1. At First Sight

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You drowsily tapped snooze on your alarm for the third time this morning, rolling over to wrap yourself even more with the blanket. Unfortunately, you didn't realize how close you were to the edge of the bed, and you fell right on your face.

Rubbing your now sore cheek, you grabbed your phone, checking the time.

8:45 am

You've got to be kidding.

It was only twenty minutes until your first class. You had overslept, and now you were going to be late on your first day at this stupid school. Just great.

Muttering all the curse words you could think of, you stumbled through your daily routine, going as fast as you could. After throwing on a change of clothes, you tied your hair back into a bun, and then brushed your teeth.

Once you got everything together, you dashed into the kitchen, jamming some bread into the toaster. And there sat your father, reading some newspaper while eating his breakfast. You had asked him to wake you up because you knew you would probably oversleep. Yet here he was. Reading and eating.

You would snap at him, but you knew if you did, you would get a mouthful right back of "I am your father! You do not speak to me that way!"

So, you took a breath, and worded things as kindly as you could. "Dad, didn't I ask you to wake me up at eight?"

"Eight? I thought you said nine." He replied, pushing up his glasses and not even looking back at you.

You rubbed the bridge of your nose, trying to keep yourself from getting too frustrated. "No, school starts at nine. I needed to wake up at eight."

"Nine? That's ten minutes from now-"

"I know. If I can run, I can make it." You explained, calming him. The last thing you needed right now was your father freaking out.

With a little chime, the toast shot up, and you grabbed a piece, slinging your backpack over your shoulder and turning to the door.

"Let the dog out when you leave!" Your Dad called after you. You spotted the little gray pitbull sitting at the door and whining. Opening the door into the front lawn, you bounded over to the white picket gate in front of the house, opening and locking it behind you so the hound couldn't get out.

You sprinted the next three blocks and somehow made it with barely a minute to spare. But, much to your misfortune, you still didn't know where the hell anything was. So you had to jog around campus and try to find your class.

The halls were a little spaced out, the only students still there being stragglers who were usually tardy.

Your eyes darted left and right, searching for the classroom, while you managed to stay on one side of the hall, away from the other teens.

G11, G11-

Suddenly, you bumped into someone's chest, causing you to fall back a little. When you looked up to see who it was, you were met with a pair of charcoal black eyes glaring through you. Somehow, you managed to bump into an Uchiha. Just your luck.

It was always pretty easy to identify an Uchiha. Dark-colored eyes and hair, clear complexions, expensive clothing, simple. This boy was definitely one of them.

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