28. A Dream Come True

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Closing the front door quietly, you smiled to yourself. You had just got back from yet another hangout with Sasuke and Naruto and things were looking up.

They had really helped you, like they always did, being there for you when you needed them most, supporting and helping you through your emotional highs and lows, as well as your troubles with your family, and much more.

And you kissed both of them. You weren't sure exactly what that meant, if it was supposed to be romantic or just affectionate. You weren't sure where you stood with them, or what you were doing, but whatever it was, it just felt right.

"Where have you been?" Your stepmother's stern voice pulled you out from your blissful thoughts, like a rug being torn right from under you.

You sighed, preparing to face her when you saw your father standing right next to her. Now you got to deal with both of them, great.

"I was with Naruto and Sasuke. I told Dad before I left." You answered, already preparing for them both to have a go at you.

"You've been out of the house a lot lately. How do we know you were just with them? And what were you even doing?" She questioned.

"Because I'm with them basically all of the time, and they drive me everywhere. All we do is hang out and stuff, I don't know what the big deal is." You mumbled, trying to walk past them, only to be stopped by your dad.

"It is a big deal. You leave for hours at a time doing who knows what, and you're not acting like your normal self. There are gangs and dangerous people out there, (y/n). I know that Naruto and Sasuke are nice boys, but if you're doing anything like drugs or sex you need to tell me right now."

He always did this. Always assumed the worst of you. Even when you got good grades and behaved well in school, he always assumed you did things like this. It drove you crazy, and with Akia around that didn't help that one bit.

"For God's sake, No! I'm not doing drugs. If you're really that concerned about it, you can test me, I don't care. But the reason I'm acting this way is people I knew, people who did things to me, people who were my friends, are dead! Of course I can't act normal with all this stuff going on. You don't even seem to care that Akia's been constantly harassing me, shaming me, and trying to get me to do all this work. And I'm just- I'm done."

You stormed past them, going up the stairs and to your room, slamming the door behind you and locking it. You needed to getaway. You needed to just block it all out. So, you grabbed your headphones and plugged them into your ears, playing some music and cranking the volume up high.

Michelle, Michelle,

You are a monster from hell,

Michelle, Michelle,

You grabbed your pillow, holding it close to your face and sobbing softly into it. You hated this. You hated everything. You missed your Mom. She would know what to do. She would know how to comfort you. Why did she have to go?


As the two sat outside, watching you from your window, Sasuke had to hold Naruto back. The boy was practically seething with rage, preparing to just charge in there and put your stepmother in her place, and not in a peaceful way, either.

"Calm down, Naruto. We'll deal with her in a bit. We have to wait." Sasuke told him, still keeping a tight hold on the blonde's shoulder.

"I don't know why we can't just send her a text to check on her." The Uzumaki whined, leaning back, and letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Because we don't have time for it. We can check on her later. If we text her right now, she might ask us to take her somewhere but we have to do this now." He replied bluntly.

Naruto shook his head, pouting as he stepped aside, focusing his attention on your parents. "Let's just hurry this up."


"You're seriously going to believe her? You know she's hated me, ever since I first got here." Akia snapped.

"(Y/n)'s been talking about things like this for months. She wouldn't just lie. I think I need to take my daughter's feelings into account. I've been listening to you for too long, and you know what? I think you're lying." Your father said, finally standing up for you and himself.

"What? So you're just going to choose her over me?" She stepped away from him, looking at him with disgust written all over her face.

"You shouldn't be making me choose. But she's my daughter, so, yes." He gripped the coffee mug tightly, refusing to meet her cold gaze.

"That's it. We're done. I can't do this anymore." She stomped up the stairs, grabbing all of her possessions and beginning to pack them up, your father following after her.

"Akia, wait, it doesn't have to be this way." He tried, but she simply ignored him, continuing to stuff things in her bag.

Once she got all her clothes and belongings together, she marched over to your room, throwing your door open. "That's it, you won you little bitch! Have fun living your shitty pathetic life alone with your father!"

You just stared in shock, watching as she turned away. "You do not speak to my daughter like that you fuck! Get the hell out of my house!"

"I am!" She screamed back, grabbing her keys, and walking out. Little did you know that was the last time you would ever see her again.


"C'mon, let's go," Sasuke muttered, jumping in and starting the car, watching as your stepmother pulled out of the driveway, speeding off into the night.

He and Naruto followed from a distance, watching as she pulled into an empty parking lot. This was getting too easy. They parked a bit far away, so she wouldn't notice.

"I can't believe I wasted a whole year and a half on a guy, and her stupid bitch daughter ruins it. It would've been fine if I just got her out of the way." Akia muttered, resting her head on her steering wheel, sighing.

She didn't even notice that two strangers had silently slipped into her car until it was too late, and there was a plastic bag being put over her head. Sasuke pulled back, continuing to suffocate the woman, making her gasp and struggle underneath him, clawing and fighting for her life.

"That's what you deserve for making the most wonderful girl's life miserable," Naruto mumbled, watching as her face went pale, all signs of life escaping it.

(A/N: Well, bye bye stepmom

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