47. True Character

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Shikamaru's words had left you shaken up. No matter how hard you tried to distract yourself, your mind would always go back to them, leaving you stuck thinking, stressing, and worrying.

Now, you were thinking of your two lovers differently, looking at them differently. Suspecting them, questioning them, and not trusting them.

Naruto and Sasuke always had been protective of you, and you didn't pay too much mind to it at first, you even found it sweet. But now, it was all you could think about it. They never did like Kiba, or Sai, or all those other kids...but would they kill them? Would they kill Ino and Sakura?

Then, you remembered what Kiba said about that Haku kid..Had they murdered before? Growing more and more anxious, you began to type on your computer, searching up his name.

There were no results, and what you did find was useless. Frowning to yourself, you pulled out your phone, texting Shikamaru.

You: Have you heard anything about that whole Haku rumor?

Shikamaru: Seems like you're finally starting to ask questions

Shikamaru: Good Luck

Without another word, he texted you a number, one you didn't recognize. You would ask who it was, but you suppose you'll find that out when you call it.

So, taking a deep, shaky breath, you dial up the number, listening to it ring. It rang only once before someone picks up.

"Hello?" A deep and raspy voice answers. "Uhm, hi."

You squeak back, intimidated by the strong and deep timbre. "Who is this? What do you want?"

The voice grows hostile and angry, but it still keeps its low and whispery tone. "My name is (y/n), and I was wondering if you had some answers about what happened to Haku."

There's silence on the other line, and for a second, you think they hung off. But then the man lets out a low, laugh. "You're asking some dangerous questions, kid. If you're not careful, you'll piss off some powerful people."

"Please, just tell me what happened. I need to know." You said, needing to get to the point.

"Okay fine. Yeah, the bastards killed him and framed me for it, now I'm stuck in prison for life because of them. Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha...I'll never forget what they did. I swear, if I ever get out of here, I'll kill them myself."

"Wait what? How?" You asked. "Shit, a guard's coming, I have to go."

And just like that, the call was over. You laid back on your bed, staring at the ceiling, shock coursing through you.

They killed him. They actually killed him.

You couldn't believe it. How could the two men you loved do such a thing? Maybe it was a lie..But would Kiba, Shikamaru, and this man all lie? It seemed too connected...

Then, you remembered that conversation you had with Naruto and Sasuke just a few weeks ago.

"I have this weird feeling, like this guardian angel is following me, and killing anyone who wrongs me."

And they both got so defensive after you said that. They were your guardian angels? But they weren't your angels, no. They were the devil.

They needed to be stopped, and you had to be the one to do it. So, you came up with a plan to stop the two, once and for all.


You: Hey, are you free? I'm bored, and I wanna hang out at your place.

Naruto: Sure!!! You don't have to ask lovey, you can just come over whenever you want

You cringed at the nickname you once loved, and turned off your phone, shoving it into your back pocket, beginning to walk off to Naruto's place.

"Baby!! I missed you!" Naruto exclaimed, throwing the door open and wrapping his arms around you before you could even knock. You hugged him back, for a moment or two, before pulling him off.

"I missed you too. I'm starving, do you have anything I can eat? Some snacks, or lunch or something?" You asked.

"Sure." He went back inside, and you followed him into the kitchen. The moment he turned away from you, you took off, running up the stairs.

"I'll be right back, I think I left a shirt upstairs or something. There's been one I've been looking for and I want to find it." You called to him, as you walked down the hall. "Oh okay!"

The moment you entered Naruto's room, you shut and lock the door behind you. You searched his room, looking for something, anything. You needed proof, not just for yourself, but for the police too.

Naruto would be the only one sloppy enough to leave something like that around...right?

You searched under his bed, in his closet, and then in his desk. In one of the drawers, you found a big box, lifting it and putting it down on his bed, seeing a big combination lock on it.

You struggled with the lock, trying different combinations, trying to get it open, but it didn't work. You tried his birthday, Sasuke's, yours, everything you could think of..but nothing.

Wait a second..he wouldn't...would he?


Thanking Naruto's stupidity, you undid the lock, opening the box. And what you found made you sick.

There were clothes that you had noticed were missing, your shirts, your underwear, and even one of your favorite stuffed animals. He had taken it all and kept it in here with some letters.

With a trembling hand, you pulled out your phone, snapping pictures of it. It was then that you heard Naruto's voice, calling out to you and walking up the stairs. Grabbing some of the letters, you put the box back in the drawer, before rushing to answer the door.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" He asked cluelessly. "Oh, I-I was just looking for my shirt. I couldn't find it, though."

Naruto almost bought your lie, before he noticed the letters he had in your hand, trying to hide them behind your back.

That's when he realized, and you did too.

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