16. Play Date

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When your father heard about what happened, he freaked out, just like you knew he would. He was very overprotective and paranoid, constantly asking if you were doing drugs or sending nudes, always assuming that you were doing the worst possible things. And when he heard this, he went ballistic.

He wanted to move, to make you go to some ridiculous private school. He even tried keeping you locked in your room the whole weekend. But that backfired pretty easily, considering that you had every way out of the house memorized by now, even the paths out the windows.

Thank god he barely knew how to work phones and had no social media besides Facebook, otherwise you'd be in some deep shit.

He also tried having some cops watch over you, but you shut that down immediately. You told him the only people you'd be willing to hang out with that much would be your friends. So now, Naruto and Sasuke had to take you almost everywhere with them, driving you places, as well as whenever your parents weren't home. Like you were some child that needed to be supervised.

This afternoon, Sasuke was busy, like usual, so you were stuck with Naruto. Not that you mind being stuck with Naruto. He was a lot more fun to hang out with, anyways.

"Yeah, she's always like that, though," Naruto said, finishing one of the brief conversations you were having about Sakura. She never came up that much anymore, only when you asked about her. It was like they forgot her, and in a way, you felt sort of bad.

You watched as Naruto unlocked the door to his house, leaning against the wall on the outside. He grinned at you, shoving the keys into his back pocket. Stepping inside, he dropped his backpack onto the floor, kicking off his shoes, while you put your bag on the hook of the coat rack.

"So, what do you wanna do?" He asked, stretching.

"I don't know, what can we do?" You shrugged.

Naruto rubbed his chin, deep in thought. Suddenly, his face lit up when he got an idea. "We could go play Minecraft! I have a console up in my room and two controllers that Sasuke and I used to play with, want to do that?"

"Sure." You grinned, following him up the stairs to his room.

After he set up the console, you two played together, creating your own realm, mining, building things, and killing monsters and mobs together.

Out of nowhere, Naruto accidentally hit you with his iron sword, spurring you on. You attacked him back, killing him. "Hey, what was that for?!"

"You hit me first, I was just getting revenge!" You argued back playfully. Suddenly, he took the controller, holding it above your head.

"Give it back!" You reached up for it, grabbing at him and the controller. He held it above your head, sticking his tongue out at you like a little kid would.

You tackled him, pushing him to the floor, and straddling his waist. He laughed, laying on the floor and still keeping it from you. You still tried reaching for it, missing it quite a few times.

Suddenly, Kushina walked in, seeing you straddling Naruto. "Hey, Naru- Oh, you two seem busy. I'll come back later."

Feeling your face burn with embarrassment, you climbed off of him, sitting back on the bed. "You didn't tell me your mom was home."

"Did you not want her here?" He questioned, joining you on his bed.

"It's not that, it just would've been nice to know." You muttered, looking away from him. "Aw don't be like that, (y/n)."

He grabbed your sides, beginning to tickle them and making you squirm around. You began to giggle, trying to push him off softly. But you gave in to him, laying back on the bed and chuckling, letting him hold you.

You cuddled into him softly, finding safety in his strong arms. He looked down at you, brushing a hair out of your face. God, how badly he wanted to kiss you. But he knew to wait.

"Are you feeling okay?" He questioned, aware that just a couple of days ago, you were attacked. It still made him very angry, and he knew he had to do something about it. He didn't want them in jail, he wanted them to hurt. He wanted them to never be able to go near you again.

You scoffed. "I'm fine. I don't know why people keep on asking me that. I'm just frustrated that I have  such shitty judgment on who I can hang out with. And I'm that naive that I need you and Sasuke to babysit me so I know the right person to be with."

"That's not true, don't say that." Naruto protested.

"But it is. Even with my old friends, I couldn't trust anyone but them. I'm such an idiot." You groaned, shoving your face against Naruto's chest.

Suddenly, the blonde grabbed your chin, making you look up at him. His soft blue eyes met with yours, making your body and face feel like it was on fire. "(Y/n), you're the smartest, kindest girl I know. You see the good in people, that's not naive that's just being optimistic, y'know? And hey, you chose us, and we were good right?"

"Yeah, thanks, Naruto." You smiled up at him. He smiled back, moving his face closer and closer to yours, but before anything could happen, Kushina called from downstairs.

"Naruto! (Y/n)! Dinner's ready! And it's your father's cooking so get it before it gets cold!"

Naruto's stomach growled loudly, and you pulled away from him, giggling softly. "Why don't we go downstairs?"

"Are you sure? I mean, we could-"

"Yeah, I'm getting pretty hungry, and it seems that you are too. Plus I want to see what your Dad looks like." You told him, getting to your feet.

You walked down the stairs, Naruto following quickly after. Then, you spotted his father, setting the table. He looked just like Naruto, with the same blue eyes, spiky blonde hair and everything. He wore a cute pink apron with the words "Kiss the Cook" on them. 

He's just as gorgeous as his wife. And he cooks and cleans too?

"You must be (y/n). It's nice to meet you. Kushina and Naruto have told me lots about you. All good things." He said and you wanted to marry this man on the spot. How was Naruto so lucky to be blessed with two perfect parents? Yours were just...a mess.

You all sat together at the table, eating and talking like a normal family would. Even when your mother was alive,  you never ate together, besides on holidays and stuff. You were just so busy, considering that both your parents worked full-time jobs.

Now with your stepmother, things were even worse. Most times you just ate alone in your room.

Once you finished up eating, you realize that it had gotten late, so Naruto drove you home. The Uzumaki parked in your driveway, sighing softly. "So, I guess you have to go."

"Yeah. This was fun, maybe your hot ass parents could adopt me or something." You joked. "(Y/n), gross!"

"I know I'm just kidding. They are hot though. But I'll see you later, Naruto." You leaned over, giving him a small peck on his cheek. "That's just to thank you for what you said earlier, don't freak out or anything."

You jumped out of the car, walking off into the night. Naruto watched as you left, his hand resting over where you kissed him. He was never washing his face again.

(A/N: Sorry for the late update, I just got back in school in person and I was literally writing during class lol

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