12. Muse

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"Would you like to work on the next art project with me, (y/n)? I would've asked you last time, but you seemed...busy." Sai offered, his eyes shifting over to Sasuke who was glaring at him. He returned the boy's cold glare with a calm gaze, then looking back at you.

You didn't know Sai very well, but you suppose you could say he was a friend, considering you both were new and started at school at about the same time. Plus, he was kind of cute, and you always did have a thing for pretty boys like him. He was also very talented, especially with a paintbrush, which would come in handy, considering you had to paint for your next assignment.

"Oh, um, sure." You shrugged, smiling at Sai.

"What?" Sasuke asked aloud. You waved him off, wanting to continue your conversation with Sai uninterrupted.

But Sasuke, oh, he was furious. Absolutely furious. You were his friend. You were his partner. Not Sai's, not anybody else's, (besides Naruto) just his. So it pissed him off when you decided to leave him for some stupid art boy.

"When do you want to meet? Ms.Kurenai said we have a week or two, so that should be more than enough time." You told him, acting as if Sasuke didn't exist. As if he wasn't sitting next to you, hanging onto every word you spoke, watching every expression you made.

"How about tonight, at my place? Around five or six would be good." He answered.

"Yeah, sure, I'm free then." Why did you seem so excited about this? It was just some stupid painting project. It's not like it mattered.

"Alright, I'll text you the address. See you around, (y/n)." He gave you a little wave, turning away and walking off. You waved back, watching him go, your cheeks a little pink.

Before Sasuke could ask about whatever the hell that conversation was, the bell rang, and classed ended. Grabbing your things, you flashed the Uchiha a little smile, turning to leave.

"Wait, (y/n), wait." He followed after you, trying to stop you, but you seemed too lost in thought to pay attention to your surroundings. He stopped you, pulling you back and turning you around.


"So you just decided to ditch me for Sai without even telling me? What the hell, (y/n)?" He questioned, clearly angry.

"I don't know what the big deal is. Why do you care? It's not like you enjoyed working with me last time. Now you won't be annoyed by me and you can work with someone you like spending time with, like Sakura." You shrugged.

Is that what you thought? That he didn't like spending time with you? That he didn't like being around you? You were wrong. He loved it. He needed it. Being around you, having your attention on him was something intoxicating that he desperately needed. Knowing that might be taken away from him was a little much for him to bear.

Feeling his jealousy, anger, and insecurities all bubble up, Sasuke clenched his fist, jaw tightening. He couldn't help it, and the words all spilled out.

"He doesn't care. He's just trying to be nice to you so he can get into your pants. Can't you see that?" Those words got a shocked and angry reaction from you. You stepped back, shaking your head.

"I'm going to go. I don't need to hear this from someone like you." You spat bitterly, making the raven-haired boy immediately regret what he said. You turned away from him, walking down the hall angrily, pushing past people.

Sasuke called out to you, but by then, it was too late. He had messed up. Big time.


You stood outside Sai's front door, with Sasuke's words still in your mind. Sure, he could be an asshole at times, but you've never seen him act like that. It almost made you think that he was jealous.

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