8. Initiation

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  "You think it's finally time?" Naruto asked with a mischievous grin.

You leaned against the locker with a clueless expression on your face. "Time for what?"

Sasuke shook his head disapprovingly, while the blonde continued smiling in that weird way. "Your initiation, y'know?"

"Initiation? Like when they initiate someone into a cult, or into a fraternity or something?" You questioned excitedly with a smirk on your face. The Uchiha sent you a glare, meaning that he didn't want you encouraging him. "Exactly!"

"It's this stupid thing Naruto picked up from some tv show and has been obsessed with ever since. Basically, if you want to keep on hanging out with us, you have to ride down Hokage hill in a grocery cart. It's super idiotic and dangerous, and I can't believe Sakura was willing to do it." Sasuke explained.

"Sakura did it?" You snickered, picturing the pinkette screaming, saying she was "willing to do anything for her true love." That definitely sounded like her.

"Okay, I'm in." You said, watching as the whiskered teen jumped up and down in excitement, shouting the same old catchphrases, while the other sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

You both were a bunch of morons.


After a long tiresome day of school, you were finally free, able to do whatever you wanted with your two best friends. The afternoon light poured through the school windows as you stood in the same hall with the boys.

"So, are we doing this now or-"

"We gotta do some things first. We're going shopping, believe it!" Naruto exclaimed, interrupting you. Never had you seen a boy your age so excited about shopping. It was sorta cute.

Once you finished walking the half-mile to the Kohona Shopping Center, you stopped at a McDonald's, binge eating on junk food. You and Naruto both shared a box of twenty piece chicken nuggets, and a chocolate milkshake, while Sasuke just got a soda.

"Can I just have one, please?" Naruto begged, giving his friend the same puppy dog eyes he would give you. But this time, it didn't work.

"Naruto, you're seventeen years old. Why the hell do you want a happy meal?" Sasuke asked in heavy annoyance.

"Because the toys are so cute!" You laughed, while the Uchiha looked like he was about to murder someone.

Then, you went from store to store in the shopping center, browsing briefly at different things and being dragged along by Naruto. You stopped at a gift shop, a candy store, and a pet supplies store.

"Ugh, aren't they so adorable?" Naruto squealed, tapping at the cage the hamster was in.

"Yeah." You agreed, frowning softly. "What's wrong (y/n)?"

"It's nothing, it's just, these pet supply chains are the worst. The workers are unqualified, they do horrible things to the animals, it sucks." You complained quietly.

"You know what would be a great idea? If we just stole all of these little babies and freed them." The blonde teen offered.

"That's a great idea." You nodded with a grin. "Hey, Sasuk-"

"No." He immediately told you two, crushing your spirits. "You're no fun, duckbutt."

"Duckbutt?" You echoed.

"That's Sasuke's nickname, y'know? Duckbutt. Or Duckass, whichever you prefer." Naruto clarified.

"Hehe, I like that. Duckbutt." You said, making Sasuke groan. "See what you caused? Now she's going to call me it."

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