11. New Friends

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Leaning against your locker, Naruto watched as you spoke with the group of teens, jealously growing from deep down inside him. He hated the toxic feeling, but he couldn't help it when he saw you talking with all of those guys.

Weren't he and Sasuke all you needed? Your best friends who were always there for you? Who never left your side? Apparently not. And it was really pissing him off. 

"Hey what's say you come party with us sometime, (y/n)?" The boy's words further infuriated Naruto, making him clench his fist, gritting his teeth. Sasuke noticed this, looking over at the smaller teen.

"Sorry, maybe some other time, I'm hanging out with Kiba today." You told them, holding your binder close to your chest.

Wait for what? Did you just say...Oh no, not him. Anyone but him.

"Hey, guys, something wrong?" You asked your friends, meeting up with them after class as usual.

"Who were those guys, (y/n)?" Naruto questioned, trying to hide his anger but failing. "They were just some new friends I made in class. Why?"

Friends. Friends?! No. No. No. Only he and Sasuke were allowed to be your friends.

"Just asking. I heard you were friends with Kiba too, what's going on with that?" You began to feel like you were getting interrogated. Was he...jealous?

"Yeah, it turns out he lives just a block away. We both have physics together too. Now, you answer my question. What's wrong?" You replied.

"In a second. Would you go party with those guys? That could be dangerous, ya know! You don't know them very well and-"

"Naruto, I wouldn't do anything without telling you. You know that right? You're my best friend, and I would probably have you guys come with me, to make me feel more comfortable. Now, for God's sake, could you tell me what the hell is going on with you?" You answered, making him feel a little better.

"He's just stressed and freaking out like he usually does this time of year. With midterms and stuff." Sasuke chimed in, giving him a little pat on a shoulder and a glance that meant "calm down."

"Oh, you should've told me! Maybe we could study together." You hugged him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, while he held your waist, pulling you closer. He let out a relieved sigh onto your neck, causing a small shiver to go down your spine.

Hearing Kiba's loud voice call you from down the hall, you let go of Naruto, giving him and Sasuke a little wave. "I gotta go, but I'll see you guys later!"

"Text us!" Naruto called after you, watching as you walked off.

"You need to calm down," Sasuke muttered to him, the two teens turning away and walking in the opposite direction as you.

"You don't get it, Sasuke! You don't know Kiba like I do. The man has had a crush on almost every girl here! He'd do anything to get into anyone's pants." Naruto told him.

The Uchiha frowned at the thought of Kiba being with you. He too, was a little worried, also knowing the dog-loving boy's tendencies. "I know. But I doubt (y/n) would let that happen. She's the closest with us. So it shouldn't be a problem."

"Could we...follow them?" The whiskered boy asked, messing with his fingers nervously.



You stood in the hallway, watching as the brunette boy let the huge dog out from its crate. Akamaru zoomed out, sprinting over to you, barking, and jumping on you.

"Hi, buddy!" You exclaimed in a cutesy voice, patting the big white-haired canine's head as he licked your face. You gave him little kisses, scratching his ear gently. Never had Kiba, Naruto, or Sasuke, been so jealous over a damn dog.

You dropped your leash, letting Duck greet Akamaru. Surprisingly, your dogs got along well together, despite their size difference and attitudes.

You still remember when you two first met. It was a Saturday evening, and you were taking Duck out for a walk. Then, you saw Kiba on the other side of the road and went to greet him. But it seemed like the dogs wanted to do that first, since Duck pulled you extremely hard, causing you to almost fall right on your ass, while Akamaru did the same.

"Wanna get going? We don't all day for you to kiss up on Akamaru, Angel face." You winced at the pet name. You couldn't stand it at all, and that's why he always called you it. (At least, you think that's why.) But you came up with something to call him in response.

"Okay, in a second, Dog breath." Kiba crinkled his nose at your words, and you smirked at him smugly. You checked your phone, which was now going off, a lot. It was all texts from Naruto, which you looked over, before silencing your phone. You made a mental note to check them later.

Taking the leash in hand, you turned to walk away, leaving with Duck. You and Kiba were both going to a dog park that he suggested a few blocks away.

"So, you, Naruto, and Sasuke are all BFF now, huh?" Kiba asked as you both continued walking.

"Well, Naruto and I are. I'm not so sure about Sasuke. Why?" You answered.

Kiba shrugged, stopping to let Akamaru empty his bladder on a tree. "I was just curious. Sakura and the others must be so pissed."

"Yeah, they are." You said with a little laugh. There was a small awkward silence before Kiba spoke again.

He scratched the back of his head, trying to find the right way to put his words. "It's just, Naruto and Sasuke might not be the best people for you to be hanging out with."

You smile disappeared. "What?"

"Not to say that they aren't great! It's just, they can be uh, a little bit obsessive at times. For example, a couple of years back, there was this guy, Haku I think? Whatever, he beat down Sasuke really badly. And Naruto freaked out. People say they saw the two get into another fight afterward, but this time, Haku was never heard from again. Apparently, the police started a case but never finished it. Rumor has it that Naruto...." Kiba moved his finger across his neck quickly, mimicking a "slit throat" motion.

You looked at the ground, starting to speed up space as you walked. "(Y/n) wait! Are you okay?"

"How do you think I'd be okay when you accused my best friend of being a murderer? All just because some rumors spread around. What the hell is wrong with you?" You snapped, glaring at him. He shrunk under your cold gaze.

"Aw, (y/n), I didn't mean it like that. Wait, wait, (y/n)! I'm sorry!"

You felt your heart sink as you continued walking. Sure, Naruto could have anger issues, but he would never hurt someone nonetheless murder them. He was better than that. You knew him, and you doubted anyone in your school (even the girls) would kill anyone. Especially Naruto. You didn't think he could have something so monstrous in him.


The two teens watched from afar as you finally accepted Kiba's apology, ending up play fighting with him and turning into a giggling mess. Both were practically seething with jealousy at this point.

While they knew things were going to be hard, they weren't prepared for it to be this difficult. It seemed they had a long way to go until they made you theirs. But they were both willing to wait, to kill, to do anything. Until you were theirs. Only theirs.


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