36. Drive In

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Hunching over your mirror, you applied the lipgloss to your lips, popping them and smiling to yourself, before glancing over at the clock.
Crap, you had to go. So, you fixed up your hair and appearance, before tossing your lipgloss into your purse, getting all your other things together.

"I'm leaving, Dad!" You called out to him, slipping your purse over your shoulder, and rushing out the door, not trying to let him see you.

He knew you were dating, but you never clarified who it was. Things were easier this way, and you didn't him to give you shit for dating an Uchiha, as well as dating two boys.

Now you would tell him, just not right now. He already had enough going on, and you didn't want to put him through anything else. You also didn't want him to see what you were wearing, and that's why you were rushing out the door. If you revealed the slightest bit of skin, he would freak out and say you're half-naked.

And he definitely wouldn't approve of the clothes you were currently wearing, which was an (f/c) slightly low cut button-up blouse, and a matching miniskirt to go along with it. You jogged down the steps of your home and rounded the side of Sasuke's car, hopping into the side.

"Hi." You greeted him, as you closed the door and settled into the passenger's seat, buckling yourself in.

"Hey." He replied simply, resting his hands on the wheel. You smiled at him, before looking over your shoulder and searching for your other boyfriend. "Where's Naruto?"

"Oh, he couldn't make it. He has a family gathering or something." Sasuke lied.

If he was being truthful, he and Naruto made a deal not too long ago that whoever got the first kiss would have to give the other the first date. And of course, Naruto, being the impulsive moron he was, gave it to him.

"Oh, okay. Well then, Uhm, Can we go?" You asked, patting at your lap nervously, eyeing the door. Sasuke shrugged, starting the car and driving off.

Most of the drive was quiet, besides the occasional small talk you tried to make with Sasuke. He could tell you were nervous, noticing the way you messed with your hair and fingers. It seemed like it was Sasuke's turn to try to make conversation.

"Have you told your Dad about us?" He started, and you locked eyes with him, before taking a small breath.

"No, but I did tell him that I'm dating. I just, I've never really done this before. I've never really had a serious boyfriend like that. I would usually just be too busy with my friends." You admitted. "What about you? Have you dated anyone before?"

Sasuke scratched his chin, his dark eyes remaining on the road. "I did have a couple of...flings."

Flings? It seems like he's definitely experienced. That explains why he's so good at oral- Oh my god why am I thinking about that- shut up stupid horny brain.

Your face flushed slightly at your thought, and you had to admit, you couldn't get the events of that night out of your head. And you couldn't help but wonder, would something like that happen again tonight?


Sasuke managed to get a nice spot at the drive-in movie theater you two were at, parking somewhere that wasn't too close and wasn't too far, and was spaced out enough that people wouldn't pay attention to you. So no annoying fangirls can come over and ruin your night.

"I'm going to grab some popcorn. Do you want anything?" Sasuke asked, unbuckling himself once he had parked.

"Uhm, a soda sounds good, thanks." After he left the car, you pulled down the visor, sliding open the mirror and gazing at your reflection, once again, messing with your appearance to match your standards.

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