26. News

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Yawning, you sat on the edge of your bed, arching your back as you stretched. You had just woken up to another typical Wednesday morning, preparing for school. You looked down at your phone, checking your notifications, seeing a few texts from Naruto. Nothing too out of the ordinary.

Naruto: GMMMM :)

Naruto: So I tried frosting on toast and it hoenstly might b the next best thing

Naruto: Ugh wake up faster and text me backkk I miss uuuuu :((

You scoffed at the text, smiling to yourself. He was such a weirdo. It was so cute.

Y/N: Good Morning Dork

Y/N: Omg that's the most disgusting thing I heard of don't get sick

Y/N: See you at school

With that, you went through your normal routine, getting ready for the day. Once you finished, you walked down the stairs, grabbing some breakfast.

You poured yourself a bowl of your favorite cereal, eating as you watched your Dad come downstairs. "You're not allowed to go to school, not unless I take you."

"What? Okay, slow down. What's going on?" You asked your father, who was seemingly irritated, frustrated, and probably worried about something stupid. He was probably listening to too much politics on the radio again.

"It's all over the news! Six teens were murdered in our area. Police are thinking it's some sort of new gang or something. So, I'm driving you there." He told you.

Shock hit and washed over you in waves. They were killed in the area? You could've known them. Could've even walked past them the other day. Who were they?

"Now, get to the car. You're gonna be late if you don't hurry." He instructed, pulling you out of your brief daze.

So now, here you were, listening to music and looking out the window, trying to block out your father's rambles and occasional shouts of road rage. You couldn't even count the number of times he's broken the horn by punching down on it so hard.

But you grew bored and curious, so you decided the lookup the murders. And what you found shook you to your very core.

Kidomaru, Jirobo, Tayuya, Sakon, and Udon. Sai. They were all dead.

You felt your heart sink into your stomach. You knew them. All of them. Sure, you didn't know them that well, but just knowing that it was all over for them, that they were gone, really irked you.


When you arrived at school, the place was filled wall to wall with cops and detectives, talking with students, teachers, each other, one could think that this was a huge crime scene or something. But you knew it wasn't.  Still, you couldn't help but feel nervous at the sight.

Seeing Naruto and Sasuke waiting at your locker managed to soothe your nerves a bit. You sighed softly, walking over to them, and bumping your head into Naruto's chest, letting him wrap his arms around you and pull you into a comforting hug.

"How're you holding up?" He asked, and it seemed that he just found out as well.

"With finding out about all these murders and shit? I'm a little freaked." You answered, pulling away. "I mean, sure they were shitty people and did horrible things to me, but they didn't deserve to die. They were just kids." 

"Well, it seems someone felt differently." Sasuke chimed in, his tone numb and emotionless.

You frowned to yourself, before looking up at the two boys. "Yeah, I'm surprised you guys are so calm about this. I thought you'd be freaking out, Naruto."

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