Chapter 4

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---No One's Pov--

It was silence.. then all the butlers and Maid's arrive. "We already introduce ourselves Akashi Sama, the six of us" Moimoi point at Riko, Imayoshi, Hyuuga, Mayuzumi, Nebuya and Reo. "It's Good then, other's will introduce" Akashi sip his tea. "I am Hayama Kotaro! Pleasure to meet ya!!" He smiled widely. "I am Shuzo Nijimura, pleased to meet you, Kuroko Sama" Kuroko sweatdrop.. "N-no.. K-Kuroko... o-only.." he whisper softly.

They all thought and cough. "Yes, Kuroko" Akashi smiled. "And I am Mitobe Rinnosuke" he smiled and they all bowed.. "Pleasure to meet you, Kuroko" Akashi sip his tea. They are actually not just normal butlers and maids.

They are more than that. That the Bluenette didn't know, the bluenette only sense their light aura, but not all inside their aura. When he first meet this Akashi Seijuro is different than other's. It was different, more different of a human can imagine.

Kuroko knew something about it, that his not just.. a Human, a normal human, but even Kuroko sense it.. he wanted to asked, but since his new here, he couldn't. He still didn't know about this Emperor. "Tetsuya, come here" all of them watch Kuroko goes to the Emperor, that the Emperor put something on his neck. The child's eye's widened.

It was a collar in his neck, it has a small bell in it. "A.. collar?" Kuroko asked him, "Yes, That will be yours" Akashi smiled.

All of them are quite in a shock of how Kind the Emperor is, "For now On, Tetsuya will live here. He is now my beloved Pet. Considering your actions needs to be careful on him, since his just a child. " he command, that make all of them nodded in understanding.

'This child is now a pet???' Riko and Hyuuga thought themselves, while Mayuzumi smiled at Kuroko. Nebuya and Hayama are quite excited that they have a pet, but only the Emperor's pet for exact. Now they think of it, someone was missing... "Wait.. Where's Moimoi?" Mitobe asked, and they heard a running foot steps. "Akashi Sama" she has a hard breath. "One of Them will Visit"

Akashi knew what she meant, "I see.." Kuroko didn't know what is Moimoi talking about, but all the butlers, excuses themselves, even Riko.

"What.. is she talking about.. Sir-- I mean.. uh.. M-Master....." Akashi smirk in satisfaction. "You will know soon" Moimoi was stunned of what Kuroko called Akashi like that.

Kuroko was still a child... his tail was swinging slowly and his ear's down. "Tetsuya" he called that Kuroko's ear twitch fastly. "Come" Akashi opens his arms and Kuroko climb to the Emperor. "Good Boy" Akashi smiled and pat's the child's head.

Moimoi was shock.. "Satsuki, Bring some sweets" He command. "Yes, Akashi Sama, I will serve it right away" she bowed. And goes out to the big room, Akashi was sitting beside the big window, looking outside while the child is sitting on his lap. He touch his ear. Kuroko was startled and fastly spoke "Please don't" Kuroko sweatdrop.

Akashi chuckle. "Master.. can I asked? What does Moimoi San meant..?" The child asked, Akashi smirk while sipping his cup of tea, the child was getting used to call him 'Master' Akashi replied to Bluenette "I already told you, that you will know soon, Tetsuya, you will meet him soon enough, or should I say Later" Akashi chuckle.

The door opened, it was Moimoi who is bringing some sweet food's in the tray. She put it on the golden table "Akashi Sama, it's already serve" she bowed, Akashi spoke "You may go" he command, Moimoi goes outside and closed the big door.

Akashi grab some one sweet chocolate. "Here, You can eat, their's a cupcake, a slice of cake and candies, Tetsuya, you can eat" Akashi smiled, and he looked at the window.

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