52. Others

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You woke up in a slight haze from the sedatives, disoriented and tired. You could barely keep your eyes open, unable to take in the unfamiliar surroundings.

After a few more minutes, you could focus, slightly more awake than before. You were lying in bed, one that was much bigger than the ones you've slept in before. It was very minimalistic, with barely any personality to it. The walls were painted a pale pink, with a painting of some sort of flower on the wall beside you.

Your memory was a little foggy. Where were you? Why were you here? How did you get here?

Then, there was a knock at the door. It was followed by Sasuke walking in, not even waiting for you to respond and give permission.

Your heart dropped as you remembered everything. As you remembered that you weren't free, trapped by your psychopathic lovers. Well, it was nice to forget about it for a few moments. It was nice to pretend you had your freedom, when you doubt you'll ever get it again.

"Good morning." He had a glass of water, sitting on the edge of the bed. You slowly sat up, realizing that there's no handcuffs or bindings on your wrists, despite the marks of them.

He handed you the water, and you hesitantly reached over for it, unsure of what he could've put in it. He had just drugged you, after all. Why not do it again?

Rolling his eyes, he sipped the water, showing that it was perfectly safe. While you didn't want to interact with him or touch him or receive things from him, you were thirsty, and your throat was dry, so you took it and drank. 

"Come with me. I need to show you something." He told you, once you finished the glass.

He was letting you walk around freely? That's weird. You could escape anytime you saw an opening, and you just tried to escape not long ago. So why did he trust you?

You followed him down a long corridor and then another hallway, taking note of openings you could have for future plans of escape. He finally stopped at a door, one that was protected by some sort of keypad.

Blocking your view with his back, he punched in a code. After a moment the door unlocked, and he opened it, stepping inside, with you following after.

Inside were multiple monitors of rooms and places all over the Uchiha estate. Just when you thought things couldn't get anymore weird...

Sasuke paused for a moment, pointing to one monitor in particular, which showed the courtyard. "Do you remember here? When we had our first kiss? God, I just had to get that footage, and I replayed it over and over again."

You cringed, the memories you once looked back on fondly tainted by Sasuke's obsessive behavior. You couldn't even think of the times when you were in love with them. Every time you did, you felt embarrassed and humiliated by how blind you had been.

"Just get to the point, Sasuke. Why am I here?" You asked. You knew you weren't just here for sentimental reasons. There was something else.

He huffed, his once happy and reminiscent expression switching to something darker. He pointed to another monitor of some other room on the estate.

On the monitor, your father paced around the room seeming nervous and angry. Your heart broke at the sight.

Despite being barely conscious at the time, you remembered your father coming for you, and speaking with you. Some of the things you could make out, some not. At the time, you thought it was a dream. But now, it doesn't seem the case.

"As you can see, there are cameras everywhere. So if you even thought of escaping, Naruto and I would know. And if you try to escape, we'll kill your father. We don't want to do that. So just behave, and don't make things difficult, okay?"

You felt sick, hot tears of frustration building up in your eyes. You wanted to scream at them and cry. You wanted to puke.

You're never getting out of here, are you? They're never going to let you go.


"Who are you?" Temari asked, looking Shikamaru up and down, sizing him up. "I'm a friend of (y/n)'s."

Temari's judgmental look worsened into a glare. She hadn't had a good past experience with your new friends. Just before she could slam the door in his face, Shikamaru put his foot between it, stopping her.

"Relax, I'm not with Naruto and Sasuke. I'm actually here because my of them. (Y/n)'s in danger." He admitted.

Temari stared at him in disbelief. She knew Naruto and Sasuke were trouble, but she also knew she had to stay away from them. She should've paid closer attention. She should've helped you. 

She couldn't help the guilt she felt, along with concern and complete heartbreak. She opened the door up, letting him in. "What happened?"


"Wait, so you're telling me they kidnapped both her and her father? And they killed all those people?" Temari repeated everything Shikamaru just told them.

Here he sat, in the siblings living room. Explaining everything that just happened. He had been tracking Naruto and Sasuke for weeks, ever since you went missing. He tried doing everything he could to help, including contacting your dad, but nothing worked.

"We can't do anything though. Naruto and Sasuke...have dirt on us. If they find out we're going after them, who knows what'll happen."  Kankuro admitted.

"That's why they're not going to find out. I've known about Naruto and Sasuke for a long time. It didn't seem that bad...until they started killing my friends, and that's when I knew they were dangerous and I knew I had to do something about. So don't worry, I've got a plan."


"(Y/n), I'm sorry things turned out this way. I really am, I wish things could be different, but-"

"I just want to be alone right now, Naruto." You told him, holding back tears. The last thing you could do at the moment is talk to him or Sasuke.

So, he leaves you be, letting you sit alone in the room and watch as the rain pours. You couldn't help but wonder if you'll ever be free again or if you'll be trapped forever, or worse, killed by the hands of your own lovers.

Your hope had been crushed. The only thing you could do was behave so your father wouldn't suffer a fate as bad as yours.

(A/N: We're nearing the end guys....so just be prepared.

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