Chapter 32

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----No One's Pov---

It was now Morning, the Emperor was now at the dining room. He hummed and wait for his bluenette, he smirk when he heard his delicate lovely voice, greeting his Master.

"Good Morning, Master"

Kuroko smiled that the Emperor stand up and look at him. He was wearing his collar on the neck, since it his pet after all, only pet that he wants. He wants to desire.

"Good Morning, Tetsuya" he greeted back, he doesn't want the bluenette to make him remember what really happened last night. "Master.. I-I'm sorry.. for yesterday.. I-I'm just scared, I-I--" he was cut off. "No need to worry about that" Akashi smiled and goes to the bluenette to pat his head.

"Let's just eat breakfast, you will come with me today. At my office, I need someone to talk or to deliver my papers, maybe you can help?" Akashi chuckle, Kuroko nodded fastly. "I Can Master" Akashi smiled and thought to himself.. 'That was fast' he chuckle to himself.

They sat at the chair, Moimoi and Riko serve their breakfast. When Akashi look at the bluenette, he felt something was bad gonna happen. But still, he let it slide, as long as his beside to the bluenette, nothing bad will happen to him.

"Tetsuya, why don't you make friends?? With human's?" Akashi smiled. Kuroko suddenly replied his Master. "Well.. My only friend is you and the Miracle's.. mostly the butler's and Maid's here Master" Kuroko said blankly. Akashi sweatdrop.. 'It seemed my pet see me as a friendzone' The Emperor cough a little.

"A friend? What am I to you? Tetsuya?" He asked another question. "A friend Master" Kuroko replied straightly, that the Emperor chuckle. "I see" Akashi smiled at the bluenette, he look at the watch clock at his wrist. "It's almost time, let's go Tetsuya" he stand up and just put his long sleeve casual blazer on his shoulders.

Kuroko nodded and stand up. "Thank you for the breakfast, Moimoi san and Riko San" the one that cook breakfast was Imayoshi and Mayuzumi. Kuroko bowed at the two of them.

Akashi goes inside his car. "Master? Is Izuki Kun not gonna drive??" He tilt his head. "Shun will not driving for today, since he always drive me. Get in" He spoke like a command tone. The bluenette goes inside the car, that the garage open and he droves to the path, when they are almost at the gate, the gate open on it's own that the Emperor drove off. The gate close.

It was silence at the car, Kuroko was just looking at the window. He hummed softly, Akashi smiled of how behave he is. The bluenette just  played with his tail.

The bluenette's ear twitch a little when he felt the car stop. "We're here, Let's go" Akashi goes out from his car, so as Kuroko, but the bluenette hide his tail and cat ear's first before he is going out. Akashi gave the key to the guard and drove it, of where will actually park.

When Akashi goes in, even the bluenette who was hugging his bag. They all bowed and greeted it "Good Morning" respectfully to the Emperor. Kuroko know's how respectful they are since they are afraid of the Emperor, but Kuroko was not, he always wear his blank expression. He was afraid of human's if he heard some whispering about him, he will be afraid.

For the bluenette human's are cruel, except for the Miracle's and his Master.

They arrived at the big office of the Emperor. The big door open's. Kuroko find it neat and clean. He sat at the sofa, he look at the books. The door open's when someone bring them a cup of tea, but Kuroko never drink tea. He want's hot milk.

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