40. Hang Out

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Resting on your side, you scrolled through your
phone, waiting for Sasuke to arrive. For the next couple of days, your father would be out on a business retreat, which would hopefully get him to loosen up a bit.

And to keep yourself from the inevitable boredom and loneliness of being home alone, you invited Sasuke over. You would invite Naruto too, but he was spending time with his family, celebrating his Dad's birthday.

So that just left you and Sasuke alone. The last time you two were alone, some interesting stuff happened...you couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen today.

A knock at the front door pulled you out of your thoughts. You walked over to the window, seeing that it was Sasuke. Opening the window, you called out to him. "The front door's unlocked!"

He nodded, before entering your home, and you closed the window, going back to your room. You fixed yourself up, before sitting back on your bed.

"Uhm, (y/n)? Where are you?" Sasuke called from downstairs, looking around.

"I'm in my room!" You replied, scrolling through your phone and pretending to act casual, even though you could feel your heart racing.

Opening the door to your room, Sasuke stepped inside, his hands stuffed in his pocket. He greeted you with a simple "Hey."

"Hey." You looked up from your phone, smiling at him. Unsure what to do with himself, he pulled your chair from your desk, sitting on it.

There was a heavy silence, and you forgot how quiet Sasuke could be. You normally had to make conversation with him anyways. "So, how's it going?"

"I'm fine. Naruto told me about your date with him. He's been going on and on, I haven't been able to get him to stop. It's so annoying." That managed to get your attention.

Oh god, did Naruto tell him about the hand job? It wouldn't be surprising, considering that they're super close, and the fact they had sex and that Naruto can't keep his big mouth shut.

"That's cute. What did he say?" You asked with a nervous smile, noticing how Sasuke's eyes darkened, a small smirk crossing his features. "He told me about how you two went to the arcade and hung out and...other things."

You felt your face and body get hot, watching Sasuke get to his feet. The next thing you know, he was pressing his lips to yours, kissing you roughly. You kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck, letting his hands travel over your body.

Things escalated quickly, and he slipped a hand into your underwear, playing with your clit. You moaned against his lips, bucking into his hand, before you stopped yourself, pulling away.

Sasuke looked confused with the interruption, his eyebrows furrowed. "W-wait. You've always been doing this stuff for me, I want to try something else first."

You slipped down in between his legs, moving off the bed. He spread them further, making room for you. His cock was pressing against his pants, seeming almost painfully hard.

Unzipping his zipper and pulling down his boxers, you eyed his cock, before looking back up at him, licking your lips. He smirked back down at you, giving you a reassuring nod.

You pressed an experimental kiss to his tip, opening your mouth wide enough to fit him in, and slowly, moving further and further down his length. This was much different than you imagined it to be. The smells, the tastes, everything.

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