Chapter 48

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------No One's Pov-----

It was morning, Moimoi was using every map's to locate the enemies. She was using her own gadget. While Kise, Kagami and Murasakibara are drinking, but the lazy giant was eating some chips. At the pool. "Oi Kagami, Kise and Murasakibara, stop doing it, we are going to attack tonight." Reo smirk.

"It seemed you guys are enjoying" someone spoke coldly that make the three of them suddenly turned around "A-Akashi! S-so how was was last night? With" Kagami asked, Aomine was just eating more burger's that Hayama served.

"It goes well, Tetsuya is not my pet anymore" All of them suddenly stop, mostly the butler's and the maid's. "E-Ehhh!!!" Moimoi and Riko shout.

"B-But Akashi Sama what will you do to him!?" Nebuya asked fastly, Hayama and Reo nod. Imayoshi smirk. Kise who goes out to the pool that he look at the time.

"Me and Tetsuya, officially in a relationship right now" He smiled. Murasakibara's pizza suddenly fall down to the pool, Aomine got choke by the burger, while Kagami almost drown.

Hyuuga and Izuki suddenly walk to the pool. Moimoi and Riko is gonna start to nosebleed. Midorima's glasses has a little crack. Kise accidentaly trip to the pool when he hear's that.

It was silence.

"S-So that means.. Tetsu accept you?" Aomine asked him. "Yes, he accept me and I am glad to be his lover, but tonight we need to destroy someone that we want to destroy" Akashi smirk and goes inside his Mansion.

Kise suddenly goes out. "E-Ehhh!!! Akashicchi and Kurokocchi!! Are dating!?!?!?!" He shouted and Aomine throw the plastic cup on Kise's head. "Will you shut up!?" He has an irk mark. "So Mean-ssu!!!" He whined like a child.

Midorima sigh.. "Idiot's as always.. they never change" he whisper to himself. They all stunned when they saw the bluenette, slowly walking to the kitchen, every Miracle's go to him and maid's even butler's. Kagami, Murasakibara and Kise suddenly goes out to the pool.

Kagami shouted.. "Kuroko!!---" all of them stunned when Kuroko was wearing Akashi's shirt, not sleeve. They look down, it was until his thigh. Kuroko's tail swiftly swing that his cat ear's twitch when Kagami called him.

"T-Tetsu d-did you r-really!--" he was cut off when Akashi arrive. "Good Morning Tetsuya" Kuroko sweatdrop, he was still not used to it. "Good.. Morning" he remember that he accept the Emperor last night.

"Aka-chin take over.. Kurokocchi.." the lazy giant smile and eat's more food. Kuroko was gonna drink some water, but Akashi suddenly wrap his arm's at the bluenette's waist, at the bluenette's back.

"I did not take over him too much, he is already belong to me Atsushi, not my pet anymore" Kuroko stunned at Akashi's word's. Kuroko sweatdrop of what happened last night. He know that he can accept Akashi. "I uhh.. need to.. change now" Kuroko said softly.

Akashi smile that he kiss his cheek.. "Yes, change for a bit, you don't need to wear a collar Tetsuya" Akashi patted his head. Hayama and Reo wanted to touch Kuroko's cat ear's.

But since Kuroko always hiss when they touch something uncomfortable to the bluenette. Kuroko goes inside the bathroom, they all look at the Emperor, he was smiling happily. While the Miracle's are creep out even the butler's and the two maid's.

"It's creeping me out nanodayo" Midorima adjust his glasses, Moimoi laugh. While Hyuuga sigh.. "Same for me, I never see Akashi Sama smile like that before" Hyuuga spoke.

Kagami scratches his head.. "Yeah, it is kind of weird that he smile like that, since his always a scary demon who ate's souls" Kagami laugh, even Aomine smirk "Nice!!"  He shouted.

They all sweatdrop when Akashi suddenly holding a scissor. "Do you want to be eliminated?" He smirk. A few hours later.. Kagami and Aomine kneel and keep bowing to the Emperor.

An hour pass that it was quite afternoon. Akashi told them what to do. He can kill whatever he wants, he just want's to kill the boss. If it's strong or weak, while Kuroko was worried for them. Moimoi suddenly uses her gadget to find a map.

'They seemed really busy.. I haven't seen them kill yet.. mostly Seijuro..Kun' Kuroko thought to himself. He sigh and goes upstairs. Akashi hummed softly. The Emperor wanted to kill someone, that he accidentaly broke the pen his holding.

The Miracle's gulped a little that Akashi's pen got broken because of him. Akashi just throw the pen. He was quite excited to his fight tonight.


While on the other side.. "We have a Visitor Tonight, a Lovely visitor" he smirk, Korizu smirk. "My My, a Visitor? Who might that be?" She smirk. "Well, the one who kill's your friend, Kihiro" he smirk.

"He'll pay of what he done to him" she gritted her teeth. "You will be absolutely die" He spoke.

His name was Haizaki Shogo. "Kihiro is weak, but you are quite strong enough, but even your strong.." he smirk wider. "You will still die like he kill a bug" Haizaki laugh. She gritted her teeth.

One woman who was holding a fan. She has a very curly hair like a doll, her hair was brown while her eye's was violet, she had a red lipstick.

"Kihiro is weak than you thought, Korizu." She smirk. "He dies that mean's his weak that he thought would be" she smiled that she has a cigarette on her mouth.

Korizu sigh and just facepalm softly. Haizaki smirk. Her name was Shimiya Zumaki. Shimiya softly smirk.

She was wearing a fancy purple kimono. "It seemed he will arrive soon enough, look at the sun is going down." She walk away.

Korizu pout softly and follows Shimiya "Wait for me Okay!" She follows her.

Haizaki softly smirk.. 'It seemed we will have a good conversation tonight' he drank the whiskey.


When in it's dawn, it was exact time. Akashi was dressing very very well and formal, since he will meet someone. Every Miracle's are in the roof and suddenly split up in the second

Kuroko want's them to be safe at all cost. "Tetsuya" but before he leave. "What is it--" he was cut off with a deep kiss. Even though they are infront of the two butlers. Nebuya and Hayama, they both look away, Nebuya fake cough.

"I'll be back" Akashi smiled and patted his head. Kuroko has a soft blush. "Y-You--" Kuroko was cut off again when Akashi smirk and goes inside the car. He drove off, the gate opens.

Hayama smirk.. "It seemed it's more than a pet" Hayama teased the bluenette. Nebuya psuddenly grab Hayama's face.

"Oi we should respect him now, am I correct Kuroko Sama?" He tilt his head. "Just call me Kuroko is enough, Nebuya Kun" Nebuya nodded and reply "As you wish".


At the time when the moon arises, Akashi arrive at the big building. He goes out inside his car. He smirk..

'This seems going to be fun'

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