30. Dancing

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Sasuke and Naruto arrived at your house, yet again, wearing casual clothes to prepare for their night out clubbing. Did they even want to do this right now? If it wasn't for you, they wouldn't even go near these bastards.

Something was up with them. Both Naruto and Sasuke knew. Especially Naruto. He got a bad, bad, feeling from them. If only you could see what they were doing. The looks they gave you, the gestures, the way they spoke about you, it wasn't good.

You answered the door with a big, excited grin on your face. And wow, you looked beautiful. You were wearing a (f/c) dress that spaghetti straps and a slight v-cut, revealing a bit of cleavage, with matching two-inch high heels, and your face gleamed with light makeup. It was simple, with some light blush, eyeshadow, and mascara, and lipgloss that made your lips shine.

"You guys look great!" You grinned, hugging them both and letting them inside. "I'm so happy we're all doing this. Aren't you?"

"Yeah." Naruto agreed as cheerfully as he could, while Sasuke just shrugged.

Unfortunately for them, you could always tell when Naruto was lying, considering how horrible he was at it. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He bluffed again and you could see right through him. Frowning, you crossed your arms.

"Quit lying. I know you don't know them very well, so you're probably not too fond of them, but this can help you get to know them better. At least try for me, won't you?" You asked with a sigh.

"Okay, we'll try," Naruto said after trading glances with Sasuke. "Thank you."

Before you could talk about anything else, the doorbell rang, and you immediately rushed over to answer it. There stood the three, Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro. Kankuro wore a black blazer and dark dress clothes, Temari, a teal dress, and Gaara, a leather jacket, and similar clothes to Kankuro.

"Wow, you look awesome." You complimented, looking back at Naruto and Sasuke with a smile. "All of you do."

"You don't look so bad yourself," Kankuro replied with a little smirk, making you grin and thank him.

You looked over at the clock, checking the time. "Well, we should probably get going."

"We can drive you if you want. There's always room for one more." Temari offered.

"No thanks, I'll just have Naruto and Sasuke take me." You declined, unknowingly making the two boys happy. See? They were special after all. And you trusted them a lot more than these assholes.


The club was packed when you all arrived, other teens partying and chatting. Since most of you (except for Temari) weren't old enough to drink yet, Kankuro offered this place, for younger people and teens.

Managing to squeeze through the large groups of people, you found your way to a booth. Naruto and Sasuke took a seat beside you, while Temari, Gaara, and Kankuro sat across from you. You read the menu, while the two groups glared are each other hatefully.

"You guys want something to eat? The burgers look good here." You looked up from the menu, causing the others to break their little stare off and act casual.

"I'll get the pork bowl. I'm in the mood for ramen." Naruto ordered, pushing the menu off to the side.

"Are you never not in the mood for ramen?" You teased.

"Of course not! Ramen is great for every meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner!" He declared, making you giggle.

"I'll just have some fries and a soda," Sasuke said coolly.

After everyone ordered and ate, you, Temari, and Kankuro went out to go dance. "Oooh, I love this song! Let's go. Naruto, Sasuke, you coming?"

"In a sec." Naruto stretched in his seat, moving slowly as if he was stalling or something.

"Alright, weirdo. What about you, Sasuke?" You asked, looking over at the raven-haired boy.

"I don't dance." Sasuke crossed his arms, leaning back in the booth.

"Suit yourself." You shrugged. You didn't bother asking Gaara, since you knew he didn't like dancing either.

Instead, you just set off with Temari and Kankuro, going through the crowd, leaving Naruto, Sasuke, and Gaara alone at the table. You danced along to the beat with Kankuro and Temari, swaying around.

What's practical, what's logical,

What the hell, who cares?

All I know is I'm so happy when you're dancing there

I'm a slave for you,

I can't hold it, I cannot control it,

Naruto and Sasuke were enraged, basically bursting from the seams with jealousy as they watched you dancing. They were way too close to you, grinding up against you in such perverse ways, and you barely even noticed it.

Kankuro was grabbing your hips, and Temari's face was only a breath apart from yours, and- what the hell was happening? What were they doing? What were you doing?

Sasuke gripped his cup so hard that the plastic began to split, and the soda began to spill out on the table, while Naruto was trembling with fury. Gaara noticed, but didn't say a word. 

Thank god you slipped away from them, walking back over to their booth. You grabbed Naruto's hand, pulling him away from the table. "C'mon, come dance with me."

And he did. Anything to get you away from those creeps. Naruto continued dancing with you for the rest of your being there, making sure to keep you away from Temari and Kankuro.


Hours passed, and it was getting late, and you were growing tired, your social battery getting far too low. Yawning, you leaned against Naruto as you sat in the booth with him. "I think I'm ready to go home."

"Really? I thought we were going to be here all night. What a killjoy." Kankuro sighed.

"Well, unlike you, I'm not some college student who can party whenever he wants. And I'm exhausted. So, this was fun, but I wanna go." Naruto and Sasuke were never more happy to hear you say that, and they escorted you out of the club, letting you hug your friends goodbye before you left.


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