14. Study Group

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"I haven't hung out with you outside of school in foreverrr. Do you wanna come over to my place?" Naruto leaned against the wall as you burrowed through your locker.

"We just hung out last Friday. And I'm sorry, Naruto, but I can't today. I'm going to a friend's house to study. Maybe another time." You replied, putting one of your binders away and locking it.

"What? And you didn't invite me?" The Uzumaki pouted, puffing out his whiskered cheeks. "It's only a select couple of people, and it would be rude for me to have you tag along without saying anything."

"Is it going to be with those guys? I thought you said you'd let me come, y'know!"

"I said I'd let you join for a party. This is just a study group. Plus, there's going to be a girl there." You corrected.

Hugging him goodbye, you walked off, going over to that same group of boys he saw a few weeks back.

Balling up his fists, Naruto watched you until you were out of sight, his anger and jealousy getting the best of him. He was not going to let you go alone, whether you like it or not.

"I'm here, what's going on? Where's (y/n)?" Sasuke said, turning off his phone and joining the angry blonde.

"She's off, ditching us for her new friends." He answered, crossing his arms and slamming his back against the locker angrily.

Sasuke would be concerned, he would be jealous, but he still was quite happy with your last experience with him and where your relationship was with him. Plus, there was something else he would finally be able to do today.

"Well, now we can finally do that thing you've been wanting to do for a while." Sasuke shrugged.

Almost immediately, Naruto's eyes lit up, his anger and frustration disappearing. "You mean..."



"I can't believe you're finally hanging out with us. It's so boring when you're not around, and these shitheads get very annoying." Kidomaru joked, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and gesturing to the other four with his thumb.

You had gotten to know the friend group from your physics class, some in other classes you had. Altogether they were a group of five, with Kidomaru, Jirobo, Sakon, Udon, and the only girl, Tayuya.

At first, you found them sort of sketchy, but you knew you were probably being judgmental and they were just a group of outcasts doing their own thing. So, you decided to befriend them. And now, here you were, going to study with them.

"Here we are. Jirobo's place." Kidomaru said, opening the front door.

Inside, the house seemed old, messy, and uncared for. Almost as if it was abandoned.

"So, are your parents here or- "

  "Oh, they're long gone. I usually just crash at a friend's place." Jirobo answered, going through the refrigerator.

While you stood alone, the others crashed on the couch. "Want something to drink? Soda, beer?"

"Beer?" You repeated. You were really starting to regret not having Sasuke and Naruto joining you.

"Well, yeah. We're teenagers, we're not always good little things like you. We don't always follow the rules, and maybe neither should you. Maybe you should loosen up a bit." Jirobo offered, holding up the bottle to you.

"No thanks." You declined, and you were getting a bad feeling about this.


Unlocking your back door, Naruto and Sasuke went through finally entering your home. The blonde teen inhaled deeply, taking as much in as he could of your home.

Both looked around your house, seeing family photos and decorations, before finally getting to the main attraction. Your room.

While Naruto looked around at your cute little nicknacks and belongings, Sasuke went right to your dresser. He knew exactly what he wanted. What he craved.

Going through your drawer, he looked over your bras and pulled out an (f/c) lacy pantie, shoving it into his pocket before Naruto could see.

Luckily, the Uzumaki was in a world of his own, taking a few pencils and fluffy pens. He searched through some books, looking for a diary or something that he could find. Then he found a stack of a few sketchbooks, and your laptop, turning to show him.

"I found her laptop- what are you doing?"He questioned, seeing Sasuke standing over your dresser.

"What? Nothing. What are you doing at her desk?" The Uchiha switched the topic casually, but Naruto could tell something was up.

"I was looking around. What do you have?" He gestured to Sasuke's hand in his pocket, the one that was holding your underwear and feeling the material between his fingers.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He continued lying, Naruto tackling him and grabbing at him. The two struggled for a bit, before Naruto managed to pull out the underwear, taking it from his grip.

The whiskered boy eyed the undergarment in his hand, scoffing at his companion. "I knew it! You perv!"

Before he could continue teasing his friend, Naruto eyed the pantie, an image of you wearing it flashing in his mind. "Could you um...get me a pair?"

Suddenly, Sasuke's phone went off, disrupting the silence between the two. "It's (y/n). She's saying things are getting weird, and if she doesn't respond in thirty minutes, to go pick her up."


With a sigh, you turned off your phone, going out to leave the bathroom. You barely gotten any studying done, your friends spending most of the time dozing off and making inappropriate remarks towards you.

You already texted Sasuke and told him to come to pick you up if anything got any weirder. You would text Naruto, but you knew he'd probably just freak out.

And things did get weirder, because the next thing you knew, you saw Tayuya making out with Udon on the couch, right next to your spot. You sat back down on the couch between her and Kidomaru, scooting a little closer to

Out of nowhere, Tayuya put her hand on your thigh, smiling at you,  as she continued kissing Udon. "Hey, just ignore them, okay? Pay attention to me."

Kidomaru reassured you, running his hand up your thigh. That was enough to raise your discomfort to a whole new level, and you knew, you had to get out of here.

"Well, this was fun, but I think I'm going to go." You jumped to your feet, collecting your things.

You turned and went to the door, but Jirobo blocked it off, towering over you and keeping you from leaving. "Where do you think you're going?"

What were you going to do?

(A/N: Well shoot

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