4. Art Class

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"Quit denying it, Sasuke. It's obvious you like her, y'know." Ever since the Uchiha suggested that stupid idea of going to check on you, Naruto hadn't let him live it down.

Couldn't he be worried about you and still only care for you as a friend? Apparently to Naruto, he couldn't. And now, the Uzumaki wouldn't stop bringing it up.

If only Sasuke just let you get beaten to a bloody pulp. But, he knew he couldn't do that. Not even if he wanted to.

"I don't like her. Now, lower your voice before someone hears." He replied with the same empty tone.

"Sasuke, we've been friends for a long time. I know when you like a girl. I can tell by the way you've been looking at her. It's obvious." Was it really that obvious? That even a moron like Naruto could see? If it was, Sasuke could be in some deep shit.

Still, Sasuke didn't like you. Not even a little bit. Not even as friends. You were annoying, like most girls at this stupid school.

"Quit denying it Sasuke. You like herrrrr!" Naruto sang cheerfully while his taller companion gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to punch him. "I have to get to class."

"Sure, sure, tell me how (y/n) is doing, lover boy!" The loud blonde called after him.


You and Sasuke weren't exactly best buddies, so even though you had art class together, you chose to sit by yourself. Things were easier that way, with no girls staring daggers at you, insulting you, or threatening to beat you senseless.

But that all changed today, when your teacher assigned a project that required a partner.

"In summary, you and your partner will be sketching portraits of one another." She said, moving on to the thing all the students cared about. "And yes, you may pick your partner, but please be responsible about it."

Right after your art teacher said that basically all of the female students flocked to Sasuke, fighting over who would be his partner. Clearly, that wasn't the best decision your teacher had made.

You laughed softly to yourself, watching as Sasuke was piled onto by the girls, getting his hair, clothes, and limbs pulled at roughly.

Okay, maybe you should go over and help him.

And you did, squeezing through the hoards of screaming, fighting, fangirls, eventually making it over to him. You placed a hand on his shoulder, finally managing to catch your breath.

"Hey, seems like you're stuck with me as your partner, right?" You offered with a wink, and for a moment, you thought you spotted a look of relief in his eyes. "Yeah."

And with that, all the other teenagers sighed, going off to find another partner, complaining and gossiping amongst themselves. Onyx eyes glared through your hand which still rested on Sasuke's shoulder, and you pulled it away quickly as if you just burned him or something. "Sorry."

The emo teen didn't reply, taking a seat at the empty table in front of him. You went to sit across from him, flashing him a friendly smile that just made him annoyed. "You mind if I go first?"

"No," Sasuke muttered, leaning back on the stool. Why did you always smile at him like that? Even when he glared at you, even when he did nothing to make you smile at him, you still did it. He didn't understand.

Naruto was wrong. Sasuke didn't like you. Sure, you were a little pretty, he guessed. And sure you might have the most beautiful smile he's ever seen but no. No. No. No. Sasuke did not like you. Not at all.

"I don't get it," Sasuke spoke up, breaking the silence between you two.

"Don't get what?"


"Why are you still nice to me, when I make it obvious that I don't like you?" You did that annoying pretty smile again, looking up from the paper to meet his gaze.

"I mean, we're both friends with Naruto so it would be a perk if we could also become friends. But also, there's something I see in your eyes. Something that tells me you're lonely and in need of a good friend. Someone who won't judge you based on your family, or your status, but on who you really are. Someone you can open up to. I want to be that someone. I want to be that good friend."

Damn, so intelligent and insightful.

You weren't stupid or naive at all, no. You were smart, kind, brave, and Sasuke had completely misread you, while you completely understood him. But how? How could you get so much from him when you barely knew him? All he ever did was criticize you, or glare at you, or just full on insult you. He barely even spoke with you, and here you were, understanding his deepest insecurities, his deepest wants, and desires for companionship.

Sasuke always did have a thing for smart girls...

"Sorry if that sounds like I'm your therapist or something, and I know I shouldn't be talking about you as if I know you, I just kinda have this bad habit where I tend to read people." You shrugged, continuing to sketch. "I don't know, maybe it was something I got from my mom."

The rest of class went by pretty quickly, you not even getting halfway done with the portrait.

"I should've gone first if I knew you were going to take that long," Sasuke complained.

"I have a long process, okay?! You can't rush art! That's why Ms. Kurenai is giving us two more classes to complete this." You argued back, causing him to take the paper from your hands.

"Sasuke!" You cried, reaching up for it, jumping up on him, but the taller boy managed to keep you down with his arm. "I just want to see what you have done so far."

"It's not even that good, just let me have it!" You whined, pushing against him. He studied the paper, seeing a rough sketch of himself with amazing details. So you were a talented artist too, huh?

After an extra moment or two, he gave it back, letting you stuff your paper into your binder with a frustrated huff. You then turned on your heel, preparing to leave for your next class. "I'll see you later, or whatever."

Sasuke watched as you rushed away, pushing past him and Naruto. "Is (y/n) okay? What did you do to her?"

"It's nothing, she's just upset with me, I guess." The Raven haired boy muttered, beginning to walk to his next class with his whiskered friend.

Naruto cocked an eyebrow but decided not to ask about it. One of the things he had learned after becoming friends with the Uchiha was when he didn't want to answer a question, he wouldn't. And if Naruto tried again, he would just get yelled at.

"Well, this is me. See ya later duckbutt!" Naruto exclaimed, going to enter his class.

"Wait, Naruto?" Sasuke called, stopping him. "You were right."

"About what?" He questioned cluelessly. Sasuke took a breath.

"About (y/n). I....like her."

(A/N: Yuh Sasuke time I guess 🙄

Just so y'all know I am going to spoil the shit out of my bb Naruto. He deserves so much love and doesn't get enough attention in fanfics poor baby 🥺

Anyways, thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote!

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