23. Confrontation

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"Thanks for the ride, Naruto. You're the best." You said as he pulled up to the hospital parking lot. Kiba had to be hospitalized after what happened during the party. It seemed like they beat down on him pretty badly. But, he also got alcohol poisoning, so maybe it wasn't completely your fault.

"You sure you don't want me coming in with you? I could keep company, y'know, and make sure everything's okay." He grinned nervously.

"I don't think Kiba will try anything in the hospital, Naruto. I'll be fine. I'll text you to come pick me up, okay?" You hugged him, turning away and walking into the hospital.

Naruto's smile faded as he watched you leave, staring down at the flowers you had in hand. He didn't understand why you were trying to help someone who hurt you. Why couldn't you just forget him? All you needed was him and Sasuke? Can't you see?

It didn't matter, they'd deal with Kiba later. Right now, they had someone else they needed to handle. So, Naruto started his car, driving away and leaving you all alone with Kiba.

Taking in a deep breath, you pressed a button on the elevator, clutching your flowers tightly. Sure, you were there to support your friend and wish for him to get better, but you also wanted to the truth about what happened. And you figured, no other time would be better than now.

Walking in, you saw Kiba covered in bruises, his face and body decorated in purple, black and blue, his eyes all puffy and barely open. He looked so much worse than you imagined, and you couldn't help but rush to his side.

"Kiba? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. You look horrible." You held his face, staring down at him and making him grunt in pain.

"Angelface, I missed you." He mumbled softly, a blissed-out expression on his face. This was the most peaceful you have ever seen him.

You couldn't help but giggle. "Man, how many pain killers do they have you on? You looked buzzed out of your brains."

"A lot." He chuckled. "You're so cute when you laugh like that, (y/n)."

"Thanks." You blushed. See? How could he do anything wrong? He cared about you. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Right?

You cleared your throat nervously, shifting your stance and stepping away from him. "I got you some flowers. A little get well gift and an apology for causing this mess."

"You shouldn't be apologizing for this mess. I should."

"What do you mean?" You asked, watching as a stunned expression crossed Kiba's face. He messed up, and it seemed both of you realized that.

"What? Nothing." He lied, and you felt your eyebrows furrow, taking a step closer to him. "What did you mean, Kiba? Tell me, now."

"It was just a mistake okay? I wanted to hook up at the party, I was drunk, you were drunk. It was a whole mess." Kiba confessed.

You felt your fist tighten around the flowers, as you finally had to face the truth. Naruto and Sasuke were right. They always were right. You should've just believed them.

"Why didn't you tell me the truth? Why haven't you apologized? Don't you even feel bad? You know what? It doesn't matter. Because we're done. Take your stupid damn flowers." You threw the bouquet at him, turning on your heel and walking out, Kiba calling out after you.


Naruto and Sasuke parked outside of Sai's apartment, looking to see if anyone was home. Once they saw Sai's walking back, they went to the back of their car, grabbing their bags and gloves.

"What's going on with (y/n)?" Sasuke questioned as they did so.

"I don't know, she's going to talk with Kiba, we'll see what happens." The Uzumaki muttered, creeping out around the back, so no one could see them.

"You seem unhappy," Sasuke commented.

"I just know what that prick is capable of, okay? I doubt he's going to tell her the truth. We should've just handled him while we had the chance." He grumbled angrily, pouting.

"You know we couldn't do that. We'll deal with him later, alright? Let's just focus on Sai right now." The teen murderer said, both boys growing quiet as they crept into Sai's apartment.

Sai had been released on bail after what had happened, and your parents filed a restraining order on him. But that wasn't enough. Justice hasn't been served. He hasn't paid for what he's done. Not even close. They were going to make him pay and put him down forever.

Climbing through his window, the two entered Sai's room, going through his things. There were multiple paintings, sketches, and photos of you scattered everywhere. It made what Naruto and Sasuke were doing seem like child's play.

Sasuke picked up the one Sai had used for his project with you, studying it closely. You were wearing a beautiful silk white dress, leaning on a windowsill and holding a flower in your free hand.

He had to admit, Sai did a great job capturing your beauty. It was almost as gorgeous as the real thing, and it left him tempted to take it for himself. But he knew he couldn't.

They weren't here for collecting. They were here for murder.

Naruto tapped his shoulder, gesturing for him to move. Sai was just in the other room. Now was their chance to get him.

Eagerly, the blonde rushed over, Sasuke unable to stop him. He tackled the stalker to the ground, pinning him down. "Don't scream, or I'll gut you right here and now."

Sai struggled underneath him, his eyes narrowed with hate, fear, and anger. "Why are you doing this, huh? For (y/n)? She'll never love you. Not when she finds out what you've done. We're the same. You're no better than me. You're worse."

"Shut up shut up shut up!" Naruto yelled, jamming the knife into him, and stabbing him over and over again. Well, they definitely couldn't make it look like a suicide now.

Sasuke walked over, taking the blade from his hand and finishing him up with a stab to the gut. He helped his companion up, watching as he panted, choosing not to speak to him until he's finally calmed down.

"Sorry." Naruto finally said. "I know this messed up our plans, I just- I don't know what came over me."

"It's fine, I have another solution for this anyways." Before Sasuke could start explaining it, both their phones chimed. It was you.

And you finally knew the truth.

(A/N: Don't worry Sasuke time is coming very soon, Ig 🙄

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