39. Mean Girls

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You had grown used to the stares and whispers, and all the shitty things people said about you. It was something that happened daily, and you knew that you couldn't control what others did, only what you do. You did your best to ignore it, but what you couldn't ignore, was the writing on your locker.

You stared at the word "SLUT" which was written in bold, black, sharpie. Feelings of anger, disgust, and embarrassment flooded through you. People could say whatever they wanted about you, you didn't care. But when they did this? That drew the line.

Students murmured as they passed your locker, some things you could hear, others you couldn't. Some laughed, while others felt sympathetic. What made it worse is that you knew exactly who did this.

Ino and Sakura. Who else could it be? They had been antagonizing you ever since you got here, and you couldn't take it anymore.  So you did what you had to do.

Taking a deep breath, you opened the door to Mr.Hatake's classroom, walking through and over to his desk. You fidgeted slightly, preparing what you were going to say to him before he interrupted you. "What can I help you with, (y/n)? If you're here for class, it's not until tomorrow."

"No, I know that, uhm I just, wanted to talk to you about something? Could we Uhm, step outside?" You asked, causing him to look up at you. He put his book down on his desk, getting to his feet and stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Make it quick."

As you stood in the hall, you tried to figure out the best way to word things. It seemed like it would be easier for you to show him than explain, so, that was what you chose to do.

"Follow me." You led him down the corridor and over to your locker. You stopped there, gesturing to it simply, before speaking again.

"I didn't know who I should tell, but I think Ino and Sakura did this. They've had it out for me for a while now. Ever since I've gotten here." You explained.

Mr.Hatake didn't stay anything. Just stood there, staring at your locker for a few moments, and when he spoke, his voice was serious and cold. "I'll have a word with them."


Naruto glanced over at you, watching as you rested a chin on your hand, frowning to yourself. Something was up. You were upset, and a bit distracted, it seemed.

"Psst, (y/n)! Psst, psst." He whispered, nudging you slightly and trying to get your attention.

"Yeah?" You murmured, moving your eyes away from the board and momentarily stopping your note-taking. You were slightly annoyed by the interruption, due to your irritable mood from earlier in the morning.

"Are you okay? You seem quiet." He questioned, his big blue eyes gleaming with worry. You sighed, with a smile. You could never stay mad at him.

"I'm fine." You answered simply, leaving Naruto to give you a skeptical look. "Really, I am. I've just..had a long morning. It's a long story, I'll explain it later."

"(Y/n), is there anything you would like to add?" Mr.Ebisu questioned, interrupting your conversation. "No sir."

"Then keep quiet while I'm teaching. Or it's a detention from both of you." With that, he turned away, souring your mood even more, and making you frown to yourself.


"They what?!" Naruto exclaimed, and you shushed him, trying to calm him down, keeping as much attention off of you as you could. Sasuke seemed furious as well, trying to keep his composure, but not successful, due to the way his hands were balled up into fists and were trembling.

"It's fine, I've dealt with them for a while now. I told Mr.Hatake and he's going to talk with him." You explained. "Why didn't you tell us?"

Sasuke added, his tone irritated and protective. "Well, you guys used to seem really close with Sakura. And I didn't want to ruin your relationship even more than I already have."

"(Y/n), it's our relationship, not yours. So we can decide if we want to spend time with her. If we don't, we don't. But that should be something between all three of us, not something that's taken out on you. It's not your fault." Sasuke told you.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just felt guilty about the whole thing, I guess. You guys aren't going to say anything to them...are you?" You asked nervously.

The two boys traded looks before glancing back at you. "Why would you think that?"

"Because both of you are kind of protective. I mean, you beat up Kiba and you don't really like a lot of the people I hang out with." You admitted with a small chuckle.

"Well, those guys are assholes, and they deserved what they had comi-"

Sasuke smacked a hand over Naruto's mouth, shutting him up before he could say anything worse. "Alright, how about this? We don't say anything to them, but you tell us if they bother you again. And if they do, then we can talk with them."

"Okay, deal."


"I can't believe that little bitch ratted us out," Sakura muttered as she sat with Ino in detention. The room was empty, Mr.Hatake running late, like always, but the two girls knew better than to leave. They would be caught if they tried. "My perfect record is completely gone now. This better not affect anything with me getting into college."

"Relax, nerd. It's not going to affect anything. What you should be focused on is how we're going to get her back." Ino said, putting her feet up on the table. Unlike Sakura, she had been in detention plenty of times, after starting fights with girls, bullying, etc, so she was taking it much better.

"Maybe we should drug her again like we did at the party. Who knows, maybe this time she'll get jumped." The pinkette offered with some wishful thinking.

"Alright, but increase the dosage this time. I don't want her to be completely blacked out, and make sure she doesn't remember a single thing."

Little did they know someone was listening. And they had heard everything.

(A/N: Uh oh....

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