13. Money Buys Everything

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Sasuke watched as Naruto laughed, texting something on his phone. It had been three days and you still refused to talk with him. You didn't even take up Naruto's offer of going to Ichiraku's. And now, you were taking everything from him, including his best friend.

"Can you shut that off?" The Uchiha asked with lots of irritation.

Naruto snickered, turning off his phone and placing it face down on the table. He could tell how pissed he was that you were completely ignoring him. It seemed like everything had reversed, because for once, a girl was giving Naruto more attention than Sasuke, and he couldn't be happier. "She's still ignoring you?"

"Shut up, okay? It just happened and..." Sasuke muttered. It seemed that the people in his life that he cared for always had the same pattern of choosing someone else over him. First his parents with Itachi, and now you, with Naruto. He couldn't take it.

He shouldn't have talked to you that way. He knew he shouldn't. He still remembered the furious expression on your face, how you looked at him, almost with utter hatred...it hurt. It hurt him a lot.

"How- how do you get her to like you so much?" Sasuke questioned quietly. But Naruto didn't return the favor.

He burst out laughing, further annoying his companion. "You, Sasuke Uchiha, need my help with girls? Oh, this is great, believe it!"

"Just shut up and tell me okay?" Sasuke hissed. Naruto continued laughing, brushing away some tears, then taking a breath and calming himself.

"Just, don't be a jerk. And apologize, y'know? It's pretty easy. Well, for me at least." The blonde explained, shrugging. He knew how hard it was for Sasuke to be vulnerable, show his emotions, and apologize when he did wrong.

It wasn't his fault, it was just something in the way he was raised. There was something about the Uchihas that made them emotionally unavailable. Maybe it was how because of how rich they were, Naruto didn't know.


The next day, Sasuke forced himself to find you, so he could apologize. He didn't care if you hated him, he didn't care if you wanted him dead. All he wanted was for you to talk to him again. That's all. 

And then he saw you, standing outside of the art studio, speaking with that prick, Sai. He felt his fists ball up, but took a deep breath and calmed himself. 

"(Y/n), can we talk? In private?" Sasuke offered, glaring at Sai as he did so. With a sigh, you reluctantly left the other male, following Sasuke to the other end of the hallway.

"Listen, Sasuke. I don't know what you want from me, but I'm just going to let you know how I feel. I just- I- I think you can be such an ass sometimes. I mean, one second you hate me, the next you're mad that I'm spending my time with someone else. Could you at least make an effort to tell me what's going on inside your head, or say how you feel? Like, I barely know you. We're not even friends. I don't even know if you want to be friends. Just, please quit it with the emo boy routine and be general with me for one moment." You said, and for a second, you thought you went too far. For a second, you regretted it. But then, you remembered who you were talking to.

Oh how badly Sasuke just wanted to tell you how badly he wanted you, how badly he needed you. How he thought you were the most beautiful girl he's ever laid eyes on, how he needed to see you every day...but he couldn't. He couldn't say those things. He just couldn't bring himself to say it. He wasn't ready.

"I'm sorry for what I said. I was just angry, and I-I want to be friends, I guess." Sasuke explained, rubbing the back of his head, refusing to meet his eyes with yours.

For once, he was being sincere with you and telling you how he felt. And it was so much better. You liked this side of  Sasuke a lot more.

"I forgive you, I guess." You smiled, echoing his words.

"Wait, really?" He asked, shock clear in his voice.

"Yeah just, try to be more real with me, okay?" You gave his hand a little tap, knowing that he wasn't too fond of physical affection.

You turned away, leaving to class before Sasuke stopped you again. "One more thing. Would you like to um, go to the mall with me today? I just needed to buy some things and.."



So, after school, you spent a good part of the evening going to the mall with Sasuke. You stopped by a few shops here and there, even going to get something to eat at the food court.

"Is there any place you want to go?" He offered, watching you scarf down some junk food you brought from a candy store.

"Uh, I'd like to buy some clothes. I don't really have anything nice right now, and I want some new stuff." You answered. And so, the two of you went off to the department store.

After picking out a couple of clothes you liked, you went into the dressing room and changed into them. When you would come out to show the different outfits to Sasuke, he would either shake his head in disapproval or just stare at you. There was no in-between.

"How about this one?" You asked, exiting the room and twirling in the sundress you now wore. "Is it too dressy? I was just thinking I could save it for a special event or something."

Sasuke stopped and stared at you. Could you get any prettier? You were practically glowing in that, looking so radiant, so beautiful so-

"Sasuke? Sasuke? Helloooo?" Your voice snapped him from his daze. "What do you think?"

He just shrugged, not helping you make your decision in the slightest. With a sigh, you rested against the door frame, holding your arms and thinking to yourself.

"Maybe it just doesn't go along well, I mean, my face seems a little too bland for this dress." You murmured, holding your cheeks. Looking over at Sasuke, you gave him a lopsided smile.

You thought your face was bland? You must be blind or something. Sasuke wanted to say something, but, he couldn't find the right words to say it.

You're beautiful, you idiot.

Once you bought the outfits you wanted, you went over to pay, Sasuke volunteering to pay for you. "Consider it an apology."

"No, I don't care if it's an apology, I don't want you to pay!"' You protested.

"I'm still paying." He persisted, pulling a credit card out from his wallet. You wrestled with him a bit for him, but he still managed to keep it from you.

"Sasuke, it's my clothes and I should pay." You argued, tugging at his jacket and refusing to let go.

"Just let me do this for you." Let me take care of you.

"Ugh, you're such a pain in the ass. Fine!" You gave in, crossing your arms.

A sweet old lady who was working as a cashier came out, beginning to scan your clothes. You managed to make some small talk with her to keep yourself entertained.

"What a cute couple you two make." She complimented, making your cheeks flush almost instantly.

"Oh, we're just friends." You corrected.

"Oh, I see. My apologies." She said, bagging up the clothes.

Then, you felt Sasuke's hand brush against yours, taking it and intertwining his fingers between them. It took you a moment to realize what he was doing, only a moment. He was holding hands with you. Sasuke Uchiha was holding your hand.

You felt your face heat up even more. And it was like your whole body was on fire. Maybe this was just friendly. You didn't know, and you didn't ask. You just knew that he was holding your hand.

And your hands stayed glued to one another throughout the walk out of the mall, both your bodies shielding the contact from other strangers.

What a night. You felt your friendship with Sasuke changed a lot. Hopefully, for the better.

(A/N: Okay maybe Sasuke's okay haha

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