33. Feelings

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You woke up in a fuzzy haze and with a slight feeling of dread. You were going back to school today. You had managed to avoid Naruto and Sasuke for the rest of the weekend but today you have to see them.

It's not that you don't want to be around them, it's just...you have no idea what you guys were, especially considering what happened the other night. But, you guessed you were going to find out today. 

So, you got ready for the day and you did your hair and makeup, which was just some mascara and lipgloss, setting out for school. Little did you know that Naruto and Sasuke were going through a similar situation. But not just with you, with each other.


They both walked down the hall together, like they normally do, looking for you, as if nothing happened with them. But it definitely did. Naruto was normally not this quiet, and for once, he didn't know what to say.

"So, uh, do you want to talk about it?" Naruto asked, clearing the tense silence, finally looking Sasuke in the eyes. "About what?"

Sasuke replied cluelessly, as if he didn't know already. It made sense that he wouldn't want to talk about it. After all, Sasuke was supposed to be straight. But Naruto wasn't so sure he was now. Even if you spurred him on and caused his hormones to go into overdrive, Sasuke did still have sex with him...twice.

But when Sasuke did go out with someone romantically, which only had happened a few rare times, it would be with a girl. Naruto doubted he tried anything with a guy since he probably wasn't interested, but what about him?

Naruto did have feelings for him in middle school, and maybe he felt the same way. Maybe he still feels the same way. Maybe Naruto himself does. Then again, he has no idea, and this all was so confusing.

"About when we....ya know." Naruto trailed off, his cheeks turning a bright pink. He fidgeted with his hands, and Sasuke had never seen him this soft-spoken.

"Hey, guys." You greeted, interrupting them, and making them both focus on you. You seemed just as nervous as Naruto. "We should talk."

The bell then rang, signaling it was time for first period. "Why don't we meet up after class? See you then."


Now, here the three of you stood in the hall. Not saying anything, and looking anywhere but at each other. It was a free period, so you all had a lot of time to just talk, but no one seemed to want to say anything. When did things get so awkward?

"So, about the other night-"

"Was it not good? I just don't understand why you ran off like that." Sasuke muttered, locking eyes with you.

"No, it was good it was-" You took a small breath, shifting your glance from Sasuke to Naruto. "It was amazing. It's just- I haven't really done stuff like that with anyone, and I guess I kinda freaked because I was so nervous."

There was a certain look that sparked in Sasuke's eyes, one of smug, satisfaction. One similar to the way he looked at you that night. "So, would you do it again with us?"

You felt your face warm, unable to keep eye contact with them with how intensely they were staring at you. "I mean, yeah. But I don't think I'd go anywhere farther than oral and hand stuff, unless we were dating."

"Oh." The two boys traded glances, Naruto smiling excitedly at him. What did this mean? Had they finally done it? Had they won you over?

"How do you guys feel about me? I just want to know where I stand with you, especially after what happened the other night." You asked curiously.

"Well-" Naruto started, but Sasuke put a hand on his shoulder, signaling to let him go first. He knew Naruto would be way too honest, and that would definitely overwhelm you, so he decided to take the lead instead.

"While you are just as obnoxious and annoying as Naruto is, and I can't stand you along with him, I think you're a lot more bearable than most people in this school and I- may have feelings for you." The last part came out in a small mutter, something you were barely able to hear.

Then, it was Naruto's turn. He sprung up, grabbing your face, and looking you right in the eyes. Sasuke sighed, shaking his head. "I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. And you're kind and smart, and I want you to be my girlfriend."

You giggled softly, letting him cover your face in kisses. "Naruto-" You said in embarrassment, before pressing a kiss to his lips, pulling away and wiping your mouth.

"I guess it's my turn now. Well, I think you're both great. And I really, really, like you guys. You've both been here for me and I really appreciate that. If you all would want to be in a relationship, I'd be up for that." You admitted with a shrug.

"Really?" Naruto asked, growing even more hyper. He was basically bouncing off the walls at this point. "But, I don't know if we should right now. I just want to wait for things to calm down a bit and then I'll be ready."

You opened your arms, letting Naruto come over and hug you, while Sasuke was more hesitant to do so. You still pulled him in, hugging the two boys. "But I'm not going to leave you guys, I don't care what anyone says."

"What? What do you mean by that?" Sasuke asked, pulling away from you.

"It's nothing- I just talked to Temari and Kankuro and they were being complete jerks about what happened and saying that you were using me or some bullshit like that. I know it's not true, so you don't have to worry." You vented, crossing your arms and leaning back against the lockers.

That immediately ruined Naruto and Sasuke's mood, and they both knew they were going to have to do something about your friends. Not only were they possessive creeps, they were also perving on you when you were dancing, but most importantly, they were trying to get you to get rid of Naruto and Sasuke, which you all knew wasn't going to happen. But the two boys would find a way to deal with them, sooner or later.

But that wasn't the only surprise. None of you knew that someone else was listening to your conversation. And they had heard everything.

(A/N: I'm dead schools killing my ass rn

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