Chapter 29

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------No One's Pov----

Kuroko yawned softly at the Emperor's chest. "Master, I'm going to my room now to.. change" Kuroko suddenly spoke, breaking their silence. "Why don't you change here?" Akashi looked at him.. Kuroko sweatdrop and didn't reply those question. When he heard someone is coming..

"Master.. someone is coming.." Kuroko spoke with a panick tone. That Akashi chuckle.. "Let them be.." Akashi softly cover's the bluenette with a blanket. "Thank.. you Master--" Kuroko was cut off when Hayama and Mayuzumi opened the door. "Akashi sama breakfast is---" they are both froze of what they saw infront of them.

"Mayuzumi Kun? Hayama Kun" Kuroko tilted his head while he look at his Master, "Yes, we will be arrived shortly at the dining room" Akashi spoke coldly that he smiled at the bluenette, Mayuzumi cough softly.. "Y-Yes, Akashi Sama, sorry if we distrubed" Mayuzumi said with a soft tone that he closed the door.

Akashi chuckle that he kissed the bluenette's shoulder.. "Let's eat breakfast.. shall we??" He whisper making the bluenette nodded. "But I'm going to.. take a bath.. Master" he softly whisper. Akashi smiled and put his clothes on that he carried the bluenette in bridal.

"Where are we going?" Kuroko asked.. "Taking a bath.." Akashi softly smile, Kuroko froze..

'A bath..? Eh?.. T-Together??'

Kuroko thought to himself. "M-Master I can--" he was cut off when Akashi starts walking out the room, he wasn't going to his small bathroom at his room.

He goes to the 3rd floor using the stairs and the big door open, it was quite big bathroom like a hot spring. Kuroko was quite stunned, the window's are open, the Emperor walk inside that the door closed. Akashi sat Kuroko down that he take off his clothes. Kuroko unbottons his clothes slowly.

Akashi was the first who goes in the water, after the bluenette. The Emperor pulled him so close, to him. "M-Master, I can take a bath on my own.." he softly whispers that make the Emperor chuckle.. "I know, but I want it this way" Akashi kissed his neck softly until his shoulders.

It was the first time that Kuroko take a bath with someone. "Uhm Master.." he called, then Akashi mumble.. "Hm?" It was quite awkward for the bluenette.. "A-About last.. night.. I-I well.. I'm sorry.. for mating with.. you.. I was--" Kuroko was  cut off.. "It's okay, you are my pet after all." Akashi replied him.

Akashi was quite enjoyed having a bath with the bluenette, Kuroko saw something on Akashi, behind that smile, they are something more. "Master.. Can I asked..?" He asked, Akashi nodded.

"What is it that you want to desire?"

It was silence after that question. "Uhh.. sorry Master, I shouldn't have asked t-that!!" Kuroko fastly panick that he was gonna bow. "What I exactly desire?? I already have what I desire.. " Kuroko tilted his head. Akashi smiled at the bluenette.

'I already have what I desire....

It is infront of me...'

Akashi chuckle that he pull the bluenette into his chest, Kuroko was confused of what he desire, most of all curious. When Kuroko leaned into his chest, he can feel the Emperor's heart beat. 'Master's heart beat??' He thought to himself. 'I felt it....I felt it so warm to hear..  but why does it seemed his hiding something from me...

What was it..?

What is he hiding?... why don't he...

Show it to me...?

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