51. Moved

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"Please, don't do this. Please, I'm sorry." You begged, writhing against Naruto, fighting his hold.

"Sorry, (y/n). We didn't want to do this, but because you keep fighting this, we have to." Sasuke walked over to you, with the needle in hand, causing you to panic even more. You kept on fighting, screaming, crying, begging for them to stop.

But they didn't. Naruto was too strong, and you grew tired of fighting against him. The next thing you know, you felt a pinch and the sedatives running through your veins.

All of a sudden, you didn't feel mad or scared anymore. You just felt tired. You felt like you were floating out of your body, and for some reason, you were okay with it.

Everything else was a blur. All you remembered was Naruto picking you up and carrying you around, and your surroundings changing. But then, it was all dark.


Naruto and Sasuke didn't want to do that. Hold you down and drug you like some animal? That was never what they wanted. But you gave them no other choice.

Keeping you at Naruto's house was no longer safe for you or them. And even if Naruto and Sasuke could deal with those who found out, it would a pain to do so. Instead, they decided to move you over to Sasuke's home, where it would be much safer, and you would never escape.

They decided to do it when Naruto's parents were at work since there would be fewer people in the way, and they could move you on their own.

But before they could though, there was a knock at the door, getting the two boys' attention. On the ground below stood your father, waiting by the door, and he did not look happy.

"Shit, Sasuke, what do we do?" Naruto asked, panicking. "Relax, I doubt he knows anything. Just open the door and act natural. We'll be fine."

"I don't know, he looks really mad, y'know, and he'll be even more pissed if he finds out what we did to (y/n)." Naruto murmured anxiously.

"Naruto, let's just talk to him, okay? Quit freaking out."' Sasuke told him, managing to calm him down slightly.

The two walked down the stairs, Sasuke leading while Naruto trailed behind. Before Sasuke answered the door, he turned back to Naruto. "Just act natural, ok?"

He nodded. Sasuke turned back to the door and opened it. It seemed like Naruto was right.

There stood your father, wearing an enraged and heartbroken expression. "Where is my daughter? I know what you did, and I've already called the police. You're both going to jail. So don't make things difficult and let me see my daughter."

The two boys traded glances, Naruto panicking, while Sasuke's expression remained neutral. Why was Sasuke so calm? Didn't he know it was over? That they were going to jail?

"Yes sir, go ahead," Sasuke told him, leading him over to the room where you were resting in, dazed and unconscious by the drugs.

While your father had his back turned, facing you and checking on you, Naruto faced Sasuke. "What do we do?" He mouthed, not making a sound, so your father couldn't hear him.

Sasuke pulled out his phone, showing a text that was sent. "I got it handled."

"Don't worry, honey. I'm so sorry for not paying closer attention to you. I should've known these boys were bad from the start. But I'm going to make it right. I'm going to get you justice, and I'm going to take care of you." He murmured, stroking your hair softly, and glancing down at you.

Your eyes fluttered, and you glanced at your father, mumbling a jumbled slur, and something that sounded like "Dad?" before you laid back against the bed, falling back asleep.

Suddenly, there was the sound of rapid footsteps racing up the stairs, making your father stop and turn back to them. "What the hell did you two do to my daughter? Why can she barely keep her eyes open? What's going on?"

Before he could do anything else, a bigger man came storming in, holding up a chloroform rag to his face, knocking your dad out. Sasuke sighed. What a mess.

"The police will be here any minute! What do we do?" Naruto asked in a rushed and panicked tone. Sasuke held his shoulders and his face, trying to calm him down.

"Relax, we'll be fine. 90% of the police force are Uchihas, anyways. I have a plan. Jugo, go get a beer from downstairs, make Mr.(l/n) drink some of it, and pour the rest of the bottle on him. Then, leave him passed out on the floor in the living room, and get out of here. Naruto, take (y/n) back to the basement until things are all cleared up."

Naruto scooped you up into his arms, carrying you back down to the basement. You shifted around slightly, muttering something under your breath.

He laid you down on the bed gently, before turning back to Sasuke. "So here's what you're going to say. He was drunk, and he showed up at the front door, demanding to know where (y/n) is. We have no idea where she is, and we're very concerned. Not only for her but for her father too. Got it?"

"Yeah," Naruto murmured with a nod. "Repeat it."

And Naruto did. Not word for word, but it was still very impressive for Naruto standards. Close enough. Sasuke figured.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. The two boys sprinted up the stairs to the door, where a policeman was waiting. Sasuke turned to him. "We got this."


After a close call with the police officer, Naruto and Sasuke managed to move you to the Uchiha's home. There, the two spent the evening cuddling and watching movies, decompressing after the stressful evening they had.

But despite the stress they had experienced, it was still a win in the end. They still had each other, after all. And now, they have you too, and it's guaranteed you won't be able to escape, so you'll be theirs, forever and ever.

Now they just have to figure out who told your Dad the truth, and what's their next move.

(A/N: Will Naruto and Sasuke keep getting away with murder? Who knows their deep dark secrets? I guess we'll never find out....

LMFAO JK...You'll probably find out..In a month...or two...

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