31. Late Night Fun

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You stood outside your house, unlocking the keys, while Naruto and Sasuke watched you, making sure you got inside safe. Your father was out with family tonight, and you doubted he would be back until morning. So that meant you would have to be alone. But you didn't want to be.

So once you unlocked the door, you turned back to the boys. "Hey, can you guys stay? I just...I don't want to be alone right now."

The two traded glances, before nodding to you,  Sasuke parking his car. Once they got out, they walked inside with you, letting you lead them over to your bedroom.

It was late at night. Very very late. And you were exhausted, your body tired from dancing for hours and hours. With a groan, you sat on the corner of your bed and took off your heels, soothing your aching feet.

"That's the last time I wear those things for a while." You groaned, rubbing your feet, before laying back on the bed. Naruto joined you, sitting next to you, and you grabbed his collar, making him lay down beside you.

Sasuke just stood in the corner of the room, unsure of what to do with himself. "Sasuke, Sasuke. Come on."

You gestured for him to come join you on the bed, patting the space beside you. He stood in place, shaking his head. "No-"

"Please, Sasuke? I just need you guys with me right now." You begged, and he couldn't say no to you. So he reluctantly laid down on your bed, moving awkwardly.

"I'm sorry if I'm being clingy, I just.. a lot is going on with my family and stuff. Since my stepmom left, and my Dad's kind of freaking. I thought having my old friends over would help, but honestly, it's just made things more stressful." You admitted to the two, laying flat on your back and staring at the ceiling.

"But I'm happy I have you guys. You've been so helpful and great, and you're there for me, and I can't thank you enough." You looked from one boy to the other, smiling at them softly. "And I'm not going to make you get along with them. You don't have to. I just, wanted my best friends all to like each other you know? But it's fine if you don't."

Naruto wrapped his hands around your waist, making you roll on your side and turn towards him. "Of course. We'll always be here for you, (y/n)."

"Thank you." You murmured, letting Naruto press a soft kiss to your forehead. You grabbed Sasuke's shirt, pulling him so his chest was pressing against your back, cuddling against the two.

"Let's just stay here. For a bit. I just want to rest." You mumbled, feeling your eyes flutter, closing them. You didn't know where you stood with Naruto and Sasuke or what you were doing. But whatever it was, you liked it.

There was a long silence for a good twenty to thirty minutes, where you drifted in and out of sleep. But something about the excitement of having them this close to you, this intimate made you way too excited.

And then you felt something harden against your back and front. Were they both- Oh my God. Of course, they would be when you were laying against them like that, your dress riding up on you slightly.

Your heart was basically thumping out of your chest, your face and body heating up. You opened your eyes, shifting your body slightly, but that only made things more intense, your ass pressing up against Sasuke, making him inhale sharply. "U-um are you guys-"

"Please, please baby lemme kiss you. Wanna kiss you now." Naruto murmured, his pupils all blown up, as he looked down at you, his hands holding you tightly, with such desperation and need.

You didn't answer, instead just pressed your lips against Naruto's, kissing him. He kissed you back, roughly, his hands kneading at your hips, before moving up to your waist. Sasuke kissed and sucked at your neck, wrapping his arms around your hips. 

The next thing you knew, your body was moving for you, and you were grinding up against the boys, as they continued kissing you. Suddenly, Sasuke sat you up, making you break your kiss with Naruto.

"Sasuke-" Naruto whined, annoyed with the interruption. He ignored him, getting off the bed and kneeling between your legs.

"There's something I need to do." He muttered, spreading your legs, and gazing up at you with those dark charcoal eyes. You couldn't deny, he looked good like this, with his handsome face between your thighs.

He continued staring up at you, searching for something. Consent. You gave him a little nod, your face burning up.

Before you could even process what was happening, Naruto continued kissing you, while Sasuke slid your panties down your legs. You felt Sasuke's eyes on your drenched opening, your body growing even more heated.

"So fucking wet for us, huh?" He purred, his voice growing lower and even more gravelly. He blew against your cunt tauntingly, making you clench around nothing and moan into Naruto's mouth.

"Stop teasing- Oh-" You cried out after breaking the kiss with Naruto, while Sasuke put his tongue flat against your heat. But Naruto was still desperate for your attention, kissing you again, and grabbing your breast softly.

Never had you experienced anything like this before, but it felt amazing, Sasuke flicking his tongue over your clit, while Naruto continued kissing you, his fingers caressing your nipple through your dress.

You groaned into Naruto's mouth, gripping Naruto's hand with one hand, the sheets with another, as Sasuke thrust his wet muscle inside. He used two fingers to rub your clit, moving slowly at first, then faster and faster. Muffled curses fell from your mouth, while you continued kissing Naruto.

You were basically drooling into his mouth at this point, your thighs clenching and if it wasn't for his hands, you'd probably be squeezing his head right now. Moving your hand from the sheets, you ran it through Sasuke's hair, tugging at his silky locks.

Naruto continued down your neck, breaking the kiss, and letting you catch your breath. He kissed and sucked down to your collarbone, still massaging your breast. "Fuck, Sasuke- Naruto-"

Your body was trembling at this point, as you grew close, arching your back, bucking your hips into his mouth. You gasped, sitting up straight as Sasuke continued sucking, moving his fingers incredibly fast. "Oh my God, oh, oh shit I'm-"

Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you came hard. Harder than you ever had in your life, your juices spilling onto Sasuke's face. Never had you came so much, especially not with yourself.

Sasuke drank you all up, leaving you overstimulated and sensitive, almost making you cum a second time, before pulling away. You let out a long breath, laying back on your bed. "Holy shit."

But after your post-orgasmic bliss, the realization that you did that just happened. Your best friend just made you cum on his tongue. And there was quite a mix of emotions with that. You needed to go. You needed to tell someone.

So you grabbed a fresh set of clothes, turning to leave. "Um, I'm going to go- uh check on Temari and stuff. I'll see you later. Thanks for um, this."

You slammed the door, leaving the two boys alone. There was a moment of silence as they heard you leave the house, sitting alone. But then Naruto tackled Sasuke.

"Naru- mmmph!" Before Sasuke could speak, Naruto interrupted him with a kiss.

After a moment or two, Naruto pulled away, licking his lips. "So that's what she tastes like."

Sasuke blinked for a moment, processing what just happened, before pinning Naruto down to the mattress underneath him. It seemed that they weren't finished yet.



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