10. Cafes and Potraits

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You ran a hand through your hair, letting out a frustrated sigh, "I don't think I'm going to have enough time to finish this today."

"What? You've spent three classes straight doing this, and you still haven't finished yet?" Sasuke asked, making you feel even worse about your art project.

"What did I tell you? You can't rush the process. You're the one who hasn't even started yet!" You argued back, pouting a bit. "Because I didn't think you were going to be this slow!"

Crossing your arms, you took a breath, looking back over at him. "Why don't we just meet together after school so we could finish our project. Then it will be all over with and you don't have to see me as much anymore."

Sasuke frowned at your choice of words. Did you not want to be around him? "Fine."

"Fine!" You shouted at him, the bell then ringing. The two of you filed out of class, awkwardly walking in the same direction to your next one.

You looked at the floor, feeling the Uchiha's gaze burn through you, avoiding the temptation to stare back at him. But before you could even break, there was the sound of Sasuke's name being called, and someone rummaging through a locker, which managed to distract you. And it wasn't just any locker, it was yours.

There stood Ino and Sakura, going through your things, and pushing your stuff aside. "Hey, that's my locker! What the hell are you guys doing?!"

Right when you reached them, it was too late. The girls pulled out your sketchbook, flipping through it. You pushed against them, grabbing at their arms. "Stop, give that back!"

They flipped through the book, reaching a specific page. "Look Sasuke, your good friend (y/n) here is a complete stalker!"

Ino said, handing him your book. "She has tons of drawings over your older brother. She probably has some of you! She's a freak! Don't you want to drop her?"

Your face grew red with embarrassment and shame. If only you could explain...He probably thought you were a creep, a freak, or even worse, a horrid fangirl, just like them.

I should just go. I can't bear hearing this.

You turned to leave, but Sasuke stopped you, handing you your sketchbook. "Leave (y/n) alone and quit being so annoying."

That shocked all of you. He wasn't weirded out that you drew his brother like a million times? In a way it was almost like he was...being nice.

"C'mon, let's go. We need to plan out where we can meet for this stupid art project." He told you. You followed after him, but not before flipping off the two girls, giving them a smug grin.

The raven-haired boy noticed, scoffing at how childish you were acting. "(Y/n)."

"Oh, right, sorry." You said, dropping your arm with a little smile, facing straight forward. "So, uh where do you want to go to meet up?"

"I don't care." He replied with a shrug. "How about Ichiraku's then?"


"I thought you said you didn't care!" You yelled.

In response, he stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking away. "It's too loud there. And we go with Naruto all the time."

"Hm, well there was this cafe I saw the other day. Why don't we try there?" You offered to which he answered with a shrug that you took as a yes. "Alright, I'll see you then."


And now here you sat at the cafe,  messing with your fingers as you waited for your orders to come in. Ever since Sasuke saw what was in your sketchbook, things had gotten super awkward between you two. You were humiliated, and he had no idea what to say to you.

"About my brother-" He finally started, breaking the unbearable silence.

"I don't want to talk about it...I know you probably think I'm some  stalker, but it wasn't supposed that weird. A while back, I was looking up male models for some references, and I found your brother and...I kind of got carried away. To be fair, you Uchihas are really fun to draw." You explained.

"So you like him?"

"What? N-no! I mean, I guess I find him objectively attractive, yeah..." You babbled, your cheeks burning red. "It's kind of like when you have a crush on a famous person, but they're married and don't even know you exist so you know you'll never have a chance with them?"

"Sure," Sasuke muttered, looking back down at his portrait.

After getting your drinks and food, you pulled out your work in progress, taking out some watercolor palettes.

"Do we need to color?" He asked, looking down at your work. 

"No, it's not required. I thought I'd add a little extra to it though, something a little 'special.'" You told him, giving the emo teen a little wink that made him force himself to not smile.

With a little hum, you plugged in your earbuds and began to paint. "What are you doing?"

"Playing some music, wanna listen?" You offered, and before Sasuke could even answer, you popped an earbud into his left ear.

Show me how you care,

Tell me how you've loved before,

Show me how you smile,

Tell me why your hands are cold,

Sasuke stared at you, watching you sing along as you worked, some paint splattering on your cheeks accidentally. He knew if anyone caught him smiling at you, he would never hear the end of it.

So, when no one was looking, he watched you and smiled. He smiled at how pretty you looked, he smiled at how happy you were, he smiled at how kind, ditzy, and bright you were. And closes your faces were, how he could just kiss-

"Oh my god, is that Sasuke Uchiha?"

And just like that, his smile was gone. Couldn't he ever have a moment's peace without random girls clinging onto him? Or was that too much to ask?

Beside the table stood two random girls, both seeming older than you. "We should hang out sometime. Could you give us your number?"

"Go away." He mumbled, looking over at the window, ignoring them. He wasn't in the mood to deal with this right now. Even though his words were quiet, they were loud enough to be firm with the girls. 

"What? We just wanted to get with you. What's your problem?" They pushed him, causing you to chime in. "He said he doesn't want to, and he's obviously not comfortable, so just leave him alone."

"Who even are you?" One of the girls said, both now focusing all their attention on you.

"I'm his friend. Now, if you two bitches don't go, I'll call over the manager and make sure you two can never set foot in here again." You bluffed. The two didn't budge until you waved one of the employees over.

You laughed, watching them scatter like scared little bugs, quickly exiting the restaurant. Sasuke muttered a "thanks" and a "you didn't have to do that," while you just grinned at him.

"Well, now we're even from earlier today. And that's what friends are for, right?"


(A/N: Okay I have a love hate relationship with Sasuke

Well more like, he's hot but annoying lmao

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