Chapter 18

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----No One's Pov---

It was silence at the library, Akashi sat beside the bluenette at the floor. "You like reading book's don't you think?? Tetsuya?" Akashi smiled and looked at the boy beside him.

Kuroko replied "Yes, I like reading books, but for now, I need to clean that messy books laying around the floor Master" He was gonna stand up, but when his Master pulled him close, he lost his balance that he falls down to sat him at the middle of Akashi's thigh's.

Akashi wrapped his arms around the bluenette's  waist. "M-Master??" He shutted but Akashi put his chin at his shoulder. 'His scent.. is really good..' Akashi thought himself that he burried his face on the bluenette's neck. "Give me that book" he command. Kuroko gaved him the book.

"Let me read it for you" Akashi smiled and opened the book. "It's been a while I never read a book for you, since your a child, I always read books for you and you fall asleep" Akashi escape a chuckle on his lips, he smirk a little.

"Yes, Master, I completely remember that.. " Kuroko spoke, Akashi smiled. Akashi start's reading the book for the bluenette, Akashi felt him so warm. Kuroko was leaning on him, the Emperor enjoyed it quite a while.

Until many minute's later or an hour. He looked at the bluenette. "Tetsuya??" He called but no answer. He looked at it, Akashi chuckle that he fall asleep peacefully. He touch his soft hair, Akashi kissed his forehead. "Sleep Well" he whisper. He carried the bluenette softly in bridal.

He stand up and walk's out. His eye's flickered in crimson and gold that the book's on the ground returns on the shelf's on it's own. He smirk.

The Emperor goes out to his big library he have. Akashi was going straight to the bluenette's room. The door was closed but when he was gonna step in, the door opens on it's own. He lay the bluenette on the soft bed. He caresses his cheek, he saw how white beautiful skin he have. 'Such a beautiful skin..' Akashi thought himself. He put some blanket on the bluenette and goes outside at the room, he closed the door softly.

Akashi chuckle to himself.. he was quite happy that the bluenette fall asleep in his arms. It was quite warm for him. Akashi smiled warmly. He hold his chest.. 'Such a warm feeling' he smirk again.

Akashi knew they are gonna visit him tonight for a lovely dinner. He hummed and gonna wait for them. The Emperor was quite bored, then someone call's him, he answer's. "This is Akashi Seijuro speaking" he spoke coldly. "Yo Akashicchi!!! Uhmm.. can I asked which direction---" he fastly hung up at Kise's call.

He goes to the big empty room and sat down. "Give me some hot tea" he command. Making Imayoshi and Nijimura bowed. "Yes Akashi Sama" They both go out in the room.

'I wonder how will it go tonight, since Tetsuya will see a beautiful surprise'


Time pass by, it was start's to be a dawn soon.

Kuroko woke up into his deep sleep. He fastly sat up. 'What.. why am I.. in my room..? Who bring me here..?' He fastly goes out of bed. Then someone knock.

"Kuroko, if your awake, Akashi Sama is waiting for you at the dining room with his guest" it was Hayama. "I-I'm coming!" He fastly out his collar and fix his formal clothes. He forgot to clean his bed. The bluenette fastly opened the door. "Yo! He is waiting!" Hayama smirked.

Kuroko fastly nodded, he fixed his shoes and closed the door behind him. "You sleep well??" Hayama asked. "Yes, Hayama Kun, but.. I was in the library.. when I woke up I was now on my room.. " Kuroko explaied and asked "Are you the one who carried me to my room?" Hayama laugh.

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