38. Arcade

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Knocking at the door, you brushed a hair behind your ear, waiting nervously. Instead of Kushina answering it, this time, it was Naruto's father, Minato. He smiled down at you warmly, making your heart race slightly. "Naruto will be down in just a moment. Would you like to come in?"

"Oh, sure." You nodded, accepting his offer and stepping inside. Unlike Kushina, Minato was much more soft-spoken. It seemed the only thing Naruto got from him was his looks. But hey, you weren't complaining.

Naruto came rushing down the stairs, slipping on his denim jacket as he ran over to you, almost falling flat on his face doing so. But, you managed to catch him, helping him stand up.

He's such a spazz. An adorable, dumb, spazz.

"You look so pretty! And you're wearing it?" Naruto gestured to his sweatshirt, which he gave to you not too long ago. You rubbed the back of your neck, feeling your face warm. "Uh, yeah."

"Well, I'll leave you guys be. Have fun, you two." He smiled, before walking off, leaving you and Naruto alone.

Naruto pressed a kiss to your cheek, before taking your hand and rushing out the door. "C'mon we're going to be late! I don't want to miss our reservation, y'know!"

"Reservation? Wait, Naruto, where are we going?" You asked. Naruto hadn't told you about the location of your data, in an effort of keeping it a surprise. But right now, it looked like he could barely keep it in.

"To the arcade! But the restaurant they have next to it requires you have a reservation. It's weird, but it'll be fun." He told you as he got into his car, starting it up. You buckled yourself in, letting him drive off into the night.


After a short drive full of Naruto speeding and almost murdering you, followed by you yelling at him, you arrived at the restaurant. It was styled in a diner type of way, with booths and a checkered floor, as well as a bar table. It was nice, and you wondered if he had been here before.

Surprisingly, Naruto didn't order a bowl of ramen, ordering a burger instead. You just got some fries and a soda, not wanting to eat too heavily, just in case something happened later tonight.

"Can we have a milkshake too?" Naruto requested, making you cock an eyebrow. What was he planning?

One of the waitresses placed the milkshake down on the table, putting two straws into it. The blonde boy flashed you a big grin, making you roll your eyes and smile. Of course, he would do something cheesy like this. "Well, drink up."

And so you, both began sipping your drink, (Naruto chugging more than sipping) before your boyfriend got a brain freeze. He sat back, grabbing his head and groaning, making you laugh.

"And that's why you need to slow down when you eat and drink things. I warned you." You taunted, and he just grunted in response.

Once Naruto fully recovered, you both finished the milkshake, topping it off with a small peck on his lips. After Naruto paid, (his stubborn ass insisted on paying and you gave in) you two were off to the arcade.

You walked around the place, with Naruto's arm around your shoulder. It felt nice, being out with him like this in public. You felt safe and loved, and you didn't even care about who was looking. Not that most people were, considering how they were all sucked into the games.


You spent the next couple of hours playing games, and getting tickets, before wasting the rest of your tokens on a claw machine, unable to get anything from it. Fortunately, you and Naruto put your tokens together, managing to get some candy and a stuffed teddy bear.

But now, you were driving back home. You were having so much fun with him, you didn't want it to end so soon. So, you asked Naruto to pull over when you spotted an empty parking lot.

"So, uh, what's up?" Naruto asked, fidgeting in his seat slightly, seeming nervous. "Why are we sitting here?"

"I just wanted to talk." You said, unbuckling your seatbelt and turning to face him, crawling over to him and sitting right in his lap.

His cheeks turned a hot red, his blue eyes widening. "U-uhm- what are you-"

Before he could finish what he was saying, you pressed your lips to his, kissing him deeply. Naruto kept his hands on the seat for a moment, unsure of what to do, before putting them at the small of your back. After a couple of long moments, you broke the kiss, leaving you both panting.

"Woah," Naruto muttered, gazing at you with a dazed, blissful expression. You hadn't even started yet. "What was that for?"

"I know you've been feeling left out and stuff, and I just want to show you how much you mean to me with a little treat."  You told him, your hand gliding down his chest, to his stomach, going lower and lower, making him shudder.

"You don't have to. This whole date has shown everything-"

You put a finger to his lips, shushing him. "I know. I'm not doing this because I have to. I'm doing this because I want to. Now can you be a good boy and sit back for me?"

Naruto nodded rapidly, slumping back in his seat, and you kissed him, grabbing the lever on the side of the chair to push him back. You pulled off your sweatshirt and your top underneath, leaving you just in your lacy bra, while you hiked up your skirt slightly.

You watched as Naruto's blue eyes raked over your figure, taking it in, your breasts, your stomach, your thighs, everything. Slowly, you unzipped Naruto's fly, pulling down his boxers and revealing his painfully hard member.

He inhaled sharply as you began to stroke him slowly, arching your back slightly and puffing your chest up to give him a bit of a show. "You're so- so- beautiful."

You continued stroking him slowly, up and down, up and down, making him groan and swear under his breath. He was quite the sight, panting under you, biting his lip and furrowing his brows as he bucked into your hand slightly.

He leaned over and began covering you in kisses, moving from your neck to your breasts, while you began to pick up the pace. "Tell me, Naruto. Have you done things like this?"

"Yes, yeah, imagining it was you. This is so much better and- fuck- your hand's so soft." He groaned, and you could feel him begin to throb. "And so is your chest and your- god-"

You were going even faster, while he continued thrusting into your hand. "Fuck me, please, please-"

He moaned loudly, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, as he came right into your hand. You licked it all up, licking the rest off of his clothes and cock, leaving him oversensitive.

"That was- wow." Naruto panted, smiling at you. You smiled back, kissing him, before pulling away. "We should probably get going."


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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