9. Cleaning

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"You would love Naruto. He's such a dork, but in like a kinda cute way, and he's a great friend." You told your old friend over the phone as you took out the trash.

Even though you moved, you and your old friends were still very close. You wouldn't even consider them friends at this point. They were more like family. Temari and Kankuro were like your big brother and sister, and Gaara was like your twin. It was pretty great since you always did want siblings.

You had known the three of them ever since you were little, and you couldn't afford to have that bond broken. Especially the friendship you had with Temari. You didn't want to lose that. So, you and her called at least once a week, sometimes even once a day.

"Well, I'm glad that you could make some new friends." She replied, her tone a little misleading.

"Is something wrong?" You asked, insecurity laced with your voice.

"Oh no, it's nothing, just, you know how boys are, and I don't want you getting hurt." She answered.

This wasn't much out of the ordinary. Temari often tended to be very protective over you, especially around boys. You didn't think much of it, since you knew Temari cared for you as if you were one of her younger siblings.

"I know that. It's not like I'm putting my life in their hands. If I thought they were bad guys then I wouldn't be hanging out with them. Trust me, I have a good feeling about this." You replied, a small smile on your face. "Plus, I'm pretty sure Naruto might like me."

There was an awkward silence on the other line, which was enough to make you look up and realize that your stepmother was in the room with you, eavesdropping on your conversation. "Sorry, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later. Love you, bye."

Why did she always have to do this? Couldn't she just mind her own business?

"May I help you?" You said, in the nicest tone you could.

"I thought your father said no boys." She crossed her arms, giving you a stern look. You hated when she acted like that, as if she was your actual mother. She wasn't. She wasn't even close.

"He said no boyfriends and he was just kidding around." You answered, collecting your things and preparing to turn away, hoping she wouldn't say anything else to you.

"Oh really? Then what about 'Oh I think Naruto might like me.'" She mimicked your tone, causing you to chew on the inside of your cheek in frustration. You knew that if you said anything to her right now, it would be thrown right back at you later.

"But seriously, I mean, look at you. You're a mess. How do you expect anyone to like you when you look like that?" And there came the insults. You thought you would get used to them at this point. But, you never did.

You would tell your father about what happened, but your stepmother always managed to lie her way out of it.

It wasn't fair that she could get away with things like this. It wasn't fair that she constantly tried manipulating your father so you could be out of his life. Jealousy was an ugly color, and man did she wear it well.

"I'm just going to my room." You muttered, turning away to leave. If only your Dad didn't work at that shitty job. If only he could be home more and see the things she was saying to you.

With your ego and self-confidence now once again destroyed, you forced yourself into your room, shutting your door quietly. Once you got behind your door, you sat. You sat down and you cried.

Maybe you were being sensitive. You didn't know. All you knew was that you were tired. Tired of living like this. You missed your mother. Sure, you and her didn't have a perfect relationship, but she was the only one who understood you. The only one who could help you with things like this. But she was gone. So, you were all alone.

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