Chapter 25

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-----No One's Pov---

It was quite awkward silence since they saw how are they gonna kiss, Kuroko stand up. "It seems the rain stop, Master" Kuroko stand up, he was gonna walk away. But Akashi spoke with a smile. "Fine then, you may go" Kuroko smile at the Emperor. He bowed respectfully that he walk off to the big living room.

Akashi smiled to himself.. 'That was so close enough..' Akashi thought himself with a smile. He goes out to the living room. He saw the bluenette was talking to Riko and Nebuya. He was quite having fun while Nebuya laugh.

"Tetsuya" he called. Kuroko fastly look at his Master. "Come with me for a second" Akashi smiled. Riko and Nebuya fastly bowed. "Where are we going Master?" Akashi smiled. "You want a collar right?" Kuroko fastly nodded that his cat tail fastly swing left and right. Akashi chuckle and patted his head.

"Bye Bye Riko San and Nebuya Kun" Kuroko said with a smile that he bowed respectfully. Kuroko followed the Emperor.

He is a pet after all that needs to obey to the owner.


At the other side..

Blue and Yellow clashing eachother. "Your not Fast enough!!!" Aomine shouted, their sword's was clashing eachother. "Tch.. Remember, It's like your fighting yourself Aominecchi!!!" Kise fastly hit Aomine's sword that flew away, all he can do is dodge at Kise's fast attacks.

"Not Bad!! But your always slow.." Aomine whisper to himself, that he fastly jump high and grab the two swords. He used one of his ability. He softly vanish. Kise panick softly.

He thought to himself.. 'Behind?.. infront?.. left or right!??' Kise fastly gonna slash behind but Aomine appears that his sword was already on his neck.

"I win"

Aomine said with a yawn. While Kise whined "Waaah!! I always lose in Aominecchi!! Should we tell Akashicchi!!?" Kise sigh tiredly that his swords vanish like it fade. Even Aomine who yawned boredly. "For some reason I will scold that Bakagami"  Kise sweatdrop and spoke "But you two always fight"

"Let's visit Akashi" Aomine spoke, Kise's eye's sparkle. "Yess-ssu!! Finally get to see my new friend Kurokocchi-ssu!!!" Aomine smirk that they both go inside their car. They start to drove off, straight to Akashi's Mansion.


Kuroko was following the Emperor. They both go inside the elevator to go up into highest floor at the mansion. The elevator stop as the door opens, Akashi walk straight to his room while Kuroko just follow him inside the room, the door closed softly. He tilt his head. Akashi smirk softly that he grab a crimson collar. It has a golden bell.

"Here, this is yours, Tetsuya" he smirk and gaved it to the bluenette. Kuroko sweatdrop.. "Thank you Master" he smiled softly, Akashi smiled, he liked how the bluenette's reaction is. Akashi smirk slightly of how lucky he was having a pet like the bluenette.

"I can put it in you Tetsuya" Akashi slightly smirk, Kuroko nodded that he gaved the collar to Akashi. The Emperor put the collar in the bluenette's neck. Akashi looked at his nape softly, his white skin. "Their" He spoke making the bluenette nod. The bluenette looked at him. He thank the Emperor.

"Thank you Master" Kuroko smiled, Akashi caresses his cheek softly. It will no more, interruption for them. It was silence. "Master?" He look up to his Master. Akashi smiled that he pull his pet closed to him. "I-Is their something.. wrong Master??" He looked at the Emperor at the eye's while Akashi looked back. Akashi smirk, 'I wonder what those lips.. taste like.. even I already taste it..' he thought to himself.

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