Chapter 5

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---No One's Pov--

Next Day..

It was afternoon..

Kuroko was eating, Akashi hummed and command him "Tetsuya, sat in straight body, don't used spoon when cutting some meat. " Akashi stand up and hold the child's hand, he grab a fork and small knife, he cut the meat. Stabbing the fork on the meat, and cutting it with a knife. "Be careful with it, for now on, I will teach you to be etiquette" Akashi spoke.

"Their... Theirs no teacher.. Master?" Kuroko tilted his head. "You don't need a teacher to learn, your teacher is right infront of you, Tetsuya" Akashi spoke.. "But your infront of me.." Akashi smirk  "I am, that's why I will be the one teaching you, from now on"

The child just look at his master, while the butler's is peeking on the doors, Kicking eachother, Moimoi and Riko are watching as well. "Stop pushing!" She whisper with a shout and another one.. "Stop Kicking!!"

While Akashi has a sense, he was looking at them, behind the door. He smirk in a deadly way 'They seem enjoying the show' he thought himself. Akashi fastly throw the fork to hit the door, as the fork stabbed to the door. It was almost hit Reo. Reo gulped and they all fastly walk away.

"Why did you throw the fork?" Kuroko asked the Emperor. "Oh nothing, it's just my hand slip, that's all" Akashi smiled innocently to the child. "Tetsuya, when your gonna eat, don't eat noisily. Just eat, don't talk and eat that your mouth is closed" Akashi patted the child's head. Kuroko nodded in understanding.

Next is library..

Akashi put his glassed and give three book's to the child. "Read the three of them of one being Etiquette, being behaviour at your considering actions Tetsuya. " he grab the on book.. Akashi hummed. "Tetsuya, other's are quite legendary stories you need to learn" Akashi suggested to the child.

"Master.. don't you think well.. like I am going to school.." Kuroko suggested to the Emperor, making the Emperor chuckle. "You don't need school Tetsuya, will they accept you?" Kuroko stunned by the Emperor's question that he shake his head slowly, hugging the books tight.

Akashi smiled and carry the child, carrying the books. "Don't worry, you can have friends or play with the butlers." The child looked at the Empero fastly and whisper softly.. "I-I can..?" The child asked in a shutter.. "Yes, You Can" The Emperor replied with a smile. He sat Kuroko at the chair and put the three books on the table.

"Read this, if it's dawn, you can stop reading" Akashi smiled and goes out to the room. "Don't play around when reading, if your tired, you can rest as well" As Akashi take off his glasses, the child nodded.  "Yes Master.."

"Good Luck Reading Tetsuya, Make your Master proud of you"  he goes out to the library and close the door. "Kotaro, stay here, Tetsuya is inside. " he command, Hayama nodded. "As you wish, Akashi Sama"

Akashi walks out, Hayama took a peek to the child reading.. 'Such a cute kid reading here.. it seems Akashi sama is training him so well' Hayama thought himself. Kuroko wave at him blankly while Hayama wave back and close the door.


Inside the library..

Kuroko was first  reading about being behavior. The child hummed, his cat eye's was reading fastly. He remember those words.. 'Proud..' the child hummed again.. 'Those words.. since when a human accept a creature like me...' Kuroko sigh as he turn into a next page.

The child wanted to read it all.. he read and read the book. Sone things he could not understand. He stand up and slowly opened the door.. "U-Um.." he shake Hayama's legs softly. Hayama almost make his heart jump out. "E-Eh!!" Kuroko sweatdrop when Hayama screamed. "W-What is it?" Hayama scratches his head and looked to the child.

"Will you help me read..?" He looked up to Hayama, Hayama's heart got strike.. 'So Kawaii!!!!' He has a blush on his face as he kept calm and cough. "Sure thing" he smiled to the child and goes inside the library.

Hayama helped Kuroko to read all of the things he can understand. Hayama point at every word's that Kuroko's eyes followed. "It's gonna be dawn soon.. It seemed you need to--" Hayama was cut off.. "I still want to read" the child suggested and Hayama sigh. 'His a bookworm for sure' He thought himself.

They continue to read, after 2 hours, it was 7:15 Pm. They are still reading, Kuroko read all the book's that Akashi gave him while Hayama was now sleeping. While he was sleeping, Kuroko was reading the book.. mostly the story that he has interested it in. 'Demons..... and creatures..' he thought himself.

He wonders.. if his master has power's as well because he has a different scent of a human. The child has no doubt that he is just a human in this world. Even the tanned male he met named Aomine Daiki earlier. He admit that the tanned male was very kind. But Kuroko was very curious of what are they talking about.. Killing and about demons.. creatures.. different races of this world.

'Is it true that demon's.. exist?' He thought himself.. he flip into the next page of the old book. He was still reading until he was just gonna finished the one book. He already finished the two books, only one book left that his reading. Thank's to Hayama, he learned many things about the two books. But he was more serious at this old legendary book.

When he flip the next page.. the page was wripped. "Eh..." he mumbled, he starts to find the last page that it wripped, but he couldn't find it.. he was sitting on Hayama's lap.. it was night time now.. mostly not exact midnight. He yawned and fall asleep at Hayama's chest. Hayama was quite startled.

He woke up and saw the kid was sleeping... he saw his tail was down even his cat ear's. Hayama smiled..


Akashi was now finished signing every papers. He stand up and gonna checked on Kuroko since it's 10:48 pm now. It was still not midnight that exact Kuroko finished all the three big books. Akashi walked to the hallway, it was empty and quiet. He goes infront of the child's room and opened the door..

He looked around and Kuroko was not their.. "Tetsuya?" He called but no answer. He closed the door and he remembers that he left him at the library. The Emperor walk to the library and notice Hayama wasn't their anymore. He slowly opened the door, the child was getting carried by Hayama.

"Good Evening Akashi Sama" Hamaya bowed happily. Akashi looked at all the books. "I have a good news Akashi Sama" he whisper. "What is it?" Akashi asked.. "He read all the books you gave in many hours. He learned many things  in just an hour, I'm quite surprise a Kid like this would be exist" Hayama chuckle. Akashi was a little stunned.. he read all the books? He checked the time. The Emperor smiled scretly.

"Give Him to me" Hayama nodded when Akashi command him. Hayama softly gave the child to Akashi and Akashi carry the sleeping child on his arms. Hayama bowed and excused himself out of the library that he closed the door.

Akashi made a smirk on his lips..

'This child.. is quite interesting more than I thought would be'

The Emperor goes out to the library and straight to the bluenette's room. He layed him on the bed. "You work too hard.. You made me proud today, Tetsuya" he covers the child with a blankey and caresses his cheek. "Good Night, Sweet Dreams" Akashi smiled and stand up, that he take off Kuroko's collar in the neck and put it on the table. Kuroko can put it in tomorrow in the morning.

As he goes outside the room and turns the light's off..

'Sleep Well... Tetsuya'

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