with his one hand and just put it on his shoulder. "Shun, let's go" he command, Izuki nodded that he look at Kuroko who was waving.

Kuroko wave at him, he was wearing a collar in his neck again. Akashi wave back and smile at the bluenette that their back again. Akashi goes inside the car, Izuki closed the door for him that he goes infront and starts to drove off.

Moimoi smile that their back again. But she felt something is gonna happen, she turn around to look at their head butler Nijimura who has the same feeling. She look at Kuroko and smile.

Kuroko walk around the Mansion and stop to the pool. He look at his reflection to the water. 'I wish.. I can swim..' Kuroko touch the water, Hayama chuckle. "Do you want to swim??" Hayama asked him, the bluenette shake his head.

"I.. don't know how.. to swim.." Kuroko cat ear's go down softly while Hayama chuckle again. "I can swim and I can teach you at the pool, but since I am just a butler, I can't just just jump to the pool freely, I am not the owner you know," Hayama smile. "Then I'll tell Master that you will teach me" Kuroko look at him and smile.

Hayama rubbed his nape. Hayama spoke to Kuroko "If Akashi Sama agreed.." Kuroko smiled, that his cat tail swiftly swayed softly.


While on the car, Izuki was driving Akashi to the meeting. But when they arrived, at the first meeting, Akashi just look at the time, he understands so fastly even he look at their performance.

He cross his legs and start thinking to that bluenette, he smile that the people at the office got shiver down their spine. They never saw the Emperor was happy like this and very calm to himself.

At the first meeting, Akashi sigh the paper's at his office. One of his assistant explain of what time will the meeting start. 'It seems I got more meeting's, but I am quite excited at the last meeting' Akashi smirk.

After the two meeting, Akashi wait until it was Night that the moon was slowly appearing. Izuki drove to a fancy restaurant.

It was a exact time, that the moon rises. It was 9:45 Pm, but it was quite cloudy. Akashi look at the window at his car, it was gonna rain soon enough.

Izuki park the car at the fancy luxurious restaurant. Izuki open the door for the Emperor that the Emperor look at the sky. 'It's gonna rain soone enough' Akashi thought to himself and goes inside the fancy restaurant, although, he has already have a table.

"Akashi Seijuro sama?? You have a reservation at the third floor" The man smiled and bowed, Akashi uses the elevator to go to the third floor. It was silence, many people are around. But their's one woman who was waiting at the table. He sense the aura of the woman.

Akashi goes their to have a meeting, he was not quite surprise that theirs only two of them. "Good Evening, Akashi Sama" she has a soft pink lips and pink eye's, that has a pure short black hair until her shoulder's. Akashi hummed, he can sense that this is no ordinary woman.

He smirk. "Yes, Good Evening" He sat infront, they are both beside the window. The woman smiled. The food arrive. "I am surprise that this is the meeting" Akashi look at her.

The woman chuckle "Indeed it is, I am Asumi Honoka" she smirk and look at him. While Akashi start's eating elegantly.

"I see, Asumi" she was quite stunned that he is calling her by her first name. 'If I could kill him right now.. for me... I can make him happy.. Even Him.. my little brother..' Asumi look at her food.

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