41. Friends Forever

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"Do you really think we should do this?" Naruto asked Sasuke hesitantly. It was a late Saturday night and the two were parked right outside's Ino's place.

Why were they there? To kidnap and murder her, as well as Sakura. But how can they murder their old best friend? A girl they've known ever since they were little? A girl Naruto used to love? Not as much as he loved Sasuke, but still.

"I just, I don't know if I can, y'know? Sakura used to be close with us, and so did Ino. They're not like the others we've killed. They're a part of the community. People will actually care if we kill them." Naruto told him.

"You're too stuck on the past. They're not the same people they used to be, Naruto. You know that. They hurt (y/n). They drugged her and caused all of this to happen. They need to pay." Sasuke hissed hatefully.

Naruto nodded, showing he understood. They were going to have to do this, whether they liked it or not. The girls both caused Kiba's death, after all, and they almost caused yours.

"I know," Naruto said with a soft sigh. "Oi, idiot, look at me."

Sasuke poked his forehead with two fingers, a gesture his brother would do to him. One symbolizes love. "If there's anyone that can do this. It's you. You're strong, you hear me? You can do this."

With some newfound confidence, Naruto nodded with a smile. "We got this. Believe it."

"That's right. Now let's get her."


After the two managed to knock out and kidnap Ino, tying her down to the car seat, they went to get Sakura. She was going to be much more difficult, considering how, unlike Ino, her parents weren't home, but Sasuke had a plan.

Sasuke: Sakura, there's something I need to tell you.

Sasuke: I've been waiting to tell you this for years.

Sasuke: Meet me at that old playground at around nine.

Sakura: Omg Okay!!! I'll be there!! 😍🥰

"She takes the bait?" Naruto asked, looking over Sasuke's shoulder and at his phone. "Yeah, of course, she did."

Sasuke and Naruto sat, parked, watching as the pinkette rushed over to the playground. It was closed and empty at this time, with no one there but her. "You know this is where (y/n) and I first kissed."

Sakura stood there, messing with her pink hair nervously, sending Sasuke a text. She was wearing a tight-fitted dress, with a jean jacket covering over it.

Sakura: Are you here yet??? I don't see you

"Do you want to do the honors?" Sasuke asked, offering Naruto the crowbar. The younger blonde shook his head, rejecting the offer. "No, you can go ahead."

With that, Naruto watched as his companion exited the car, creeping up behind Sakura, to keep from alerting her. He hit her in the back of the head, making her fall to the ground, unconscious.

Sasuke grabbed her body, hoisting her onto his shoulder, before putting her in the backseat with Ino. He was so strong. He truly was perfect.

"What?" Sasuke asked, noticing Naruto staring at him as he got into the driver's seat. Naruto shrugged, and looked away, leaving Sasuke to start his car.

As he drove off, it was quiet in the car, a silence that left Naruto with his thoughts. Eventually, he broke it. "Was sex with (y/n) better than sex with me?"

"Huh?" He murmured, thrown off by the question. Sasuke looked into his friends' eyes, to see if he was serious about this. He was.

"Naruto, it wasn't better, it was just different. Where is this coming from?" Sasuke asked as he parked, reaching the warehouse.

"You said you need to figure your shit out, and I've been just going crazy thinking about all this stuff between me and you. Like what's going on between us?" Naruto questioned. 

Before Sasuke could answer, there was a soft groan coming from the back, signaling that one of the girls was waking up. "We should hurry."

Luckily, they were still only semi-conscious. Sasuke must've done a real number on them. Naruto carried Ino on his shoulder, while Sasuke carried Sakura.

They laid them out on the floor, and Sasuke tore the duct tape off their mouths, making them jolt awake. At first, their speech was slurred, before they finally were fully conscious.

"Naruto, Sasuke? What's going on?" Ino questioned, being the first to speak.

"Sasuke?" Sakura rasped, seeming in a worse condition than Ino. It makes sense, getting hit with a crowbar would do that to you.

"Where are we? What's going on?" Ino was beginning to grow afraid, getting more and more aware by the second.

"You're both here because you made a horrible mistake. One that's going to cost your life. Do you remember that party we had on the 23rd?" Sasuke asked, and a guilty look crossed the girl's face.

"Sasuke, you're scaring me." Sakura whimpered. "Tell me what happened."

He hissed, his voice growing firm. They didn't respond, instead, Sakura started crying. Growing angrier, Sasuke grabbed her by the chin, making her look at him. "Tell me!"

She still refused to reply, making Sasuke let her go. "Fine. Then I'll just refresh your memory. You drugged (y/n). You almost got her raped, and you could've killed her."

"We're sorry!" Ino shouted, her voice angry and desperate. That made Sasuke turn and look at her, staring her down.

"Bullshit. You don't feel bad, you feel bad because I'm going to hurt you. And you would hurt (y/n) again if we didn't stop you. But it's time to finally face the truth. I could never love you. I never did, and I never will." Sasuke seethed.

He pulled out a knife, making the girls cry out, now begging for their lives, now turning to Naruto, finally acknowledging him. "Naruto please, don't let him do this! Please!"

Naruto stared at the girls. Never once had they been nice to him. Never once did they had paid attention to him. Not until now. But you always cared about him. You always made sure he was okay. You loved him. They didn't.

So, Naruto took the knife from Sasuke's hand, stabbing Sakura in the stomach and chest over and over again, before handing the knife back to Sasuke.

In turn, Sasuke stabbed Ino multiple times as well, before taking Naruto and leaving them both to die.


There Ino and Sakura laid, bleeding out to death.  "I- I can't believe- I thought he loved me." Sakura stuttered, holding onto her side as the blood slipped through her fingers.

"I did too. W-we were fighting over some stupid guy. I'm so sorry, S-Sakura. Even though you h-have that huge forehead, you're still super pretty." Ino told her.

"Really? I always wanted to be like y-you. You're s-so confident and perfect. I envied it." Sakura admitted.

Ino did her best to roll on her side, turning to face Sakura. "I-I love you Sakura."

"I love you too, Ino." They reached out, holding each other's hands as until their life eventually drained them.


"I'll let the others deal with the bodies. What do you want to-" Before Sasuke could speak, Naruto moved in, kissing him once again.

(A/N: Besties foreverrr 🥰🥰🥰

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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