22. Playground

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"Are you busy today? I'm really bored and I don't want to spend the night alone." You said, walking your fingers up the blanket.

Recently, you had been talking with Sasuke on the phone a lot, since you didn't have anyone else. You would call him in the morning while he drove to school, in the afternoon,  right when he got back, and at night, after he got all his homework done. You hoped you weren't annoying him and wanted to make sure you weren't bothering him, and he just said everything you did bothered him.

You and Naruto still hadn't made up from the argument you had after the party, so you opted to hang out with Sasuke instead. Even if you missed Naruto a bit, you wanted him to apologize first.

Sasuke tried to keep the perverse thoughts out from his mind, feeling his breath hitch as the words crossed his mind. "I don't want to spend the night alone." Fuck.

Spending so much time with you was setting his hormones off and made it even harder to resist you. While he wanted to see you, hearing you was just fine. Your cute voice, he couldn't help but imagine it moaning his name so sweetly.

Control yourself, Sasuke.

He told himself, leaning back in his chair and adjusting his now tightening pants. "I'm busy tonight. Why don't you have another sleepover with Naruto or something?"

"Yeah, maybe..." You trailed off, twirling your hair nervously.

"Don't tell me You and Naruto still haven't made up." Sasuke sighed when he didn't hear your reply, palming his face. "(Y/n), it's been two weeks."

"What? It's not like Naruto apologized either, and he's the reason why we got into that whole stupid argument." You said to him, pouting.

"Well, he's Naruto! The only time the moron apologizes is when his Mom makes him. This is ridiculous. You two need to make up. Just call him and talk to him."

"Alright, fine. I'll talk to you later,  duckass." You ended the call, not expecting him to say goodbye back. He never did.

Reluctantly, you dialed up Naruto's phone preparing to call him and thinking back to your argument.

"What? Now you're just trying to break us up. Kiba would never do anything like that to me." You turned away. It was the morning after the party, and Naruto and Sasuke had spent the whole night looking after you.

"You're in denial, (y/n)! I'm telling you, we saw-"

"That's not true! I went dancing with Kiba and went to the bathroom. That's all that happened." You told him, fighting back the tears.

"Don't you hear yourself? You're clearly lying! How can you just ignore what's happening?! Why else would we beat Kiba up? Why else can't you remember what happened? Why else were your jeans pulled down in that bathroom, huh?" He snapped, making it all come out, the tears cascading down your cheeks.

"(Y/n)..." Naruto's voice softened as he saw you begin to cry, going to cup your cheek and comfort you.

You smacked his hand away, glaring at him. "Leave me alone. Get out. Both of you. Get out and don't talk to me! Don't call or text, don't do anything! Just get away!"

And ever since then, you two hadn't spoken at all. Well, not until now, anyway.

"Hello? (Y/n)?" Naruto sounded surprised that you were even calling him.

It had been a long two weeks since you last spoke. Never had he missed you so much. Naruto knew he fucked up. He had stalked you constantly, trying to think of what he could do to make it up to you. Trying to see you.

𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 || Yandere!Naruto x reader x SasukeWhere stories live. Discover now